Edge Tech Scientific Pvt. Ltd.

Company Type: Private

Industry: Semiconductor, Nanotechnology, Materials

  • Founded: 2006
  • CEO: Mr Rajeev Singhal
  • Headquarters: New Delhi, India


Edge Tech Scientific Pvt. Ltd. specializes in sales, marketing, distribution, and customer support for equipment and materials in semiconductors, MEMS, nanotechnology, and photovoltaic applications. The company operates out of its headquarters in New Delhi and caters to a wide range of clients across India.

Products and Services:

- Semiconductor Equipment: Process and characterization tools for semiconductor applications.

- Nanotechnology: Equipment for processing, engineering, and characterization.

- Materials: Diverse equipment for material applications.

Alliances and Partnerships:

Edge Tech collaborates with various international companies, bringing advanced technologies and solutions to the Indian market.

Clientele and Market Reach:

Serving a broad spectrum of clients including academic institutions, research labs, and industrial enterprises, Edge Tech is recognized for its reliable products and comprehensive support services.

Notable Projects and Achievements:

Edge Tech has been involved in numerous significant projects, contributing to advancements in semiconductor and nanotechnology fields within India. They offer customized solutions and maintain a strong focus on customer satisfaction and technological excellence.