Draft:Brights Face Monster

The Brights Face Monster is a terrifying creature, often described as a forest demon, that lurks in and around haunted and wooded areas. This sinister being is known for its eerie presence, especially in colder regions, with sightings reported more frequently in places like Canada. However, it is not confined solely to cold climates; it has been known to appear in warmer areas, including various parts of the United States.

This fearsome entity is characterized by five distinct modes, each one more terrifying than the last: Warning Mode, Attack Mode, Murder Mode, Demon Mode, and Death Mode.

In Warning Mode, the Brights Face Monster's visage is marked by red eyes and a yellow smile. This is a signal to those who encounter it that danger is imminent, but it has not yet reached its most threatening state.

When it shifts to Attack Mode, its appearance changes slightly. The eyes turn blue, and the smile becomes white. This mode signifies that the creature is preparing to launch an assault, and those who witness it should be on high alert.

Murder Mode is particularly sinister. The face resembles that of Warning Mode, but with a blue and white color scheme. In this mode, the Brights Face Monster often crouches in wooded areas, making it extremely difficult to spot. It lies in wait, ready to strike with lethal force.

Demon Mode is arguably one of the most horrifying forms the monster can take. The entire face becomes a pure, menacing red, adorned with an unnerving ear-to-ear smile. This mode indicates that the creature is fully embracing its demonic nature, becoming even more dangerous and malevolent.

Finally, there is Death Mode. In this form, the monster's face features a red smile and white eyes, exuding an aura of ultimate peril. True to its name, encountering the Brights Face Monster in this mode is almost always fatal; those who see it do not live to tell the tale.

There are legends and speculations about the true nature of the Brights Face Monster. Some say it might be a Skinwalker – a shape-shifter from Native American folklore – who has somehow affixed a glowing LED mask to its face to conceal its true identity. While this theory is not confirmed, it is widely believed by those who have studied or encountered the creature.

The Brights Face Monster possesses extraordinary abilities that make it an even more formidable threat. It can teleport, allowing it to appear and disappear at will, and it can run at incredible speeds, outpacing any human. Furthermore, it has superhuman strength, making it nearly impossible to overpower.

Given these terrifying characteristics, the best advice for anyone who encounters this demon is to run as fast as they can. Engaging with the Brights Face Monster in any capacity is likely to end in tragedy.