Draft:Dambhodbhava Asura

Dambhodbhava Asura, the immortal-seeking warrior prince

Dambhodbhava was an Asura, a term often translated as demon, known for his arrogance and great strength.[1] He was a mighty warrior prince who brought the whole world under his control.[1]

Quest for Immortality


Dambhodbhava craved immortality and sought it from Surya, the Sun god..[2] Despite knowing Dambhodbhava's sinister intentions, Surya was compelled to grant his wish.[2] This put the world's fate in jeopardy[2]

Challenges and Defeat


When there was nobody left to fight with, Dambhodbhava walked about challenging everybody he met with.[1] Brahma advised him to challenge Nara Narayanas who were doing penance on the northern-most point of the earth.[1] However, they refused to fight and yet the King showered arrows on them.[1] Then the sages took a few blades of the isika grass and threw them at him.[1] They filled the sky as greet missiles and the King begged to be pardoned and prostrated before the sages.[1] They advised him not to be arrogant in future and to lead a pure life.[1]

Association with Karna


In another account, it is said that Dambhodbhava is associated with Karna from the epic Mahabharata.[3] He knew that Arjuna could destroy his kavach (armor) and therefore he wanted all the divine weapons at any cost so he lied to lord Parshuram.[3]



For further reading and to verify the information presented in this article, please see the following sources:

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h https://www.wisdomlib.org/hinduism/book/the-garuda-purana/d/doc122860.html [dead link]
  2. ^ a b c "Hindu Mythology, Vedic and Puranic: Chapter X. The Purānic Divisions of Time". sacred-texts.com.
  3. ^ a b "Danger Zone for Kids". www.boloji.com.