Draft:Guido Guidi Guerrera

Early Life and Education

Guido Guerrera was born on November 2, 1951, in Messina, Italy, He is an Italian journalist and writer.

Journalistic Career

After he graduated in Florence, Guerrera began his journalism career at a young age. At nineteen, he started working as a news reporter in Messina for the newspaper "L'Ora di Palermo." This launched a distinguished career spanning over three decades. He contributed to renowned Italian publications such as "La Nazione," "Il Giorno," and "Il Resto del Carlino," consistently focusing on Italian culture and traditions.

Esoteric Studies and Authorship

Guerrera's interests extend beyond traditional journalism. He is an expert in philosophical-esoteric studies, reflected in his published works on the subject, including: 1988 - Il libro dei rimedi magici (The Book of Magical Remedies) 1999 - L'Amore Tantrico (Tantric Love) 1990 - La Magia della Piramide (The Magic of the Pyramid) 1996 - Le stagioni della magia. I rituali magici dei cicli annuali (The   Seasons of Magic: The Magical Rituals of the Annual Cycles)

Friendship with Franco Battiato

A chance encounter in 1991 while working for the esoteric magazine "Il Giornale dei Misteri" significantly impacted Guerrera's life. He met the Italian singer-songwriter Franco Battiato at a concert in Florence. Their shared interest in esoteric studies and spirituality fostered a deep friendship. Guerrera's admiration for Battiato's work led him to write a biography, Franco Battiato. Un Sufi e la sua musica (Franco Battiato: A Sufi and His Music), published in 1994. This marked the beginning of a series of biographies on Battiato.

Hemingway Scholar and Literary Contributions

Guerrera's expertise extends beyond esotericism. He is a leading scholar in Italy on the life and works of Ernest Hemingway, having even met the literary icon. In 2002, Guerrera published A spasso con Papa Hemingway (Walking with Papa Hemingway), a tribute to Hemingway. The book was translated into Spanish as Paseando con papa Hemingway. His admiration for Hemingway is further evidenced by Io e Ernest: Pivano-Hemingway sul filo di un amore (Me and Ernest: Pivano-Hemingway on the Edge of Love), solidifying his position as a Hemingway authority.

Prolific Author and Diverse Bibliography

Guerrera is a prolific author with a bibliography encompassing a wide range of subjects beyond esotericism and Hemingway.  Some of his notable works include: 1997 - Voltafaccia: 32 personaggi famosi scrutati alla lente fisiognomica (About Face: 32 Famous People Examined Through Physiognomy) 1999 - Benigni, ragazzo di prato (Benigni, Boy from Prato), a biography of Italian actor Roberto Benigni 1998 - Tiziana Parenti: Forza Italia addio (Tiziana Parenti: Goodbye Forza Italia) 2007 - A Tavola con Maigret – Intrighi e Intingoli (At the Table with Maigret – Intrigues and Sauces), a tribute to the writer Georges Simenon 2008 - Vivere alla grande: galateo postmoderno di seduzioni e tentazioni (Living in Style: Postmodern Etiquette of Seduction and Temptation)

Culinary Exploration and Additional Works

Guerrera's passion for Italian cuisine goes beyond recipes. Several of his works explore the historical and cultural significance of traditional dishes, offering a perspective on Italy's culinary heritage.  These works include: 2000 - Galateo diabolico di piaceri divini. Metodi e regole di seduzione a tavola (Diabolical Etiquette of Divine Pleasures: Methods and Rules of Seduction at the Table)

