ImpactReel is a participatory video-based methodology developed by Dara Dillon and Romain Williams, researchers at The Inclusivity Institute for Better Data (IIBD). Launched in 2023, this innovative approach combines elements of Photovoice and the Most Significant Change (MSC) technique. ImpactReel is designed to empower marginalized and underrepresented communities by enabling individuals to document and share their personal narratives and experiences of significant change through video storytelling.



1. Background

2 Development

3. Methodology

4. Application




The concept of ImpactReel was conceived by Dara Dillon and Romain Williams, who identified a need for a more inclusive and expressive medium for participatory research and storytelling. Recognizing the limitations of traditional Photovoice in capturing the dynamic nature of personal experiences, they sought to integrate video as a medium to enhance narrative depth and emotional engagement.



ImpactReel was developed through a collaborative process involving researchers, community leaders, and representatives from diverse demographics. The methodology's framework was refined through pilot projects and feedback sessions, ensuring its adaptability to various community settings and its effectiveness in capturing a wide range of personal stories.



ImpactReel's methodology is centered around five key components:

Video Storytelling: Participants use accessible technology, such as smartphones, to create short videos narrating their personal experiences of change.

Inclusivity and Diversity: The approach prioritizes the representation and amplification of voices from marginalized groups.

Training and Empowerment: Participants receive training in basic videography, narrative storytelling, and ethical practices.

Participatory Selection: Using MSC techniques, participants collectively identify and select the most significant stories for wider sharing.

Community Engagement: The methodology fosters community discussions and engagements around the shared videos, promoting dialogue and understanding.



ImpactReel has been applied in various contexts, including community development, advocacy, social research, and educational projects. It has been particularly effective in giving voice to underrepresented groups and in influencing policy and decision-making by providing a vivid insight into community experiences.



The ImpactReel methodology has gained recognition for its innovative approach to participatory storytelling and research. It has facilitated a deeper understanding of community issues and has been instrumental in advocating for change. The methodology has been praised for its empowerment of individuals, allowing them to become active agents in narrating their own stories.



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Government of Australia. (2010, May 7). Most significant change. Archived from the original on May 10, 2012. Retrieved September 18, 2012.