Linda Solomon
File:Https:// Linda-Solomon-dog-main-copy.jpg
American photojournalist and author
OccupationPhotojournalist, Author

Linda Solomon (birthdate) is an American photojournalist and author. She has also founded nationally award-winning educational programs, including the Pictures of Hope program. With the combined efforts of "Pictures of Hope" and "It's A SNAP"(Ms. Solomon's first educational photography program), over one million cameras have been donated to children.

A nationally recognized, award winning photojournalist and member of the exclusive and prestigious Michigan Journalism Hall of Fame, has divided her career between capturing the most famous personalities of our time and teaching teaching children and youth experiencing homelessness to express their innermost hopes and dreams through photography.

To add pictures, use this format: [[File:Photo.ext|thumb|Photo caption]]. ___ Photo TBD



Education? Started Ensure that the following sections are organized by year.[1]



“I’ve always been a natural light photojournalist. All of my portraits are captured with window light or outdoors when the time of day has that magic light. I know how to capture beauty in the most natural way. I’m sensitive. I look closely at someone’s face and select the most beautiful light. It’s always been just me and my camera. I do not work with an assistant. I keep everything simple… natural… real… and FUN. I know how to make people feel comfortable. I choose to capture someone in their own home or office or outdoors with nature. I look to reveal “heart” in every portrait. One of my favorite people, singer and artist Tony Bennett said, “Linda’s Got It!” ~ Linda Solomon



Brief career info here ___

Linda’s work focuses on the use of natural light. Linda Solomon’s work has been commissioned by many celebrities and featured in books such as Robert James Waller’s The Bridges of Madison County. __TBD: reference link, etc.__

Linda is known for her work capturing iconic stage performances. __TBD: reference link, etc

Celebrity Portraiture


Linda Solomon has photographed some of the most famous personalities of our time. Linda’s commissioned portraits are included in the collections of Aretha Franklin, Tony Bennett, Elizabeth Taylor, Norman Lear, award-winning lyricists Marilyn and Allan Bergman, Barbra Streisand, basketball legend Isiah Thomas, artist Al Hirschfeld, R.C. Gorman, Andrew Wyeth, actor Tim Allen, and more.
Some of Linda’s celebrity portraits available for purchase.

Notable Celebrities include (__List TBD__)

  • Tony Bennett (1926 – 2023) Photographs include __ “Linda’s got ‘it’—what a great artist!” – Tony Bennett, entertainer __ TBD links to that and references
  • Kim Novak (1933 –___)  Portraits appear in ____ . “I feel like I’ve known Linda all my life. She intuitively seems to know how to catch that déjà vu moment with her camera lens—giving the pictures a unique and special touch like no other.

She amazes me.” - Kim Novak __TBD info on this. References, etc.

  • Name here (birthdate – death) If notable, provide a brief single-line description. __ TBD links to that
  • Name here (birthdate – death) If notable, provide a brief single-line description. – maybe include info on where portraits used

Natural Light


Linda Solomon is known for her distinctive use of natural light. “I’ve always been a natural light photojournalist. All of my portraits are captured with window light or outdoors when the time of day has that magic light. I look to reveal “heart” in every portrait.” ~ Linda Solomon __TBD — some photos here ___

[If applicable] Legacy If any, describe. See Charles Darwin for an example.

Academy Awards


Linda photographed the Academy Awards for 32 years. She was both on the red carpet and in the exclusive Oscar Press Room. Her Oscar photo essays and retrospectives have been featured nationally on Good Morning America, CNN, CBS,
as well as in gallery exhibitions and museums. __TBD links to and references for photo essays

Aretha Franklin Archive


Does this needs a separate section? For documentation, etc?

Published works


Linda has authored, co-authored, or provided photography for numerous titles. She also writes articles for ____



Selection of Linda Solomon’s published works:

The Queen Next Door, 2019 [2] Learn more about the book

Jack & Jill: The miracle dog with a happy tail to tell, 2009 [3]

The Key, 2007 [4]

Mazel Tov: Celebrities’ Bar and Bat Mitzvah Memories, 2007 [5]

People we know, horses they love , 2004[6]



Include honors, decorations, awards, and distinctions in this section, if any. ___ TBD: what to include from longer website list; links to articles on those awards, etc.

See also


List related Wikipedia articles in alphabetical order. Common nouns are listed first. Proper nouns follow.

References/Notes and references

  1. ^ Last, first (date). Name of page. Page xx. Publisher: xxxx
  2. ^ Solomon, Linda. The Queen next Door: Aretha Franklin, an Intimate Portrait. 1st ed., Wayne State University Press, 2019.
  3. ^ Rappaport, J., & Solomon, L. (2009). Jack & Jill: The miracle dog with a happy tail to tell. HarperCollins
  4. ^ Solomon, L. (2007). Key: Celebrated people unlock their secrets to life. Stewart, Tabori & Chang.
  5. ^ Rappaport, J., & Solomon, L. (2007). Mazel Tov: Celebrities’ Bar and Bat Mitzvah Memories. Simon & Schuster.
  6. ^ Rappaport, J., & Wilkinson, W. (2004). People we know, horses they love. Rodale Press.

Further reading


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Linda Solomon Photography

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