User talk:BorisTM/NatOrganicBoxInfo.js

This script builds an info table for small molecules, using the information provided by the content of "DIV" with "ID=theBoxInfo", which normally is not displayed.

The script uses the functions provided by InfoBoxFunctions.js.

Works on Opera 7.5+. Does not work on Firefox, Netscape and Explorer (works on my comp when tested for these browsers, something must happen when the page and all go through "Wiki"). Not tested for Safri and Conqueror.

<div id="theBoxInfo" style="display: none;">
^^IUPAC=2-acetamidopentanedioic acid
^^synonyms=Acetylglutamic acid<br />L-N-Acetylglutamic acid<br />N-acetyl-L-glutamate<br />N-acetylglutamic acid
^^abbreviations=NAcGlu, NAG, NLG