Draft:Epic Heros - Doom Patrol 2.0

Epic Heros is a free to play game avaliable on IOS and Android that allows players to summon heros and fight in either PVE (player vs environment) or PVP (player vs player) matches. The game allows for the users to create a union (like a clan in clash of clans) in order to group up and fight in PVP battles together.

Doom Patrol 2.0 was a union created by the user Mizari. This union quickly rose to the top of their region and dominated all PVP events with dedicated efforts of users; Bebe, Whodat, DontBlink and Mizari. Important players to note are the previous list along with Jojo, TrumpMAGA24, WarriorToasty, Pants and Slayerz.

What was once reffered to as the best union in their region (region 19) is now nothing more than a shell of what it used to be thanks to infighting and drama, many of the aforementioned key players have either quit the game or simply moved on to other unions.

DRAMA - The drama started when user Jojo "called out" user whodat for not allowing another union in a PVP battle to gain a high level reward that Doom Patrol 2.0 was unable to obtain due to already having obtained one during this event. User Jojo called whodat "shady" and threw names at him multiple times. The user gathered some allies around themself and proceeded to inject large amounts of drama to the leaders of the union in order to get whodat removed from the union. Whodat decided that they would leave rather than deal with the drama. User Pants was kicked from the union due to user Jojo accusing them of "wasting their attacks" during a PVP event. Sources close to the story say that the union was under guidance to not use attacks that would take out an enemy team unless everyone in the union had already completed six attacks and that Doom Patrol was winning by over 1000 pts in this event at the time of the alleged wasted attacks. User TrumpMAGA24 was at this time promoted to a leadership position as whodat had left a vacancy in the leadership hierarchy in doom patrol. User slayerz would also be promoted at this time. The two new leaders then voted to have pants kicked from the union without much proof beyond user Jojo saying that he was a "traitor" and a "rat". After this user Dontblink was next on user Jojo's power trip. Dontblink was removed as a leader due to the drama and user Jojo accusing blink of being a "traitor" and "helping" lost legion during a pvp event (the only evidence we have seen at doom new central is very circumstantial at best). User Bebe and Mizari allegedly stepped down due to the drama. This allowed for user Jojo to be promoted to a leadership position. At this time Jojo then (allegedly) asked for user WarriorToasty to be promoted to a leadership position as their was still a vacancy in the unions leadership. User WarriorToasty was promoted and (allegedly) there was a vote to kick user dontblink from the union. Dontblink was kicked from the union. WarriorToasty was in a leadership position for a short amount of time and sources close to the drama say that they left the union and blocked everyone. User whodat went to a union called Lost Legion. User WArriorToasty went to a union called anarchy along with a few other members of doom. User Slayerz soom left the union heading to Eternal Legends. Users TrumpMAGA24 and Jojo are presumed to have quit the game as they are currently not assigned to a union and have left doom patrol 2.0. User dontblink appears to have gotten their spot back in Doom Patrol 2.0 as of today.

Aftermath - Many big players have left a power vacuum in region 19, along with Doom Patrol 2.0 taking a large hit in their ability to project power. This story is still developing and will be updated as news comes out. This is Doom Patrol News Central, tune in for all your region 19 related breaking stories and drama.

