File:Human acharya
Human Acharya
    • About Human Acharya**

Human Acharya is a Nepali singer-songwriter known for his contributions to the Nepali music industry. He gained recognition for his captivating melodies and heartfelt lyrics, which have resonated with audiences across Nepal and beyond.

    • Early Life and Education**

Acharya was born in 1999 AD in Biratnagar, Morang, Nepal. He attended Arniko School and later pursued a +2 And Bachlore in Business Management from Merryland College.

    • Career**

After completing his education, Acharya devoted himself to his passion for music. He emerged as a prominent figure in the Nepali music scene, blending traditional Nepali sounds with contemporary influences. Acharya's musical journey has been marked by numerous hits, including "Oi Nakkali," "Buhari Ko Khacho," and "Tinpaney," which have earned him widespread acclaim.

    • Philanthropy**

In addition to his musical pursuits, Acharya is known for his philanthropic efforts. He uses his platform to advocate for social causes and contribute to community development projects.

    • Notable Works**

- "Oi Nakkali" - "Buhari Ko Khacho" - "Tinpaney" - "Snapchatma" - "Sworga ki apsara" - "Saptarangi" etc.

    • Personal Life**

Acharya maintains a private personal life, with little information available about his personal affairs outside of his music career.

    • Legacy**

Human Acharya's contributions to Nepali music have left a lasting impact, inspiring aspiring musicians and resonating with audiences of all ages.