A Woman Drinking with Two Men

A Woman Drinking with Two Men is a 1658 painting by Pieter de Hooch, an example of Dutch Golden Age painting and is part of the collection of the National Gallery, London.

A Woman Drinking with Two Men
ArtistPieter de Hooch
MediumOil on canvas
Dimensions73.7 cm × 64.6 cm (29.0 in × 25.4 in)
LocationNational Gallery, London

The painting was documented by Hofstede de Groot in 1908, who wrote:

183. GIRL WITH TWO CAVALIERS (or, Interior of a Dutch House). Sm. 49.; de G. 37.[1] This painting is Hooch's transformation of Ter Borsch's painting, Gallant Conversation.[2] At a table by a broad double window, to the left of a room with wooden rafters and a pavement or black and white tiles, sit two gentlemen. One, at the farther side of the table, faces the spectator; he wears a hat, and with smiling face holds a pipe in each hand in the attitude of a fiddler. The other, seated before the table in profile to the left, holds his plumed hat on his knee, with his right hand above it. He looks at a girl, with her back to the spectator, who stands close to the window. She holds up a glass of wine in her right hand, as if she were about to give it to the cavalier with the pipes. A servant-girl comes from the right with a pan of burning peat. Behind her is a chimney-piece with two pilasters, above which hangs a large figure-piece. Between the chimney-piece and the window to the left is a map. Signed "P. D. H."; canvas, 29 inches by 25 inches. Mentioned by Waagen (i. 403) in the collection of Sir Robert Peel; and by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosité (ii. 220).


  • Seb. Heemskerck, in Amsterdam, March 31, 1749 (Hoet, ii. 251) No. 189 (70 florins).
  • Van Leyden, Paris, September 10, 1804 (5500 francs, Paillet).
  • Afterwards in the Pourtales collection, in Paris, which was purchased by Smith and Emmerson in 1826; * sold by them to Sir Robert Peel, Bart.
  • Purchased for the nation in 1871 with the rest of the Peel collection.

Now in the National Gallery in London, No. 834 in the 1906 catalogue.[3]

See also



  1. ^ Comparative table of catalog entries between John Smith's first Catalogue raisonné of Hooch and Hofstede de Groot's first list of Hooch paintings published in Oud Holland
  2. ^ Waiboer, Adriaan (2017). Vermeer and the Masters of Genre Painting: Inspiration and Rivalry. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. pp. 214–215. ISBN 9780300222937.
  3. ^ entry 183 for Girl with Two Cavaliers (or, Interior of a Dutch House) in Hofstede de Groot, 1908