
Eferio is a company with a rich history of innovation and transformation in the telecommunications and technology sectors. It has undergone several iterations since its inception, evolving from a specialized consultancy in billing systems for mobile network operators to a venture focusing on supporting early-stage innovators in Africa.


Eferio 1.0 Eferio AB was founded in 2007 in Malmö, Sweden, as an intrapreneurial project within Seavus AB. The founders, Richard Murbeck and Vlatko Kotevski, aimed to create a specialized company dedicated to integrating, developing, and supporting billing systems for mobile network operators. Eferio's first major client was Tele2 Europe, which catalyzed its growth to 70 specialist consultants. The success of Eferio led to its name change to SeavusEferio AB before it was fully integrated into Seavus as its telecom division. This division laid the groundwork for what is today known as the Qinshift Telecom, Media, and Technology division, led by Kocha Boshku, the former CEO of Seavus.

Eferio 2.0 In 2012, a pivotal moment occurred when Richard Murbeck led a buy-out of Gigamarket Ltd in Malta, marking the beginning of Eferio 2.0. With its focus on Android app store and bookstore technology, the company was rebranded as Eferio Ltd. Under Murbeck's leadership as the CEO and sole owner, the company later moved to Malmö, Sweden, and was renamed Eferio Edge AB. However, this iteration of the company was eventually liquidated, with all assets sold.

Eferio 3.0 Eferio experienced a rebirth in 2017, with its founding in Copenhagen by Richard Murbeck and Jørgen Gransøe as Eferio Holding ApS. This new venture aimed to establish a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) group in Africa, securing a license in Kenya in 2019 to operate as Eferio Kenya Limited and obtaining a Mobile Network Operator (MNO) license in Malawi in 2022 under the name Malcel Plc. In addition to these endeavors, the assets and the investments made into the telecom sector by Eferio Holding ApS will be part of the portfolio for Eferio 4.0, ensuring a continuity of vision and leveraging past achievements for future success.

Eferio 4.0 The latest transformation of Eferio marks the beginning of Eferio 4.0, under the leadership of Jørgen Gransøe and a newly recruited team. In the summer of 2023, Eferio pivoted towards investing in the digital future of Africa, supporting early-stage innovators from inception through Series pre-A to B funding. This move embodies Eferio's role not just as investors but as partners to digital pioneers, focusing on raising a fund to actualize their vision of empowering digital innovation in Africa. The evolution into Eferio 4.0 also signifies the end of the founder Richard Murbeck's journey as the main leader and the operational driver of the Eferio projects as he moves on to other ventures but remains as one of the largest shareholders, continuing to support the company's vision from a strategic standpoint. Eferio 4.0 continues to build on the legacy of its founders while adapting to the evolving needs of the continent's technological landscape.

Impact and Vision Eferio's journey from a specialized billing system consultant to a pivotal investor in Africa's digital future highlights its adaptability and commitment to fostering innovation. Each iteration of Eferio reflects a strategic pivot to meet the emerging challenges and opportunities within the telecommunications and technology sectors, particularly in Africa. As Eferio 4.0 embarks on its journey, its focus on supporting early-stage innovators is poised to contribute significantly to the digital transformation of the continent, aligning with its vision of being more than investors - but true partners in innovation.

