Down-ball[1] is a multiplayer ball game where players take turns hitting a tennis ball with their hands against a wall[2] until a player misses a shot and is eliminated. The last player left is declared the winner and the next round begins. It is usually played by schoolchildren.

Down-ball is the most popular ball game played against a wall in schools today[3].




Down-ball is usually played with a tennis ball. Any number of players can participate. The game area usually consists of a single wall, against which the players hit the ball. The ball must hit the ground once before hitting the wall[4]. A player has the option to let the ball bounce once after hitting the wall or may choose to hit it straight away. The round begins with the champion serving the ball against the wall (one bounce on the ground then off the wall back into play). The other players hit the ball back at the wall in turn. The order of play stays the same throughout the match.

Players who fail to hit the ball back against the wall or hit the ball out of bounds go "out". When a player is "out" that player must vacate the field of play.

Down-ball often incorporates the addition of the "shark shot". This is played by hitting the ball on the full into another player's body with that player going out of the game. A player who misses a "Shark shot" also goes out of the game.

Down-ball game on three walls


  1. ^ Maslen, Geoffrey (21 December 1994). "Lessons from the old schoolyard". The Canberra Times. p. 16.
  2. ^ Melbourne, The University of. "Downball - Ball Game - Childhood, Tradition and Change PUBLIC DATABASE". Retrieved 2024-06-23.
  3. ^ 2024. Accessed June 23. page40
  4. ^ "Game of the Week: Wall Ball". Playworks. Retrieved 2024-06-24.