Draft:Alain Lempereur

  • Comment: Entire sections remain unsourced. Greenman (talk) 16:19, 31 May 2023 (UTC)
  • Comment: two sections appear to be entirely unsourced and plase note we don't use external links in the body of an article. Theroadislong (talk) 14:35, 25 May 2023 (UTC)

Alain Lempereur (born on Feb 23, 1965) is a philosopher and mediator, currently the Alan B. Slifka Professor of Conflict Resolution at Brandeis University. He is an affiliate faculty of the European University Institute and of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. The study of questioning, argumentation and Spinoza's Ethics structure his philosophy of law and his responsible approach to negotiation, mediation and leadership. He founded Iréné[1] – the Institute for Research and Education on Negotiation in Europe. He also facilitated peace processes and democratic transitions, namely in Burundi and the D.R. Congo. His later field work supports humanitarian negotiators.

Early life and education


Lempereur was born and grew up in Brussels, Belgium. He graduated from Athénée Adolphe Max, magna cum laude, in 1983, and from the Free University of Brussels (ULB), magna cum laude, in public law in 1988 and philosophy in 1989. As a Fulbright Scholar and a fellow from the Belgian American Educational Foundation, he studied philosophy of law at the Department of Philosophy at Harvard University, and negotiation theory and jurisprudence at Harvard Law School, where he earned his doctorate in juridical science (SJD) in 1995. He is certified as a negotiator and mediator from the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School.

Academic career


To disseminate negotiation skills, Lempereur, as its founding director, developed the Institute for Research and Education on Negotiation in Europe (Iréné) at Essec, Paris, through which tens of his students became negotiation trainers and thousands of leaders were trained in conflict resolution and deal-making (1995–2011). With the support of seventy colleagues and assistants, he leveraged the pedagogy of the Program on Negotiation (PON) at Harvard Law School, designed and delivered negotiation courses in institutions of higher education, such as the Ecole nationale d'administration, the Ecole des Ponts (Paris Tech), the Ecole centrale Paris, Paris Panthéon Assas University, the University of Mannheim, the Lebanese University, etc. He also established "Negotium," the negotiation curriculum for European Commission officials.

Seven former or current presidents of republic (Macron, Nkurunziza, Buyoya, Ndayishimiye, etc.), ministers, military personnel, humanitarians, CEOs and leaders of organizations got trained with his negotiation and mediation methods, which he developed in his books, The First Move. A Negotiator's Companion (with A. Colson[2] & M. Pekar[3]) or Mediation. Negotiation by Other moves (with J. Salzer[4], A. Colson, M. Pekar & E. Kogan). These books, accessible in many languages are used as references for negotiators and mediators around the world. Lempereur also researched the European negotiation tradition, by reediting early modern books of pioneers, such as Jean Hotman de Villiers (1603), François de Callières (1716), Antoine Pecquet[5] (1737) and Fortunato de Felice (1770).

Through his leadership, Essec Iréné became a leading European negotiation center, through forty international conferences[6] with and Kalypso Nicolaidis on negotiation research and education (1996), with Michel Rocard on mediators' models (1998), on gender parity and co-decision (2000), with Marie-Hélène Mathey-Boo on partnerships for health in Africa (2000), with William Zartman and Geert Hofstede for the International Association for Conflict Management (2001),[7] with Harvard PON on the New Caledonia peace process at Harvard (2002) or on negotiation pedagogy (2005), on the sources of European negotiations (2003), with former French ministers of foreign affairs for the 250th anniversary of Talleyrand's birth (2004), with Nobel prize winner Shirin Ebadi (2006), with ambassador Howard Wolpe on post-conflict stakes in DR. Congo (2004–2006), with thirty Essec colleagues on responsible leadership in the economic crisis (2008)[8] or on responsible innovation (2009), with Lawrence Susskind on consensus building (2010) and on responsible negotiation (2011).

For his contribution to higher education Lempereur received in 2006, from academician Alain Plantey the Palmes Académiques.[9] (distinction of the French Republic) at the Institut de France.[i] He was also acknowledged by, and contributed to the Financial Times in an article.[10] Lempereur stepped down as the founding Iréné director to inaugurate in 2009 the Negotiation and Mediation Chair Professorship at Essec.

In 2011, Lempereur joined Brandeis faculty to become the first Alan B. Slifka Professor of Conflict Resolution at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management, as well as the director of the Coexistence and Conflict Program.[11] He created several dual degree programs, namely with the UN-mandated University for Peace in Costa Rica. He created a community of learning where he invited many peacebuilders and humanitarians from around the world to share their experience, including Peter Maurer and William Swing. He developed the nonviolence Topol lectures, and annual conferences around International Women's Day to acknowledge the role of female leaders in peacebuilding and negotiation, such as Kathryn Bolkovac, Mari Fitzduff, Susan Hackley, Anita Hill, Swanee Hunt, Hibaaq Osman, Deborah Kolb[12], Hend Nafie[13], Julissa Reynoso, etc.

He also joined as an affiliate faculty the executive committee of the Program on Negotiation (PON) at Harvard Law School, where he has been a visiting professor. As PON instructor, he taught many executive education seminars for PON Global[14] in Europe and in the Middle East. He also designed and delivered PON Negotiation Essentials Online,[15] and Harvard Mediation Intensive.[16] As an affiliated expert,[17] an activity lead to the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, he also put together an hybrid program, "Responsible Negotiation for Senior Leaders"[18] for the UN Global Executive Leadership Initiative, to supports humanitarians, peacebuilders, and development professionals. He has also promoted his responsible negotiation framework at Paris School of International Affairs of Sciences Po Paris since 2016 and at the School of International Governance of the European University Institute since 2020.

Philosophy of law


Breaking with a legal philosophy based on jusnaturalism and legal positivism, which he called "idealawism," Lempereur's pragmatic approach to law made questioning the core of legal interactions and the foundation for problem solving, which he introduced as "problematology of law" in 1990.[19]

Supported by the Belgian Research Science Foundation (FNRS), Lempereur's early work on legal argumentation (1983–1991) built on the New Rhetoric of Chaïm Perelman and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca, and on Michel Meyer's questioning theory, or problematology. With sociologist Dupréel, philosophers Perelman and Meyer pioneered a school of Brussels, based on a pluralist philosophy that Lempereur presented in his first book L'Homme et la Rhétorique.[20] He also edited Perelman's papers[21] and pursued his research on legal argument[22] as the general secretary of the European Center for the Study of Argumentation (CEEA). In that capacity, he published the proceedings of two international conferences on argumentation theory in Brussels and Cerisy-la-Salle[23]. He taught the history of ideas at University of Mons, assisted Meyer in the book Questions and Questioning[24] and as the managing editor of the Revue Internationale de Philosophie, he gathered a special journal issue on "questioning," which he described as a synthesis to describe human activities.[25]

As a doctoral student at Harvard (1991–1995), Lempereur studied with John Rawls contractualism and his Theory of Justice. He was a teaching assistant for Seyla Benhabib, as well as for Alan Dershowitz, Stephen Jay Gould and Robert Nozick in their course "Thinking about Thinking." At PON, his mentors were Roger Fisher, Robert Mnookin and Frank Sander. Later on, he also produced a book on complex negotiations with James Sebenius and a French edition of Breaking Robert's Rules with Lawrence Susskind.[26] His HLS dissertation, under Mary Ann Glendon's supervision, extended his legal philosophy of questioning, by integrating negotiation approaches to problem solving.[27] He further argued that all legal interactions stem from social problems arising between people and that their interactive questioning aims at solving them, hopefully through negotiations, contracting or settling between them.[28] If such direct dealings fail, problem solving might require lawyers' intervention and their reciprocal questioning and rhetoric, and in last resort, of judges at all court levels, who pursue questioning for judicial decisions until a particular and final solution is reached in a particular case. Legislators are another institution using questioning and problem-solving at a general level in the legal system. In Lempereur's jurisprudence, the laws and precedents are viewed as contextual means of problem-solving that the various actors, in their rhetoric, use to justify and win an argument. The "law" is no more seen as the law of authorities, but first and above all as the law of the people. The people are considered as the major source of the law through daily negotiations.[29]

Responsible negotiation


The 2007-2008 global financial crisis marked a turning point in Lempereur's approach to negotiation. Lempereur's book on responsible leadership[30] shows it is not the lack of negotiators or leaders that causes many social or economic problems, it is the lack of responsible negotiators or leaders. The aggregation of irresponsible micro moves by many actors creates systemic social risks that need regulating.[31] Even though many self-help books focus on how to negotiate more successfully[32], they do not integrate the importance of doing it more responsibly. Beyond the "how to" books, Lempereur reflects on what makes negotiation meaningful, what adequate purposes and approaches there might be. In business, for example, integrating a diversity of stakeholders and not limiting one's attention only to shareholders' return on investments can broaden the purpose of a responsible negotiation approach and substantiates corporate social responsibility.[33] In humanitarian negotiation, the purpose is to save lives and mitigate the worst effects of wars on noncombatants; the approaches take into account humanitarian principles.[34] As to the purpose of political talks in armed conflicts, it is to end a violent conflict with a sustainable peace.[35] In all the cases above, responsible negotiation asserts the importance of trust or working relationships, seeks solutions which go beyond the negotiator's narrow interests and start caring for the other side's interests, and beyond. It abides by the 1997 UNESCO "Declaration on the Responsibilities of the Present Generations Towards Future Generations".[36]

In The First Move (2010), a book coauthored with Aurélien Colson and Michele Pekar and available in 15 languages, Lempereur's negotiation methods suggest responsible first moves that model adequate behaviors beyond instinct, like preparing before meetings, listening before speaking, creating value before allocating it, acknowledging emotions before problem solving. These methods aligns with the approach that considers, next to instinctive and fast "system 1 thinking", the analytical and slow "system 2 thinking," that Kahneman modelizes in Thinking, Fast and Slow. Similarly, in Mediation. Negotiation by Other Moves (2021), Lempereur's mediation methods also adhere to a principled approach and the mediator's use of responsible means beyond instinct.[37] Both responsible negotiation and mediation seek a philosophical foundation for action that connects conflict resolution to Spinoza's ethics of joy.[38]

Mediation and field missions


Since 1995, Alain Lempereur has been involved as a facilitator in many missions and leadership training programs around the world. He was involved in World Health Organization programs in Africa to support negotiation for resource mobilizations with Conflict Management Group, now incorporated into Mercy Corps. For the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and State Building[39], as an OECD consultant, he facilitated national consultations on the evaluation of aid in conflict settings in the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone, and the work of the 2010 Dili international conference[40] organized in East Timor.

From 2003 onward, he has designed and delivered many reconciliation workshops in the African Great Lakes region. In Burundi, after the Arusha Accords, with ambassador Howard Wolpe, Liz McClintock, and his Iréné team members from the "Negotiators of the World" program, he facilitated meetings between representatives of the Hutu and Tutsi communities. As part of the Burundi Leadership Training Program, he was involved in the implementation of security sector reforms (SSR) and of programs of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) of former combatants. After the 2005 presidential elections in Burundi, he co-facilitated President Pierre Nkurunziza's cabinet retreat.

Similarly, ahead of the 2006 presidential elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the local support of former OCHA coordinator, Michel Noureddine Kassa, he facilitated meetings between leaders of all factions. He steered stabilization meetings in North and South Kivu, including around the Goma Accords of 2009.[41] He ran several other training programs on humanitarian negotiations for the Norwegian Refugee Council, UNOCHA, and Médecins Sans Frontières in the DRC Congo. He also consulted for the MONUSCO (the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo) and organized a training for its senior leaders and local partners in 2022, under Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, Bintou Keita.

He ran several mediation workshops to support reconciliation processes across communities In Rwanda. He invited Rwandan President Kagame for a conference at Brandeis in 2014. He also studied the resilience of entrepreneurs in Rwanda[42]

Since 2014, as a board member, he has contributed to the development of the PON-supported Negotiation Strategies Institute[43], a platform where Israeli and Palestinian leaders interact. He has also mediated Palestinian leaders' meetings in the West Bank and in Gaza, thanks to Forward Thinking[44], and trained young Israeli and Palestinian entrepreneurs through Our Generation Speaks[45]. He also supported the El Karama[46] network of women leaders in the Middle East and North Africa region, mediating, for example, through the Libyan Peace Network, a meeting on the rights of women in the new constitution.

He consulted extensively as a negotiation expert for the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, for the International Committee of the Red Cross, for the Center of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiation[47] and for Conflict Dynamics International.[48]

Personal life


In 1995, Lempereur married Michele Pekar, who belongs to the Oxford Programme on Negotiation. They raised their three bilingual children – Daria, Henri and Emery – in Paris, France and in Salem, Massachusetts. Their second home is in Olmeta di Capocorso in Haute-Corse. Lempereur collects Belgian lamps from the enterprise of his ancestors Lempereur & Bernard, as well as African masks.

Selected publications



  • The First Move. A Negotiator's Companion (with A. Colson & M. Pekar, Wiley, 2010)
  • Mediation. Negotiation by Other Moves (with J. Salzer, A. Colson, M. Pekar & E. Kogan, Wiley, 2021)
  • Puissance de la Médiation contre la Guerre civile civile (Descartes & Cie, 2021)
  • Chaïm Perelman. Ethique et Droit (Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 1990, 2011)
  • Méthode de négociation (with A. Colson, Dunod, 2004, 2010)
  • Le Leadership responsable (Gualino, 2009)
  • Faciliter la Concertation (with L. Susskind and Y. Duzert, Eyrolles, 2009)
  • Négociations européennes (with A. Colson, A2C Media, 2008)
  • Méthode de médiation (with J. Salzer and A. Colson Dunod, 2008)
  • Manual de Negociações Complexas (with J. Sebenius and Y. Duzert, FGV, 2007)
  • La Médiation. Modes d'emploi (with S. Bensimon, A2C Media, 2007)
  • François de Callières. De la Manière de négocier avec les souverains (Droz, 2002)
  • Argumentation. Colloque de Cerisy (Mardaga, 1991)
  • Figures et conflits rhétoriques (with M. Meyer, Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 1991)
  • L'Homme et la Rhétorique (Méridiens-Klincksieck, 1990)

Journal articles or chapters

  • "Negotiating or Negotiated across Worldviews? Understanding Identity and Fostering Responsible Agency." Negotiation Journal (2022), 38(3): 453-475,
  • "The Mediator as the Eye of the Storm: Active Perception of Emotions through the Nonverbal" (with E. Willeau). American Journal of Mediation (2022), 14: 19-39
  • "La puissance de joie en médiation, ou la composition des rapports." Lettre des Médiations (2021), 10: 69-76
  • Four Dilemmas of Acceptance: Insights from the Field of Humanitarian Negotiation (with R. Grace). Achieving Safe Operations through Acceptance: Challenges and Opportunities for Security Risk Management, Manchester (UK): Global Interagency Security Forum, 2021, 18-25
  • "Negotiating Peace from Inside Out: Spinoza as a Responsible Trump." Negotiation Journal (2019), 35(1): 131-134
  • "Négociation responsable: la grande joie de persévérer dans son être avec autrui." Question de Management (2019), 26: 59-68
  • "The Distributive Knot: Negotiators' Responsibility to Untie Complex Demands" (with M. Pekar). Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (2017), 32 (4): 535-540
  • "Beyond Negocentrism: Questioning Selves, Relationships and Contexts." Negotiation Journal. (2016), 32(4): 335-343
  • "Humanitarian Negotiation to Protect: John Rabe and the Nanking International Safety Zone (1937–1938)." Group Decision and Negotiation. (2016), 25: 663-691
  • Responsibility to Protect Trumps Business as Usual: How Corporate Leaders Build Heroism to Face Atrocities (with R. Herrington). In: The Role of Business in the Responsibility to Protect. Ed. J. Forrer & C. Seyle. Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press, 2016, 69-97
  • "For Responsible Negotiation Meetings: Concocting a Vaccine against Meetingitis." Decision Making and Negotiations e-Journal, (2015), 6 (12), SSRN
  • Médiation responsable. In: Interdisciplinary Handbook of Conflict Resolution/Manuel interdisciplinaire des modes amiables de résolution des conflits. Ed. P. Cecchi-Diméglio & B. Brenneur. Paris (France): Larcier, 2015, 675-703
  • "Pour une communication responsable en négociation: séquencer prises d'écoute et de parole." (with R. Mnookin). Communication & Management. (2014), 11(2): 28-40
  • "Gender and Role in Conflict Management: Female and Male Managers as Third Parties." (Third author with I. Benharda and J. Brett). Negotiation and Conflict Management Research (2013), 6(2): 67-81
  • مذاکره مسئولانه، باید نگران طرف روبرو هم باشیم" " ("Responsible Negotiation: We Should Consider the Other Side"), نشریه تخصصی علوم انسانیِ مهرنامه (Mehrnameh, The Journal of Human Science), شماره 30- مرداد 1392, (2013), #30: 52-54
  • "Responsible Negotiation: Exploring the Forest Beyond the Tree." Journal of Global Responsibility (2012), 3(2): 198-207
  • Le droit est Janus: dualité rhétorique entre conflit et coexistence. In: Perelman. De la nouvelle rhétorique à la logique juridique. Ed. B. Frydman & M. Meyer. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2012, 99-129
  • "A Rhetorical Foundation of International Negotiations: Callières on Peace Politics." Culture, Negotiation, and International Conflict eJournal. 2. 2, Mar 2012, Social Science Research Network
  • "For an Archeology of Negotiation." Culture, Negotiation and International Conflict eJournal. 2(1): 2012
  • Le management de la diversité des parties prenantes (with Y. Penvern). In: Encyclopédie des Diversités. Ed. J.M. Peretti. Caen (France): Ems Management et Société, 2012, 369-374
  • "Differences Between Tight and Loose Cultures: A 33-Nation Study." (With M. Gelfand and Alii). Science, May 2011, Vol. 332, # 6033, 1100-1104
  • "First Things First for Negotiators and Organizations." Journal of Decision Making and Negotiations, 2011
  • "Responsible Negotiation: Caring for People, Problems, and Processes." Human Capital Review, 25 Oct 2011, SSRN
  • A la recherche du fondement en négociation: la philosophie du questionnement. In: Entrer en négociation. Mélanges en l'honneur de Christophe Dupont. Ed. A. Colson. Brussels (Belgium): Larcier, 2011, 62-77
  • A Bridge to Lasting Peace: Post-Conflict Reconciliation and Mediation in Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (with A. Colson). In: Mediation in Political Conflicts. Ed. J. Faget. (UK): Hart Publishing, 2011, 153-169
  • "Le questionnement comme philosophie fondatrice de la négociation." Négociations (2009), 10: 69-80
  • "Leading Successful Negotiation on Behalf of Europe. An Analysis of the EC High-Ranking Officials' Practices." European Review (2009), 17(3/4): 541-568
  • La réconciliation entre ennemis est possible: voir, communiquer et agir autrement. In: Introduction à la Psychologie Positive. Ed. Jacques Lecomte. Paris (France): Dunod, 2009, 271-285
  • Retrouver le sens d'un leadership responsable, ou la crise comme opportunité de questionnement radical. In: Le Leadership responsable. Ed. A. Lempereur. Paris (France): Gualino Lextenso Editions, 2009, 17-31
  • "Un pont vers une paix durable. Réconciliation et médiation post-conflit au Burundi et en RD Congo." (with A. Colson). Négociations, (2008), 1: 13-28
  • "Négociation : au-delà d'une vision déformante de l'autre et de soi." Revue des Sciences de Gestion (2004), 208: 41-48
  • "Rebuilding Peace and State Capacity in War-torn Burundi." (With H. Wolpe and Alii). The Round Table (2004), 93(375): 457-467; in French: "Reconstruire la Paix et la capacité d'Etat au Burundi déchiré par la guerre," Wilson International Center for Scholars
  • "Innovation in Teaching Negotiation. Towards a Relevant Use of Multimedia Tools." International Negotiation (2004), 9(1): 141-160
  • "Culture and Negotiation Strategy." (With W. Adair and Alii). Negotiation Journal (2004), 20(1): 87-111
  • "Parallélisme de style entre professeur et dirigeant. Pour une nouvelle approche du leadership." Humanisme et Entreprise (2003), 260: 1-17
  • Negotiating Mergers and Acquisitions in the European Union (with V. De Beaufort). In: International Business Negotiations. Ed. P.N. Ghauri & J.C. Usunier, Oxford (UK): Pergamon, 2003, 291-324
  • "Conflits d'intérêts économiques entre avocats et clients: la question des honoraires." (With M. Scodellaro). Recueil Dalloz (2003), 21 (7118): 1380-1385
  • "Le médiateur comme modèle éthique." Médiations & Sociétés (2003), 3: 4-7
  • "Techniques de médiation." Cahiers de Droit et Procédure, Jan 2000
  • Four encyclopedia entries: Arbitration (44-46), Dispute Resolution (219-221), Mediation in Criminal Law (541-543), Perelman (638-639), In: The Philosophy of Law. An Encyclopedia. Ed. C.B. Gray, New York (NY): Garland Publishing, 1999
  • "Culture and Joint Gains in Negotiation." (With J. Bret and Alii). Negotiation Journal (1998), 14(1): 61-86
  • "Negotiation and Mediation in France: The Challenge of Skill-Based Learning and Interdisciplinary Research in Legal Education." Harvard Negotiation Law Review (1998), 3: 151-174
  • "Bilan du Dialogue National pour l'Europe. Essai sur l'identité européenne des Français." (With H. Curien). Année Européenne (1998), 254-260
  • La rhétorique juridique, comme vaccin ou serum social. In: Rhétorique de... Ed. O. Reboul & J.F. Garcia. Strasbourg (France): Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 1992, 89-112
  • Paix entre les nations, à travers Raymond Aron. In: Libéralisme, Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 1992, 59-76
  • "Logic or Rhetoric in Law?" Argumentation (1991): 283-297
  • "Law: From Foundation to Argumentation." Communication and Cognition (1991), 24: 97-110
  • "Rationalité et Sciences de l'Homme." La Pensée et les Hommes (1991), 18 : 93-117
  • "Le Questionnement, comme Synthèse de l'Humain." Revue internationale de Philosophie (1990), 174 : 471-495
  • Les restrictions des deux néo-rhétoriques. In: Figures et Conflits rhétoriques. Ed. A. Lempereur, Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 1990, 139-158
  • Problématologie du droit. In: L'Homme et la Rhétorique. Ed. A. Lempereur, Paris: Méridiens-Klincksieck, 1990, 213-232
  • Argumentation juridique: de l'avocat au juge. In: Argumenter. Paris: CNDP, 1990, 77-90


  1. ^ https://sites.google.com/a/essec.edu/essec-irene-edu/essec-irene
  2. ^ https://faculty.essec.edu/en/cv/en-colson-aurelien/
  3. ^ https://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/about-us/people/michele-pekar
  4. ^ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jacques-Salzer-2
  5. ^ https://www.britannica.com/biography/Antoine-Pecquet
  6. ^ https://sites.google.com/a/essec.edu/essec-irene-edu/recherche-domainesderecherche
  7. ^ https://iafcm.org/past-conferences/
  8. ^ https://essec.typepad.fr/files/essec_forum-programme.pdf
  9. ^ Decree of 28 July 2006, French Republic
  10. ^ https://www.ft.com/content/7ebfa75a-3864-11e0-959c-00144feabdc0
  11. ^ https://heller.brandeis.edu/coexistence/
  12. ^ https://www.pon.harvard.edu/faculty/deborah-kolb/
  13. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HT5BoDM7QOY
  14. ^ https://www.pon.harvard.edu/category/pon-global-online/?utm_source=WhatCountsEmail&utm_medium=daily&utm_date=2021-01-07-13-30-00&mqsc=4125337
  15. ^ https://www.pon.harvard.edu/category/courses-and-training/negotiation-essentials-online/
  16. ^ https://www.pon.harvard.edu/courses-and-training/mediation-at-pon/harvard-mediation-intensive/
  17. ^ https://hhi.harvard.edu/people/alain-lempereur-sjd
  18. ^ https://www.geli.org/programmes/regional-training-programme/responsible-negotiation-senior-leaders
  19. ^ Problématologie du droit. In: L'Homme et la Rhétorique, Ed. A. Lempereur, Paris: Méridiens-Klincksieck, 1990, 213-232.
  20. ^ Y a-t-il une École de Bruxelles? In: L'Homme et la Rhétorique. Ed. A. Lempereur, Méridiens-Klincksieck, 1990, 7-1
  21. ^ Perelman ou la vie rhétorique du Droit. In: Chaïm Perelman, Ethique et Droit. Ed. A. Lempereur. Edition de l'Université de Bruxelles, 1990, 2011, 7-19.
  22. ^ Legal Argument, Argumentation, Mar 1992, #5, 243-332.
  23. ^ Michel Meyer & Alain Lempereur, Figures et conflits rhétoriques (Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 1990) and Alain Lempereur, Argumentation. Colloque de Cerisy (Mardaga, 1991).
  24. ^ Le Questionnement, Revue Internationale de Philosophie, Apr 1990, #174, 295-495.
  25. ^ "Le Questionnement, comme Synthèse de l'Humain." Revue internationale de Philosophie (1990), 174 : 471-495
  26. ^ Manual de Negociações Complexas (with J. Sebenius, Y. Duzert, FGV, 2007, 2009) and Faciliter la concertation. A bon processus, bon consensus (with L. Susskind and Y. Duzert, Eyrolles, 2009).
  27. ^ Legal questioning and problem-solving. Inquiries into the foundation, description and legitimacy of law, Harvard Law School, https://scholarworks.brandeis.edu/esploro/outputs/doctoral_external/Legal-questioning-and-problem-solving-Inquiries-into/9924086589201921
  28. ^ Le droit est Janus: dualité rhétorique entre conflit et coexistence. In: Perelman. De la nouvelle rhétorique à la logique juridique. Ed. B. Frydman & M. Meyer. Presses Universitaires de France, 2012, 99-129.
  29. ^ Le droit est d'abord le droit des gens. In: Médiation et Techniques de Négociation intégrative. Ed. C. Smets-Gary & M. Becker. Larcier, 2011, 9-18.
  30. ^ Le Leadership responsable. Ed. A. Lempereur. Gualino, 2009
  31. ^ Retrouver le sens d'un leadership responsable, ou la crise comme opportunité de questionnement radical. In: Le Leadership responsable. Ed. A. Lempereur. Gualino, 2009, 17-31
  32. ^ Fisher R. and Ury W. Getting to yes, Penguin, 1981, 1991. Lax, D. & Sebenius, J. The Manager as Negotiator, Free Press, 1986. Mnookin R., Peppet S. & Tulumello A. Beyond Winning, Harvard University Press, 2004; Susskind L., Good for you. Great for me, Public Affairs, 2014.
  33. ^ "Responsible Negotiation: Exploring the Forest Beyond the Tree." Journal of Global Responsibility (2012), 3(2): 198-207, and Le management de la diversité des parties prenantes (with Ywan Penvern). In: Encyclopédie des Diversités. Ed. J.M. Peretti. Caen (France): Ems Management et Société, 2012, 369-374
  34. ^ "Humanitarian Negotiation to Protect: John Rabe and the Nanking International Safety Zone (1937–1938)." Group Decision and Negotiation. (2016), 25: 663-691 and Responsibility to Protect Trumps Business as Usual: How Corporate Leaders Build Heroism to Face Atrocities (with Rebecca Herrington). In: The Role of Business in the Responsibility to Protect. Ed. J. Forrer & C. Seyle. Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press, 2016, 69-97
  35. ^ Paix entre les nations, à travers Raymond Aron. In: Libéralisme, Brussels: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 1992, 59-76, and A Bridge to Lasting Peace: Post-Conflict Reconciliation and Mediation in Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (second author with A. Colson). In: Mediation in Political Conflicts. Ed. J. Faget. (UK): Hart Publishing, 2011, 153-169.
  36. ^ https://en.unesco.org/about-us/legal-affairs/declaration-responsibilities-present-generations-towards-future-generations#:~:text=The%20present%20generations%20should%20ensure%20that%20both%20they%20and%20future,generations%20the%20scourge%20of%20war.
  37. ^ Médiation responsable. In: Interdisciplinary Handbook of Conflict Resolution/Manuel interdisciplinaire des modes amiables de résolution des conflits. Ed. P. Cecchi-Diméglio & B. Brenneur. Paris (France): Larcier, 2015, 675-703
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