Artista Plástica Suelene Rebouças, native of Bahia, Brazil a self-taught artist. Her interest in art surfaced in her teens, but only recently has she seriously embraced it as a career undertaking.

Rebouças’ interest in art comes naturally--both her parents and her siblings are performing artists.

Blessed with a nomadic spirit, Rebouças has traveled the world and her work reflects her wanderlust, with scene from Austria, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and USA.

Beside painting Rebouças also has passion for photography and Digital Art.

Her intention is to delight the eye of the viewer and make them curious about my artistic intentions.

Rebouças has married art and technology, having taught herself several computer programs. As a result she has produced calendar, greetings card and fine art poster.

Valery Trammell