Draft:Inadvertent Exposure to Classified Information


Inadvertent Exposure to Classified Data is the titular name of a ransom letter sent from someone calling themselves Dread Pirate Roberts and hacking crew ShinyHunters--sent to an unnamed group for ninety million Francs, published on the internet in June of 2024.

The ransom letter is noteworthy for it implicates and involves dozens of American and French political and military leaders, government agencies, and technology that have been in the public space for several years.

It is also noteworthy for, if it is to be believed, it ends any questions about UFO/UAP being anything other than a US Government disinformation campaign to hide an advanced flying system.

The ransom letter is addressed to the group that created the disinformation campaign and is hiding the technology.

The name Dread Pirate Roberts is a pseudonym used by previous cyber criminals, and ShinyHunters are a French based hacking crew famed for ransoming Ticketmaster in 2024.

Summary: Italic text In 2023 a book titled “Man Can’t Make This” was sent to European publishers. Written by a collection of staff from American and French political and military leaders, it is about a disinformation campaign waged to hide an American weapon system.

Publishers sent it to a French security and intelligence consultant group, who notified French DGSE and DST about its volumes of real, classified data.

The American FBI was notified and all copies were confiscated and an investigation into its authors was commenced by the American authorities.

Dread Pirate Roberts and ShinyHunters heard of the book, hunted for it, and claimed to have found seventy percent of the book but also information from the American investigating authority, the Inspector General of Intelligence Community.

They are blackmailing the unnamed American group with publishing the pieces of the book, the inspector general data, and a video documentary they claim validates much of the book’s allegations.

The ransom for this information is Ninety Million Francs.

The ransom note is fifty pages evidencing proof of knowledge and material. This is it.

The recipients of the ransom know what these following terms mean, the public may not.

Nodes of Noteworthy Data – Reader’s Guide to Inadvertent Exposure to Classified Data

By Chronology in Report

Kirckpatrick, Sean - Physicist and former Director of AARO. Kirkpatrick is suspected by the American IG-IC of potentially authoring portions of The Book.

AARO (all domain anomaly research office) - American government effort to elicit UFO/UAP sightings and reports from government employees with security clearances or under NDA’s. In architecture it is a “tar pit,” a malware that traps information and tracks the submitter.

UAP - Unidentified Aerial Apparatus. A designation by the US Government for things that fly that cannot be identified. It was created in anticipation of mass sightings.

DST - Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire. French State Police and Intelligence. French FBI.

Agora - A “Dark Web” marketplace for illegal goods and services.

Black Programs - A nickname for American and French defense programs funded under the “Black Budget” or classified defense budgets of both countries.

ISR - “Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance.” An “ISR Platform” is a spy plane. The Book stipulates a current, “evolved, legacy, high altitude/high speed” ISR platform plays an important role in the current understanding of UAP.

Frappe Rapide (“Quick Strike”) - The practice of ground Special Forces “distinguishing a close target” and “painting” this target for a surgical, on demand airstrike–usually in “denied airspace” and ideally without detection or attribution. The Book stipulates America possesses a flying machine whose speed enables this practice.

Laminar Flow - The science of, in this case, how air flows over and under a wing. How airplanes fly.

Supersonic Combustion Engine - An advanced form of jet propulsion that eliminates moving parts and increases speed and altitude by factors.

Aurora - The faux nom of a mythical American high speed high altitude flying machine.

Tic-tac - An internet meme referring to video of a strange shaped UAP, colloquially referred to as a “Tic tac” (capsule shaped American candy), and shot by American combat aircraft.

OTH - “Over The Horizon.” A reference, in this case, to a flying machine that communicates with its operators using satellite triangulation.

Unauthorized Disclosure - Information about government activities revealed without permission of authorities. The Book was categorized as an Unauthorized Disclosure by the United States Inspector General for Intelligence Community.

US IG-IC- American Inspector General for the Intelligence Community.

Reid, Harry (deceased) - American Senator from Nevada and long standing member of the American Senate’s Armed Services Committee. Also suspected by IG-IC of enabling staff into authoring portions of The Book.

Mille, Stephen - French Air Force General and Chief of General Staff. Also suspected by IG-IC of staff potentially authoring portions of The Book.

US SASC - United States Armed Services Committee. The chief oversight body for the American military and defense industry.

ShinyHunters - French based hacking crew. Author of the report. Fancy Bear - A Russian Intelligence hacking crew AP28 - Russia based criminal hacking crew EG Equation Group - Legendary (mythical?) CIA based hacking crew. Creator of Stuxnet, potential creator of Documentary that is a suspected Trojan Horse. Trojan Horse - A computer program, disguised as something else, designed to be downloaded voluntarily by a user, that then “captures” a system. Stuxnet - A famed Trojan Horse that destroyed Iran’s nuclear materials and energy infrastructure and still runs rampant.. SAP - Special Access Program. Highest of American Defense classification ratings. DGSE - Direction générale de la Sécurité extérieure. French Foreign Intelligence Agency TAO - Office of Tailored Access Operations. American Cyber Warfare agency. TechHo - Technology Hoard. The new phenomenon of Private and Public actors conspiring to hide technological innovations for personal gain. Nouveau Cermaqius - Exotic manufactured materials that have enormous heat tolerances and are developed for batteries and superconductors. Verre Au Hafnium - Hafnium Glass. Revolutionary high-heat tolerance conducting material. EMF - Electromagnetic radiation. Like Radar. EW - Electronic Warfare ECM - Electronic CounterMeasures AATIP - Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program. An American government program supposedly investigating UFO’s. The ransom and the book claim it was, in reality, an internal budget and audit agency seeking “hidden programs.” IP Fidelity - A term for an emergent phenomenon where highly educated, specialized security officers are assigned to shadow and “guard” an expression of Intellectual Property. SOCOM - United States Special Operations Command. SANDIA - Sandia National Laboratories. Home of America’s nuclear weapons programs, as well as advanced electromagnetic and power system weapons. Essaim de Nuages - SwarmClouds. The French (and now American) unexpressed aspirational doctrine that any conventional weapons system or fighting force could be overwhelmed by a fast moving, coordinated, “massive, square miles wide cloud of drones, consisting of independent swarms of drones, moving in high minus mach to hyper-mach speeds, in symphony.” Groom Lake - The geographic location of famed American Government test facility Area 51. OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer. Palmdale - Edwards Air Force Base, and host of campuses of American aerospace firms famed for advanced flying machines. Disruptive Threat - A weapon or technology that dramatically and unexpectedly changes the balances of power. Evolution Threat - The demonstration of an iterative technology. Exp., if one were to fly a Mirage past a first time observer of a combat aircraft, then one were to fly a Rafale past the same observer.