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Yamanashi Campground Girl Disappearance Case

Yamanashi Campground Female Child Disappearance Case (Yamanashi Campsite Jojo Shisō Jiken) was a campsite in Doshi Village, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture on September 21, 2019 (the first year of Reiwa). A girl A who was in the first grade of elementary school at the time[Note 1]The case where she went missing. The death of the girl was confirmed on May 14, 2022 (Reiwa 4), two years and eight months after the incident occurred. Since the girl lives in Narita City, Chiba Prefecture, it is also called the "Narita Girl Missing Case". Police are investigating both incidents and accidents.

Overview On September 21, 2019, 27 people from 7 families who met through a child-rearing circle came to visit the "Tsubakiso Auto Campsite" in Doshi Village. We arrived at the campsite around 12:15 p.m. At around 3:35 p.m., nine people went to play in a stream about 150 meters away, and a girl (hereinafter referred to as "A") followed alone around 40 minutes. An adult picked them up 10 minutes later, but it turned out that A was not there around 16 o'clock.

Contacted the police around 5 p.m. Police and firefighters began a search, but failed to find it, and ended the day's search at 10 p.m. After the next day, the Self-Defense Forces and search volunteers joined in, and a total of about 1,700 people searched 15 kilometers east to west and 8 kilometers north to south, but no clues were found, and the Yamanashi Prefectural Police terminated a large-scale search on October 6 of the same year.

Since then, police have been searching, and A's family has been disseminating information through leaflets, websites, and various SNS, and a lot of information has been received[2][3].

Later, on April 23, 2022, two years and seven months after his disappearance, a man who was searching for volunteers found a human bone believed to be the back of a child's head in a nearby mountain[4]. Three days later, on April 26, as a result of searching the vicinity again, in addition to human bones of multiple parts including the shoulder blades, athletic shoes that match the characteristics of those worn by A at the time of his disappearance[5], socks[6], and high-neck shirts were found one after another.

And as a result of DNA testing on the discovered human bones, first on May 12, mitochondrial DNA typing of human bones, which seems to be the occipital head that was first discovered, announced that "there is no contradiction in the existence of maternal kinship"[7]。 Two days later, on May 14, DNA testing of the bone that seemed to be the scapula discovered on May 4 confirmed that the detected DNA type matches that of A, and the judicial autopsy results Based on the doctor's finding that the scapula is essential for life support, "A is judged dead"[8] 。 Oddly enough, this day was the day after his 10th birthday.[9] However, the cause of death has not been determined[10], and investigations are still ongoing from both the accident and the incident.

Search information Search September 21–23 Police and firefighters searched an area about 6 kilometers east and west of the campsite.

September 24 (day 4 of the search) In addition to helicopters, drones were also flown to search. At the request of the village, the Yamanashi Prefectural Police requested the dispatch of the Self-Defense Forces.

September 25 (day 5 of the search) After receiving a disaster dispatch request from Yamanashi Prefecture, 175 members of the Self-Defense Forces joined the search. A search system of about 290 people, including the prefectural police and fire departments. Many more volunteers also arrived.

September 27 (7th day of the search) There are about 270 people, including police and the Self-Defense Forces. The search area gradually moved westward. Check all the areas around the campsite so that you don't miss any places you once searched.

28 September (8th day of search) The Ground Self-Defense Force withdraws.

September 30 (10th day of the search) A total of about 1,400 people searched for him during the 10 days until the 30th, but there were no clues, and the Yamanashi Prefectural Police released a photo of A's face. The parents, who said they could not rule out the possibility that they were involved in the incident, responded to an interview at the campsite and called for information.

6 October (16th day of the search) The Yamanashi Prefectural Police judged that it was unlikely that they were in the vicinity and announced that they would disband the local command headquarters and terminate the search. He has requested information from the whole country as a singular missing person, and will continue to investigate the possibility that he may have been involved in the incident. Chief Otsuki said, "We searched with the best possible force, but we could not find it."[11]

Subsequent May 2021 Leaflets with the characteristics of A were distributed at the campsite at the site, etc., and information was called for the provision of information to see if there were any children with similar appearances, such as whether there was any dashcam video left at that time[12].

2021年7月 山梨県警察本部は新たに情報提供を求める動画を作成、YouTubeの山梨県警察公式チャンネルで公開を始めた[13]。

2021年9月 行方不明から2年。警察が改めて行方不明となった現場の捜索活動を行うも新たな手がかりは見つからなかった。警察やAの母親はキャンプ場や周辺地域にてAに関する情報提供を呼びかけるチラシを配布し引き続き情報の提供を呼びかけた[2]。

2021年12月 行方不明から2年3カ月。Aの母親と山梨県警が現場となったキャンプ場や付近の道の駅にて情報提供を求めるチラシを配布した[14]。

2022年4月 2022年4月23日、Aが行方不明となったキャンプ場から600mほど離れた場所で人の頭の骨と思われるものが発見され[15]、同月26日から捜索が開始された[16][17]。その後、現場周辺からは子供用の靴(瞬足と書かれていた)・片方の靴下・ハイネックシャツや、肩甲骨を始めとする複数の部位の人骨が相次いで発見された[18]。

2022年5月 12日、同年4月23日に発見された白骨死体についてミトコンドリアDNA鑑定を実施した結果、女児と母親との血縁関係に矛盾はないと発表した[15]。ただし、この時点では個人を特定できるだけの核DNAが検出されず[19]、ミトコンドリア鑑定は個人の特定が不可能なため、行方不明の女児とは断定できなかった[9][19]。5月14日、同月4日に新たに発見された白骨をDNA鑑定した結果、白骨死体は行方不明の女児の遺体と特定された[9]。その後も警察は移動したルート、死因を特定できておらず、事件と事故両面で捜査継続した[20]。

2022年7月 1日、山梨県警は捜索を終了した[21]。

誹謗中傷 刑事事件 / 逮捕者 Aの母親に対して根拠のない疑いを向け、インターネット上で誹謗中傷を行う者もおり、以下のように逮捕者も発生している。

自称投資家(名誉毀損) 静岡県熱海市の69歳の自称投資家の男がAの母親の顔写真をブログに掲載し「育児疲れからAちゃんを自宅で殺し悪天候を利用し行方不明を企て、募金詐欺をした殺人事件」などと書き込み名誉棄損の疑いで逮捕され[22]、2020年11月4日に起訴された[23]。2021年2月25日の初公判で男は「名誉毀損なんてこれっぽっちも思ってない」「書いて何が悪いんだ」と起訴内容を否認した[24] 。2021年11月25日、千葉地裁で求刑公判が行われ、検察側は「悪質で被害結果は重大」として懲役1年6月を求刑した。論告で検察側は「(Aの母親を)中傷し、ブログ閲覧者の興味を引こうとした」と指摘。Aが行方不明になったことで精神的打撃を受けたAの母親に対し、「さらに精神的打撃を与えた」と述べた。弁護側は「被告人によってなされたという証明が不十分」として無罪を主張。被告人が行っていた場合でも「社会的評価を直接的に低下させるものではない」などと執行猶予付きの判決を求めた[25]。



自称とび職(脅迫) 静岡県函南町の31歳の自称とび職の男がAの母親のフェイスブックのアカウントに「お前が犯人だろ。殺すぞお前」「殺しに行くぞ」などの電子メッセージを送信し、脅迫した疑いで逮捕された[28]。2020年10月19日、千葉地裁は「根拠のない情報に接し、身勝手な憤りから犯行に及んでおり、酌むべき事情は何もなく、内容も陰湿」「前科がなく、罪を認めていることなどを考慮すれば執行猶予が相当」として懲役6ヶ月、執行猶予3年(求刑懲役6ヶ月)の有罪判決を言い渡した[29]。

民事訴訟 Aの母親に対してのSNS、匿名掲示板などを利用した誹謗中傷は止むことはなく、2021年4月20日に記者会見を開き、ツイッターで「母親が犯人」「こいつがクロ」などの投稿、Aに関する卑わいなツイートなどで中傷を受けたとして、ツイッター社に発信者情報の開示請求を求める訴訟を東京地裁に起こした。ツイッター以外に、匿名掲示板やブログ、コミュニティアプリなどの中傷投稿についても、発信者の特定を進めている[30]。


2021年8月2日 インターネット上のブログの記事で中傷されたとして、Aの母親が大阪市内のプロバイダー事業者に投稿者情報の開示を求めた訴訟の判決で、大阪地裁は氏名や住所などの開示を命じた。裁判官は「記事で原告の名誉権が侵害されたことは明らかだ」と述べた[32]。

2021年11月17日 動画配信サイト「ツイキャス」にて中傷を受けたとしてAの母親が運営会社に投稿者情報の開示を求めた裁判にて東京地裁は「投稿は真実でなく権利侵害と認められる」として情報の開示を命じた[33]。

2022年4月11日 元ボランティア男性が起こしていた裁判で、被告による最高裁への上告が却下され、被告に賠償責任を認めた高裁判決が確定した[34]。被告はAの母親への誹謗中傷で逮捕された男。

脚注 [脚注の使い方] 注釈 ^ a b 女児Aは2012年(平成24年)5月13日生まれ(7歳没)[1]。 出典 ^ “Aさん10歳誕生日 母「一緒に過ごしたい、言葉にならない」”. 朝日新聞社 (2022年5月14日). 2022年5月14日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2022年5月19日閲覧。 ^ a b "Yamanashi Doshi Village Campsite Girl Unknown 2 Years Searched No Clues". NHK News. Japan Broadcasting Corporation. Archived from the original on 29 April 2022. Retrieved November 7, 2021. ^ "New Year's Eve with my daughter reminds me... Yamanashi girl unknown, mother "this is the year"". Asahi Shimbun Digital. (December 28, 2020) Retrieved 6 February 2021. ^ "Human bones on the side of a mountain road in Doshimura, Yamanashi, 19 years old girl missing, related investigation". Kyodo Communications. (April 26, 2022) Retrieved 14 May 2022. ^ "Yamanashi finds shoes similar to unknown girl on right foot side, manufacturer matches". Kyodo Communications. (April 28, 2022) Retrieved 14 May 2022. ^ "The socks are also child-sized, similar to Doshimura A's". Kyodo Communications. (April 30, 2022) Retrieved 14 May 2022. ^ "Skull of a child found in Doshi Village, Yamanashi Prefecture 'kinship' with mother of missing girl". YBS Yamanashi Broadcasting. (May 12, 2022) Retrieved 14 May 2022. ^ "Mr. A is judged dead with DNA type matching of scapula, Yamanashi Prefectural Police". Kyodo Communications. (May 14, 2022) Retrieved 15 May 2022. ^ a b c "Bones found in Doshi Village, Yamanashi, Determined to be an unknown girl by DNA type". Mainichi Newspaper (May 14, 2022). Archived from the original on 14 May 2022. Retrieved 14 May 2022. ^ "Yamanashi Prefectural Police 'Unknown Girl Judged Dead' DNA Type Matches Scapula Found in Doshi Village Mountains". Tokyo Shimbun (May 14, 2022). Archived from the original on 17 May 2022. Retrieved 17 May 2022. ^ "Yamanashi search for missing girl terminated nationwide information search". Sankei Shimbun. (October 6, 2019) Retrieved 10 August 2021. ^ "Mother of missing (girl's name) distributes leaflets in Doshi Village, Yamanashi Prefecture to call for information". UTY TV Yamanashi. (May 3, 2021) Retrieved 12 May 2021. ^ “山梨 道志村のキャンプ場で不明 女児の情報求め県警が動画公開”. NHK. (2021年7月13日). オリジナルの2021年7月13日時点におけるアーカイブ。 2021年8月1日閲覧。 ^ INC, SANKEI DIGITAL (DECEMBER 19, 2021). "'By Christmas' Yamanashi girl child unknown, mother hands out leaflets". Sankei News. Archived from the original on 22 December 2021. Retrieved 22 December 2021. ^ a b "Human bones found in Doshi Village, Yamanashi, no contradiction in kinship with the mother of an unknown girl". Japan Broadcasting Corporation (May 12, 2022). Archived from the original on 13 May 2022. Retrieved 14 May 2022. ^ "Minor bones found in Doshi Village, Yamanashi, 600m from a campsite where girls are unknown". Mainichi Newspaper (April 26, 2022). Archived from the original on 26 April 2022. Retrieved 26 April 2022. ^ "Human bones in the mountains of Yamanashi, girl missing at nearby campsite related to investigation". Asahi Shimbun Digital (April 26, 2022). Archived from the original on 26 April 2022. Retrieved 26 April 2022. ^ "2 years and 8 months after unknown, the mother who believed that she was safe did not reach the bones of discovery, determined to be a girl". Mainichi Newspaper. (May 14, 2022) Retrieved 15 May 2022. ^ a b "The bones in the mountains are related to the mother of the mountain (girl's name)" without contradiction" What is the mitochondrial DNA test that led to the discovery? ”. FNN Prime Online. Fuji Television (May 12, 2022). Archived from the original on 12 May 2022. Retrieved 14 May 2022. ^ "Died shortly after going missing or investigated both incidents and accidents Doshi Village, Yamanashi Prefecture". UTY TV Yamanashi. TV Yamanashi (May 15, 2022). Archived from the original on 17 May 2022. Retrieved 17 May 2022. ^ Official announcement of termination of search for girls in Doshi Village Yamanashi Prefectural Police July 1, 2022 Sankei Shimbun ^ "Narita unknown girl mother slandered "killed by childcare fatigue" Shizuoka man arrested for defamation Mr. A's mother "was sad"". Chiba Nippo (October 15, 2020). Archived from the original on 22 October 2020. Retrieved 20 October 2020. ^ "Shizuoka man charged with defamation 'fraud' to mother of unknown girl". Tokyo Shimbun. Archived from the original on 4 November 2020. Retrieved 21 November 2020. ^ “娘を探す母親を“名誉毀損”の男「書いて何が悪い」”. テレ朝news (テレビ朝日). (2021年2月25日). オリジナルの2021年2月26日時点におけるアーカイブ。 ^ "(Girl's name)'s mother slandered by blog Man sought 1 year and 6 months in prison Prosecutor's office "malicious and serious consequences" Defense pleads not guilty <Narita girl unknown >". Chiba Nippo. (November 26, 2021) ^ Japan Broadcasting Corporation. "Defendant convicted of slandering mother of missing girl Chiba District Court". NHK NEWS WEB. Archived from the original on 22 December 2021. Retrieved 22 December 2021. ^ ""I'm not convinced!" the defendant is convicted of slanderous man (girl's name) mother "I don't understand"". www.chibanippo.co.jp. Retrieved 22 December 2021. ^ "Narita Arrest Man on Charges of Intimidation to Mother of Unknown Girl 'You're the Criminal, I'm going to Kill', Narita Station". Chiba Nippo. Archived from the original on 6 August 2020. Retrieved 20 October 2020. ^ "Yamanashi threatens mother of unknown girl convicted by man". Sankei Shimbun. Sankei Shimbun. (October 19, 2020). Archived from the original on November 1, 2020. ^ "Yamanashi girl unknown, mother sued Twitter "Hurt by word blade" to identify defamatory posts". Lawyer.com. Retrieved 12 May 2021. ^ "When I went to search volunteers, I was made into a gang of criminals". Retrieved 23 June 2022. ^ "Yamanashi slanders unknown girl mother orders provider to disclose poster Osaka District Court". Mainichi Newspaper. (2 August 2021). Archived from the original on 17 May 2022. Retrieved 17 May 2022. ^ Japan Television Network, Inc. (November 18, 2021). "Campsite girl unknown orders disclosure of posted information". NTV NEWS24. Archived from the original on 18 November 2021. Retrieved 21 November 2021. ^ "When I went to search volunteers, I was made into a gang of criminals". Retrieved 23 June 2022. External links Family Homepage Looking for missing persons[dead link] - Yamanashi Prefectural Police Looking for A-chan at the Wayback Machine (archived May 9, 2022) - Narita, Chiba Twitter - Family Calling Facebook - Family Calling Instagram - Family Calling Amoeba Blog - Family Outgoing Flag of Yamanashi Prefecture This item is a half-written item related to Yamanashi Prefecture. We are looking for collaborators to add or correct this item (Portal:Japan prefectures/Yamanashi prefectures).

Stub icon This item is a half-written item related to crimes and incidents (including criminals and criminal organizations). We are looking for collaborators to add or correct this item (Project: Incidents and Accidents).

Categories: Japan's disappearance caseUnsolved cases in JapanJapan incident in 2019History of Yamanashi PrefectureDoshimuraSeptember 2019 This page was last modified on 18 July 2023, at 07:04 (UTC if not set in your personal settings).

See also


[[Category:2010s missing person cases]] [[Category:Formerly missing people]] [[Category:Missing person cases in Japan]] [[Category:Unsolved deaths]]