Draft:Is the UK a country?

This page aims to discuss the recognition of the UK from a political, geographic and geopolitical point of view.

Geographic: According to geography, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland could be many things. It could be an island nations (similar to the Philippines, Indonesia and many other similar countries), or a nation of nations (composed of four nations [i.e: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland] that [when joined together] creates one nation). According to geography, there is no right answer. Here is why. Since geography heavily relies on politics to support anything stated in geography, it alone cannot define the UK.

Geopolitical: According to geopolitics, the UK could be many things. But do not worry. With this point of view, there is a more logical and obtainable answer. It could be one of the things that geography suggested it to be. But which one is the most logical. In order to answer that we will need to get an example.

The USSR (Soviet Union) was not a country but rather a union. This union contained many countries (i.e: Russia, Kazakhstan, etc) but is commonly misconcepted for being a country due to representations on maps that resemble the times before it collapsed. This could be the explanation for the UK. After all, it would be a more logical and simpler explanation than the UK being a nation of nations (causing a massive debate about the amount of countries). But, by that logic, the UK has a union inside it. Those don't exist, or do they. They do. These are called nested unions and there are many examples of them including the United Nations having a union inside it (the European Union). But what is to say that a country cannot be a union country? The most common reason for this is that there a no other examples of union countries.

Another note about the UK's politics is that the UK has a head (part of the) government that governs all of the UK. Then, from there, there are 2 branches (i.e: Great Britain, Northern Ireland) who govern there parts of the UK. And from Great Britain's branch, there are 3 branches (i.e: England, Scotland and Wales).

Political: According to the UK's politics, the UK is a nation of nations (i.e: Britain or England, Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland), of 2/4 nations, depending on your point of view.

Conclusion: There are 2 possibilities, the UK is a nation of nations or a union with a union inside it. The most logical one seems to be the latter however, the only confirmed one is the former, thus meaning the UK is an island nation and even if we found a way to find out all countries in the world, the nation of nations situation would make it indefinite.