Draft:Bedri Pejani High School

Bedri Pejani Gymnasium is a high school located in Peja-Kosovo. It is built between year 1910-1913 by ottomans in ottoman style in North West part of the city near the beautiful Canyon of Rugova. Its role was changed so many times during different periods, firstly it served as a school, during the WW1 it served as a military object for Austro-Hungarian Army that operated precisely in this zone. Later during the 1970 it was under the control of Serbian government and it was called ''11 May'', during 1981 the Albanian students of this school started demonstrations for their rights [1], also this year is marked as the year when the Serbian terror against the students of this school began, persecuting, poisoning, imprisonment and murdering were some acts that Serbia did against Albanian students. The first generation to be graduating in this school although it was functioning in a house-school in Loxha 1991/95. Later this school was called on the name of Albanian patriot Bedri Pejani [2]. Since 2008 this school is under the Ministry Of Education, Science and Technology[3] of Republic of Kosova.

Bedri Pejani High School info
Director Musa Nikci


Deputy Director Mergime Mala


Secretary Atedhe Berisha


Students Council President Algas Gora

2022/23 2023 next elections

3rd Year Generation President N/A

Next elections in 2023

2nd Year Generation President N/A

Next elections in 2023

1st Year Generation President N/A

Next elections in 2023

Study Directions
Direction Average no; of Classes Average Capacity per Generation
Natural Sciences Albanian 10 300
Social Sciences Albanian 7 200
Natural Sciences Bosnian N/A N/A
Social Sciences Bosnian N/A N/A
The subjects
Albanian Literature, Math, Physics, Biology, Geography, History, Psychology, Philosophy, Health and Sports Education, German, French, English, Chemistry, Microbiology, Epidemiology, Social Education, Electrochemistry, Art Education, Music Education, Italian, Astronomy, etc.

This is not a professional high school and after the graduation diploma you get leads you to any university but not directly to a job as Medical or Economic high schools do.


  1. ^ Bislimi, Bekim (2021-03-11). "Demonstratat që tronditën ish-Jugosllavinë". Radio Evropa e Lirë (in Albanian). Retrieved 2023-10-03.
  2. ^ "1921 | Rexhep Mitrovica and Bedri Pejani: A Kosovar Protest". www.albanianhistory.net. Retrieved 2023-10-03.
  3. ^ Lushaj, Eron. "Ministria e Arsimit, Shkences dhe e teknologjis". Ministria e Arsimit.


  1. ^ ar. "Newspaper".