Draft:Epic Ballad: Rise of Heroes

Epic Ballad: Rise of Heroes


"Epic Ballad: Rise of Heroes" is a casual idle card game developed by Nexgen Entertainment Inc., released on February 24, 2024, for both iOS and Android platforms. In the game, players engage in various challenges through strategic placement of cards and real-time operations. It features competitive modes including 1v1, Room Mode, and a Battle Royale Mode involving a multitude of players.

The Worldview of "Epic Ballad: Rise of Heroes"


In the abyss of time, the gods forged a world of beauty and peace, a paradise bathed in light where all things and beings flourished under divine protection, thriving endlessly. Yet, beneath the surface, the seeds of greed, desire, envy, and hatred hidden in the hearts of beings sprouted subtly, giving birth to demons—evil entities that revel in destruction and slaughter. Like a plague of the night, they eroded this sacred world, casting a shadow of death and ruin across the land.

Finally, the bells of fate tolled, and a great war between gods and demons erupted, unleashing an unprecedented cataclysm. Led by the four main deities of fire, water, wind, and lightning, the gods engaged in a long and brutal struggle against the demon lords and their malevolent forces. The heavens and the earth were filled with wails and roars; centuries of warfare exacted a toll beyond imagination. Ultimately, the gods emerged victorious, albeit at the cost of all their divine power, but it was a pyrrhic victory—they lacked the strength to completely annihilate the demons and could only seal their leaders within a massive crystal. The descendants of the gods were tasked with guarding this fragile seal, preventing the resurgence of evil.


As time flowed on, millennia vanished in a blink. Civilizations rose anew across this world, forgetting the scars of war. Races and nations formed, each worshiping a main god and practicing corresponding divine powers. However, as the seal's strength waned, demonic forces began to leak quietly, spreading to every corner of the world. This evil not only spawned countless monsters but also possessed a terrifying ability to corrupt the minds of beings, transforming them into demonic slaves.

Now, the guardians of the seal are exerting their utmost efforts to reinforce it, but the clash of forces has twisted time and space, with unknown substances flowing in or out of the fissures. The shadow of demons looms over the world once again. Will they take over this land? Will new heroes emerge, like the ancient gods, to lead beings in resistance against the demonic invasion?

Faction Settings


In the game, there are four different elemental factions of heroes: Water, Fire, Wind, and Electricity. Each element has 12 heroes. Heroes of different elements counter each other: Heroes of Electricity counter those of Wind and are countered by those of Water; Fire heroes counter Water heroes and are countered by Wind heroes; Wind heroes counter Fire heroes and are countered by Electricity heroes; Water heroes counter Electricity heroes and are countered by Fire heroes.

Aquatic Series: Guardians of the Abyss
Water Elemental Ice Archer Glacier Explorer In the flow of time, the Aquatic Series emerged with the world at the first light of dawn. Originating from the deep oceans and winding rivers, water is not just the source of life but also a symbol of change and adaptability. The civilization of the Aquatic Series, from its initial trickles to the vast ocean it became, nurtured a society both gentle and powerful. They revered the power of water, learned to dance with it, and utilized its nurturing, healing, and protective nature to establish a world of harmonious coexistence.

When the shadow of demons quietly encroached, attempting to disrupt this harmony, the guardians of the Aquatic Series displayed their resilience and courage. Through a profound understanding and control of the water element, they turned vulnerability into strength, using the fluidity and adaptability of water as weapons against the evil invasion. They purified lands tainted by dark forces with the wisdom of water, protecting all beings from harm. Through the long years and unceasing struggles, the people of the Aquatic Series not only preserved their homeland but also forged a legend of persistence and victory.

Thanks to the efforts of countless generations, the society of the Aquatic Series has become more prosperous and stronger. Their culture is deeply rooted in a reverence and understanding of water, from art to technology, from philosophy to daily life, the element of water is everywhere, becoming an indispensable part of their civilization.

Water God Priest Walrus King Ice Phoenix
Templar Commander Aphrodite Merman Prince
Fire Series: The Legacy of Flames
Lava Worm Inferno Ranger Mercenary Chief In a corner of the world, the Fire Series was born from flowing lava and fierce flames, drawing strength from the initial spark to grow into a society that is both intensely hot and full of vitality. Fire, as a symbol of transformation and rebirth, has endowed the Fire Series with endless passion and an indomitable will. They idolize the aesthetics of strength, transforming the destructive nature of fire into a source of creativity for forging weapons, buildings, and art, thus creating a civilization that is both resilient and flexible.

As time moved forward, the ancestors of the Fire Series discovered the duality of fire—it can bring warmth and light but also cause destruction and disaster. This realization deeply rooted in their culture and philosophy, inspiring the people of the Fire Series to learn how to control and guide the power of fire in their struggle against darkness, turning it into a blade to protect their homes and expel enemies.

When the shadow of demons began to invade the world, the guardians of the Fire Series faced their trial. They had to confront not only external threats but also internal challenges, learning to tame the wild power of flames to prevent it from spiraling out of control. Through countless battles and sacrifices, the guardians of the Fire Series demonstrated their profound understanding and skilled control of fire, weaving a halo of protection and hope with flames.

After years of refinement, the society of the Fire Series has become more mature and stronger. They have achieved revolutionary progress in technology and undergone a transformation in spirit, incorporating a reverence for and mastery over flames into every aspect of life. The people of the Fire Series, with their courage, creativity, and steadfast belief in the future, have become a strong force in resisting demonic powers and maintaining the balance of the world.

Fire Temple Bishop Spear of Judgment Fire Temple Priest
Rock Behemoth Hestia
Wind Series: The Call of Freedom
At the inception of the world's breath, the Wind Series gently came into being with the first breeze of the morning. Born from the vast skies and lofty mountain peaks, the wind is not merely moving air; it symbolizes freedom, change, and limitless possibilities. The civilization of the Wind Series, like the wind itself, drifts between worlds, intangible yet omnipresent, forming a society that is both free and vibrant. They learned to listen to the wind's voice, understand its language, dance with it, and mastered the ability to harness the wind's power for navigation, communication, and exploration.

As time passed, the ancestors of the Wind Series discovered that the wind's lightness and unpredictability bestowed upon them unique perspectives and abilities to respond to nature's challenges and external threats with the speed and wisdom of the wind. When the shadow of demons began to spread, threatening the world's peace and balance, the guardians of the Wind Series unveiled their distinct strength.

Utilizing the element of wind, the guardians of the Wind Series became protectors of the world with unmatched speed and flexibility. With the power of the wind, they moved through the battlefield like invisible phantoms, repelling evil with the wings of the wind, safeguarding every piece of land and being. In the ongoing struggle and challenges, they continuously learn and adapt, weaving the wind's spirit of freedom and changeability into their tactics and way of life.

Electrical Series: The Light of Faith
Within a community united by the power of faith in electricity, the members of the Electrical Series are defined not merely by their social structure but by the true strength that manifests through their shared goals and challenges. Their profound understanding and application of electricity are not just parts of life but key weapons against the darkness encroaching. As the shadow of demons quietly spreads to every corner of the world, the people of the Electrical Series gather their technology and wisdom to construct an indestructible shield of lightning.

With the relentless disturbance of demonic forces, the seers and tech masters of the Electrical Series invented advanced electrical weapons and defense systems. They created barriers with power grids and lightning towers to keep the demonic invasions at bay. Amidst thunder and lightning, the warriors of the Electrical Series moved through the battlefield like lightning itself, their speed and power becoming the spearhead in the resistance against demons.

In this enduring battle, the Electrical Series showed extraordinary courage and creativity. They not only resisted direct attacks from demons but also used the power of electricity to counterattack, striking at the heart of demonic nests and undermining their core strength. Every victory served as proof of the Electrical Series' faith and technology, as well as a testament to their indomitable spirit.

As time progressed, the reputation of the Electrical Series spread far and wide. They protected their homeland and became an example for other factions to learn and emulate. Illuminated by the light of electricity, the people of the Electrical Series stood united, proving with their wisdom and strength that even in the face of the darkest demons, light and hope never fade.

Main Interface Map


The Main Interface Map serves as the starting point and sanctuary for players, embodying a realm filled with magic and peace. Each time players enter the game, they find themselves in this safe area, a serene space far removed from the clamor of battle. Here, players are free to explore without the worry of combat interruptions.

Within the Main Interface Map, players can view and manage vital information about their characters. This includes not only key data such as the character's level, the amount of currency held, and combat power, but also serves as the cornerstone for strategic planning and progression. Through this interface, players can quickly grasp their current status, making informed decisions for their upcoming adventures.

Furthermore, the Main Interface Map offers gateways to every corner of the game world. Whether it's seeking out special map entrances for new challenges, participating in a variety of daily activities, nurturing and upgrading heroes, or shopping in the store, the Main Interface Map is the central hub for these activities. Each icon and entrance marks the beginning of deep interaction with the game world, leading players into meticulously designed scenes to enjoy the game's delights.

Eternal Sanctuary


Nestled within ancient woods, the Eternal Sanctuary stands as a mystical passageway connecting the past with the future, the ordinary with the legendary. Here, ancient summoning pedestals engraved with the runes of heroes through the ages await players to use summoning tickets to awaken their dormant powers. Ordinary summons unveil the initial chapters of heroes, advanced summons touch the souls of heroes, and mysterious summons might open the rare gateways to top-tier heroes. In the Eternal Sanctuary, every summon is a dialogue with destiny, an exploration of the epic saga of heroes.

Miracle Box


Hidden within the fissures of time and space, the Miracle Box gathers endless wonders and opportunities. In this mystically radiant place, players can draw from magical items, with the chance to unlock premium items or heroes favored by fate. Each opening is a venture into the unknown, where the rewards are not just rare artifacts but also essential powers for the journey ahead. Before the Miracle Box, every draw tests the player's courage and destiny.

Elemental Market


The Elemental Market, the bustling heart of the game world, serves as the central marketplace for players to make purchases and exchanges. It gathers a variety of rare items and hero fragments, allowing players to navigate through lively stalls using gold or special currency to find the necessary materials or fragments. The market is not only a platform for material transactions but also a venue for the exchange of wisdom and strategies among players. Every transaction could be a critical step on the path to victory.

Peak Hall


The Peak Hall, a hall of heroes' contention and glory, records the achievements and honors of players within the game world. Whether it's level challenges, power enhancements, or arena competitions, every accomplishment is permanently commemorated here. The names and glories of players hang high in the Peak Hall, motivating every adventurer to keep moving forward, surpass themselves, and climb to new heights.

Divine Temple


The Divine Temple is a sacred place where heroes undergo power sublimation and star level enhancement. Here, players consume specific materials to upgrade their heroes' star levels, with each advancement significantly enhancing the hero's strength, skills, and attributes. The Divine Temple is not only a boost to the heroes' capabilities but also a test of the player's strategic layout. Each star upgrade represents a far-reaching investment towards future victories.

Eternal Alliance


The Eternal Alliance is a guild system where players support each other and grow together. Within this system, players can join a guild and work with the guild leader and members to complete tasks, share resources, and combat formidable enemies together. The guild provides a platform for teamwork and communication, serving as a haven for players to find belonging and friendship in the game world. Under the banner of the Eternal Alliance, every member is a steadfast pursuer of common goals and dreams.

Resonance Tower


The Resonance Tower is a place for power balance and enhancement. Players place their lower-level heroes here, and through the tower's mysterious resonating force, the levels and strengths of these heroes are aligned. This is an excellent choice for enhancing combat power and optimizing team configuration, as well as a testament to the heroes' collective growth.

Forgotten Formation


The Forgotten Formation is not only a sacred site for disassembling lower-level heroes but also possesses the magical power to reset higher-level heroes to their initial state. In this place filled with ancient magic, players can choose to put their carefully nurtured heroes through a "Hero Reset" ritual. After the reset, heroes will return to their initial level 1 state, and all materials consumed in past upgrades will be returned to the player.

This function offers unparalleled flexibility and strategic depth for players. Whether they are satisfied with a hero's journey or wish to explore new strategic possibilities, the Forgotten Formation can help them recover resources and re-plan the composition of their hero team. With the aid of the Forgotten Formation, every hero has the opportunity for rebirth, and every resource can be maximized, opening the door to new strategies and adventures for players.



https://apps.apple.com/us/app/epic-ballad-rise-of-heroes/id6477511600 https://epicballad.com/#/