Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// Summarizes the differences between two page versions in pop-up windows
// Perhaps calculate fractional change in document? 
// To use this script, add "importScript('User:Proteins/quickdiffs.js');" to your monobook.js subpage 
// under your user page, as you can see at User:Proteins/monobook.js

function quickDiffs() {
	var alert_string = "";
	var num_alert_strings = 0;
	var alert_string_index = 0;
	var alert_string_list = new Array();

	var body_content;

	var article_tables;
	var temp_article_table;
	var num_article_tables = 0;
	var article_table_index = 0;

	var diff_table;
	var num_diff_tables = 0;

	var diff_table_body;
	var diff_table_bodies;
	var num_diff_table_bodies = 0;

	var temp_table_row;
	var diff_table_rows;
	var table_row_index= 0;
	var num_diff_table_rows = 0;

	var table_row_data;
	var temp_table_datum;
	var table_datum_index = 0;
	var num_table_row_data = 0;
	var temp_table_datum_text = "";
	var temp_table_datum_text_node;

	var diff_old_version_info; //className = "diff-otitle"
	var diff_new_version_info; //className = "diff-ntitle"

	var mw_diff_otitle1;
	var mw_diff_otitle1_child;
	var mw_diff_otitle1_grandchild;
	var mw_diff_otitle1_text = "";

	var mw_diff_otitle2;
	var mw_diff_otitle2_child;
	var mw_diff_otitle2_grandchild;
	var mw_diff_otitle2_text = "";

	var mw_diff_otitle3;
	var mw_diff_otitle3_child;
	var mw_diff_otitle3_grandchild;
	var mw_diff_otitle3_text = "";

	var mw_diff_otitle4;
	var mw_diff_otitle4_child;
	var mw_diff_otitle4_grandchild;
	var mw_diff_otitle4_text = "";

	var mw_diff_ntitle1;
	var mw_diff_ntitle1_child;
	var mw_diff_ntitle1_grandchild;
	var mw_diff_ntitle1_text = "";

	var mw_diff_ntitle2;
	var mw_diff_ntitle2_child;
	var mw_diff_ntitle2_grandchild;
	var mw_diff_ntitle2_text = "";

	var mw_diff_ntitle3;
	var mw_diff_ntitle3_child;
	var mw_diff_ntitle3_grandchild;
	var mw_diff_ntitle3_text = "";

	var mw_diff_ntitle4;
	var mw_diff_ntitle4_child;
	var mw_diff_ntitle4_grandchild;
	var mw_diff_ntitle4_text = "";

	var revisions = "";
	var num_revisions = 0;

	var num_line_numbers = 0;
	var current_old_line_number = 0;
	var current_new_line_number = 0;
	var old_line_numbers = new Array();
	var new_line_numbers = new Array();

	var line_number_flag = 0;
	var num_diff_addedlines = 0;
	var num_diff_deletedlines = 0;
	var num_diff_context_lines = 0;
	var num_diff_undefined_lines = 0;

	var num_changes = 0;
	var num_additions = 0;
	var num_deletions = 0;
	var num_replacements = 0;

	var span_index = 0;
	var num_potential_spans = 0;

	var temp_added_span;
	var added_span_nodes;
	var num_added_spans = 0;
	var added_span_text = "";
	var temp_added_line = "";
	var prev_added_line = "";
	var temp_added_span_text = "";

	var temp_deleted_span;
	var deleted_span_nodes;
	var num_deleted_spans = 0;
	var deleted_span_text = "";
	var temp_deleted_line = "";
	var prev_deleted_line = "";
	var temp_deleted_span_text = "";

	var num_changed_lines = 0;
	var diff_added_lines = new Array();
	var diff_deleted_lines = new Array();
	var num_changes_in_line = new Array();

	var diff_changes = new Array();
	var diff_change_line_numbers = new Array();

// Check that there is exactly one table on this page with the className "diff"
	body_content = document.getElementById('bodyContent');
	if (!body_content) { 
		alert_string = "ERROR: This article has no bodyContent element.";

	article_tables = body_content.getElementsByTagName("TABLE");
	if (!article_tables) { 
		alert_string = "ERROR: This article has no TABLE elements.";
	num_article_tables = article_tables.length;
	if (!num_article_tables) { 
		alert_string = "ERROR: This article has no TABLE elements.";

	num_diff_tables = 0;
	for (article_table_index=0; article_table_index<num_article_tables; article_table_index++) { 
		temp_article_table = article_tables[article_table_index];
		if (!temp_article_table) { continue; }

		if (temp_article_table.className == "diff") { 
			diff_table = temp_article_table;
	} // closes loop searching for the diff table
	if (num_diff_tables == 0) { 
		alert_string = "ERROR: This article has no TABLE elements belonging to the \"diff\" class.";
	} else if (num_diff_tables != 1) { 
		alert_string = "ERROR: This article has " + num_diff_tables + " TABLE elements belonging to the \"diff\" class.";
		alert_string += "An article should have at most one \"diff\" table.\n";

// Check that there is exactly one table body
	diff_table_bodies = diff_table.getElementsByTagName("TBODY");
	if (!diff_table_bodies) { 
		alert_string = "ERROR: This article has no TBODY element within its \"diff\" table.";
	num_diff_table_bodies = diff_table_bodies.length;
	if (!num_diff_table_bodies) { 
		alert_string = "ERROR: This article has no TBODY element within its \"diff\" table.";
	} else if (num_diff_table_bodies != 1) { 
		alert_string = "ERROR: This article has " + num_diff_table_bodies + " TBODY elements within its \"diff\" table.";
		alert_string += "A \"diff\" table should have at most one TBODY element.\n";
	diff_table_body = diff_table_bodies[0];
	if (!diff_table_body) { 
		alert_string = "ERROR: This article has a null TBODY element within its \"diff\" table.";

// Loop over the table rows in the table body 
	diff_table_rows = diff_table_body.getElementsByTagName("TR");
	if (!diff_table_rows) { 
		alert_string = "ERROR: This article has no TR elements within its \"diff\" table body.";
	num_diff_table_rows = diff_table_rows.length;
	if (!num_diff_table_rows) { 
		alert_string = "ERROR: This article has no TR elements within its \"diff\" table body.";
	} else if (num_diff_table_rows == 1) { 
		alert_string = "This article has only one row (TR element) within its \"diff\" table body.";
		alert_string += "This shouldn't happen under ordinary circumstances; however, it suggests that the two versions are identical\n";

// Get header texts for older version
	mw_diff_otitle1_text = "";
	mw_diff_otitle1 = document.getElementById('mw-diff-otitle1');
	if (!mw_diff_otitle1) { 
		window.alert("ERROR: This article has no element with id \"mw-diff-otitle1\".\n\n");
	} else {
		mw_diff_otitle1_child = mw_diff_otitle1.firstChild;
		if (!mw_diff_otitle1_child) { 
			window.alert("ERROR: The \"mw-diff-otitle1\" element has no child node.\n\n");
		} else { 
			mw_diff_otitle1_grandchild = mw_diff_otitle1_child.firstChild;
			if (!mw_diff_otitle1_grandchild) { 
				window.alert("ERROR: The \"mw-diff-otitle1\" element has no grandchild node.\n\n");
			} else { 
				mw_diff_otitle1_text = mw_diff_otitle1_grandchild.innerHTML;
			} // closes check for grandchild node
		} // closes check for child node
	} // closes check for mw_diff_otitle1 node
//	window.alert("The mw_diff_otitle1_text is " + mw_diff_otitle1_text + "\n");

	mw_diff_otitle2_text = "";
	mw_diff_otitle2 = document.getElementById('mw-diff-otitle2');
	if (!mw_diff_otitle2) { 
		window.alert("ERROR: This article has no element with id \"mw-diff-otitle2\".\n\n");
	} else {
		mw_diff_otitle2_child = mw_diff_otitle2.firstChild;
		if (!mw_diff_otitle2_child) { 
			window.alert("ERROR: The \"mw-diff-otitle2\" element has no child node.\n\n");
		} else {
			mw_diff_otitle2_text = mw_diff_otitle2_child.innerHTML; 
		} // closes check for child node
	} // closes check for mw_diff_otitle2 node
//	window.alert("The mw_diff_otitle2_text is " + mw_diff_otitle2_text + "\n");

	mw_diff_otitle3_text = "";
	mw_diff_otitle3 = document.getElementById('mw-diff-otitle3');
	if (!mw_diff_otitle3) { 
		window.alert("ERROR: This article has no element with id \"mw-diff-otitle3\".\n\n");
	} else {
		mw_diff_otitle3_text = mw_diff_otitle3.innerHTML;
 		mw_diff_otitle3_text = mw_diff_otitle3_text.replace(/&gt;/ig, ">");
 		mw_diff_otitle3_text = mw_diff_otitle3_text.replace(/&lt;/ig, "<");
		mw_diff_otitle3_text = mw_diff_otitle3_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");
	} // closes check for mw_diff_otitle3 node
//	window.alert("The mw_diff_otitle3_text is " + mw_diff_otitle3_text + "\n");

// Possibly add code for mw_diff_otitle4 here, but seems unneeded

// Get header texts for newer version
	mw_diff_ntitle1_text = "";
	mw_diff_ntitle1 = document.getElementById('mw-diff-ntitle1');
	if (!mw_diff_ntitle1) { 
		window.alert("ERROR: This article has no element with id \"mw-diff-ntitle1\".\n\n");
	} else {
		mw_diff_ntitle1_child = mw_diff_ntitle1.firstChild;
		if (!mw_diff_ntitle1_child) { 
			window.alert("ERROR: The \"mw-diff-ntitle1\" element has no child node.\n\n");
		} else { 
			mw_diff_ntitle1_grandchild = mw_diff_ntitle1_child.firstChild;
			if (!mw_diff_ntitle1_grandchild) { 
				window.alert("ERROR: The \"mw-diff-ntitle1\" element has no grandchild node.\n\n");
			} else { 
				mw_diff_ntitle1_text = mw_diff_ntitle1_grandchild.innerHTML;
			} // closes check for grandchild node
		} // closes check for child node
	} // closes check for mw_diff_ntitle1 node
//	window.alert("The mw_diff_ntitle1_text is " + mw_diff_ntitle1_text + "\n");

	mw_diff_ntitle2_text = "";
	mw_diff_ntitle2 = document.getElementById('mw-diff-ntitle2');
	if (!mw_diff_ntitle2) { 
		window.alert("ERROR: This article has no element with id \"mw-diff-ntitle2\".\n\n");
	} else {
		mw_diff_ntitle2_child = mw_diff_ntitle2.firstChild;
		if (!mw_diff_ntitle2_child) { 
			window.alert("ERROR: The \"mw-diff-ntitle2\" element has no child node.\n\n");
		} else {
			mw_diff_ntitle2_text = mw_diff_ntitle2_child.innerHTML; 
		} // closes check for child node
	} // closes check for mw_diff_ntitle2 node
//	window.alert("The mw_diff_ntitle2_text is " + mw_diff_ntitle2_text + "\n");

	mw_diff_ntitle3_text = "";
	mw_diff_ntitle3 = document.getElementById('mw-diff-ntitle3');
	if (!mw_diff_ntitle3) { 
		window.alert("ERROR: This article has no element with id \"mw-diff-ntitle3\".\n\n");
	} else {
		mw_diff_ntitle3_text = mw_diff_ntitle3.innerHTML;
 		mw_diff_ntitle3_text = mw_diff_ntitle3_text.replace(/&gt;/ig, ">");
 		mw_diff_ntitle3_text = mw_diff_ntitle3_text.replace(/&lt;/ig, "<");
		mw_diff_ntitle3_text = mw_diff_ntitle3_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");
	} // closes check for mw_diff_ntitle3 node
//	window.alert("The mw_diff_ntitle3_text is " + mw_diff_ntitle3_text + "\n");

// Possibly add code for mw_diff_ntitle4 here, but seems unneeded

// Loop over the rows in the difference table
	num_alert_strings = 0;
	alert_string_list[0] = "NONE";

	num_revisions = 1;
	revisions = "The newer version is separated from the older version by one revision.";

	for (table_row_index=0; table_row_index<num_diff_table_rows; table_row_index++) {
		temp_table_row = diff_table_rows[table_row_index];
		if (!temp_table_row) { continue; }

		table_row_data = temp_table_row.getElementsByTagName("TD");
		if (!table_row_data) { continue; }
		num_table_row_data = table_row_data.length;
		if (!num_table_row_data) { continue; }

		temp_added_line = "";
		temp_deleted_line = "";

		line_number_flag = 0;
		num_diff_addlines = 0;
		num_diff_deletedlines = 0;
		num_diff_context_lines = 0;
		num_diff_undefined_lines = 0;

		for (table_datum_index=0; table_datum_index<num_table_row_data; table_datum_index++) { 
			temp_table_datum = table_row_data[table_datum_index];
			if (!temp_table_datum) { continue; }

			if (temp_table_datum.className == "diff-lineno") {
				temp_table_datum_text_node = temp_table_datum.firstChild;
				if (!temp_table_datum_text_node) { continue; }
				if (temp_table_datum_text_node.nodeType != 3) { continue; }
				temp_table_datum_text =;
				temp_table_datum_text = temp_table_datum_text.replace(/[^0-9]*/ig, "");
				if (line_number_flag == 0) {
					current_old_line_number = temp_table_datum_text - 2;
					line_number_flag = 1;
				} else if (line_number_flag == 1) {
					current_new_line_number = temp_table_datum_text - 2; 
					line_number_flag = 2;
				} else if (line_number_flag == 2) { 
					// ignore this table_datum as anomalous
					// there should be only two line numbers in any table row
				} else {
					alert_string = "ERROR: Line_number_flag = " + line_number_flag + " in datum " + table_datum_index + " of diff table row " + table_row_index + ".\n";
			} else if (temp_table_datum.className == "diff-multi") {
				temp_table_datum_text_node = temp_table_datum.firstChild;
				if (!temp_table_datum_text_node) { continue; }
				if (temp_table_datum_text_node.nodeType == 3) {
					num_revisions = 0; // to flag for errors
					temp_table_datum_text =;
					if (temp_table_datum_text.match(/^\(One/)) { 
						num_revisions = 2;
					} else {
						temp_table_datum_text = temp_table_datum_text.replace(/[^0-9]*/ig, "");
						if (temp_table_datum_text) {
							num_revisions = temp_table_datum_text;
					if (num_revisions == 1) { // should never happen, but...
						revisions = "The newer version is separated from the older version by one revision.";
					} else {
						revisions = "The newer version is separated from the older version by " + num_revisions + " revisions.";
				} // closes check that the first child node is a text node
			} else if (temp_table_datum.className == "diff-context") {  

			} else if (temp_table_datum.className == "diff-addedline") {  
				num_diff_addedlines = 1;
				num_added_spans = 0;
				added_span_text = "";
				temp_added_line = temp_table_datum.innerHTML;
				if (temp_added_line) {
					// replace HTML tags
 					temp_added_line = temp_added_line.replace(/&gt;/ig, ">");
 					temp_added_line = temp_added_line.replace(/&lt;/ig, "<");
					temp_added_line = temp_added_line.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");

					// replace renamed wiki links
					temp_added_line = temp_added_line.replace(/\[\[([^\|\]]+?)\|([^\|]+?)\]\]/ig,"$2");
					// replace renamed HTTP links, such as external links and diffs
					temp_added_line = temp_added_line.replace(/\[http:([^\s]+)\s(.*?)\]/, "$2");

					temp_added_line = temp_added_line.replace(/&amp;/ig, "&");
					temp_added_line = temp_added_line.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");
					temp_added_line = temp_added_line.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");

					temp_added_line = temp_added_line.replace(/\'\'\'/ig, "");
					temp_added_line = temp_added_line.replace(/\'\'/ig, "");
					temp_added_line = temp_added_line.replace(/\s+/ig, " ");
				} else { temp_added_line = ""; }
				if (temp_added_line.replace(/\s/ig, "").length < 1) { num_diff_addedlines = 0; continue; }

				added_span_nodes = temp_table_datum.getElementsByTagName("SPAN");
				if (!added_span_nodes) { num_added_spans = 0; continue; }
				num_potential_spans = added_span_nodes.length;
				for (span_index=0; span_index<num_potential_spans; span_index++) { 
					temp_added_span = added_span_nodes[span_index];
					if (!temp_added_span) { continue; }
					temp_added_span_text = temp_added_span.innerHTML;
					if (!temp_added_span_text) { continue; }
					temp_added_span_text = temp_added_span_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");
					if (!temp_added_span_text) { continue; }

					added_span_text += "\t Addition " + num_added_spans + ": " + temp_added_span_text + "\n";	
				} // closes loop over the added spans
				added_span_text = "The " + num_added_spans + " additions were:\n" + added_span_text;
			} else if (temp_table_datum.className == "diff-deletedline") {  
				num_diff_deletedlines = 1;
				num_deleted_spans = 0;
				deleted_span_text = "";
				temp_deleted_line = temp_table_datum.innerHTML;
				if (temp_deleted_line) {
					// replace HTML tags
 					temp_deleted_line = temp_deleted_line.replace(/&gt;/ig, ">");
 					temp_deleted_line = temp_deleted_line.replace(/&lt;/ig, "<");
					temp_deleted_line = temp_deleted_line.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");

					// replace renamed wiki links
					temp_deleted_line = temp_deleted_line.replace(/\[\[([^\|\]]+?)\|([^\|]+?)\]\]/ig,"$2");
					// replace renamed HTTP links, such as external links and diffs
					temp_deleted_line = temp_deleted_line.replace(/\[http:([^\s]+)\s(.*?)\]/, "$2");

					temp_deleted_line = temp_deleted_line.replace(/&amp;/ig, "&");
					temp_deleted_line = temp_deleted_line.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");
					temp_deleted_line = temp_deleted_line.replace(/&#160;/ig, " ");

					temp_deleted_line = temp_deleted_line.replace(/\'\'\'/ig, "");
					temp_deleted_line = temp_deleted_line.replace(/\'\'/ig, "");
					temp_deleted_line = temp_deleted_line.replace(/\s+/ig, " "); 
				} else { temp_deleted_line = ""; }
				if (temp_deleted_line.replace(/\s/ig, "").length < 1) { num_diff_deletedlines = 0; continue; }

				deleted_span_nodes = temp_table_datum.getElementsByTagName("SPAN");
				if (!deleted_span_nodes) { num_deleted_spans = 0; continue; }
				num_potential_spans = deleted_span_nodes.length;
				for (span_index=0; span_index<num_potential_spans; span_index++) { 
					temp_deleted_span = deleted_span_nodes[span_index];
					if (!temp_deleted_span) { continue; }
					temp_deleted_span_text = temp_deleted_span.innerHTML;
					if (!temp_deleted_span_text) { continue; }
					temp_deleted_span_text = temp_deleted_span_text.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");
					if (!temp_deleted_span_text) { continue; }

					deleted_span_text += "\t Deletion " + num_deleted_spans + ": " + temp_deleted_span_text + "\n";	
				} // closes loop over the deleted spans
				deleted_span_text = "The " + num_deleted_spans + " deletions were:\n" + deleted_span_text;
			} else if (temp_table_datum.className == "diff-marker") {  
				// do nothing
			} else { 
			} // closes classification of the table datum
		} // closes loop over the data within a table row

		if ((num_diff_addedlines > 0) && (temp_added_line) && (num_diff_deletedlines > 0) && (temp_deleted_line)) {
			alert_string = "Text replacement " + num_replacements + " in line number " + current_new_line_number + " of the newer version (line number " + current_old_line_number + " of the older version)\n\n";
			alert_string += "There were " + num_added_spans + " additions and " + num_deleted_spans + " deletions to arrive at the current version of this line:\n\n";
			alert_string += temp_added_line + "\n\n";

			if ((num_added_spans>15) && (alert_string)) {
				alert_string_list[num_alert_strings-1] = alert_string;
//				window.alert(alert_string); 
				alert_string = "";
			if (num_added_spans>0) {
				alert_string += added_span_text;
			if ((num_deleted_spans>15) && (alert_string)) {
				alert_string_list[num_alert_strings-1] = alert_string;
//				window.alert(alert_string); 
				alert_string = "";
			if (num_deleted_spans>0) {
				alert_string += deleted_span_text;
			if (alert_string) { 
				alert_string_list[num_alert_strings-1] = alert_string;
//				window.alert(alert_string); 
		} else if ((num_diff_addedlines > 0) && (temp_added_line)) { 
			alert_string = "Text addition " + num_additions + " in line number " + current_new_line_number + " of the newer version (line number " + current_old_line_number + " of the older version)\n\n";
			alert_string += "The following line was added to the article:\n\n";
			alert_string += temp_added_line;
			alert_string_list[num_alert_strings-1] = alert_string;
//			window.alert(alert_string);
		} else if ((num_diff_deletedlines > 0) && (temp_deleted_line)) { 
			alert_string = "Text deletion " + num_deletions + " in line number " + current_new_line_number + " of the newer version (line number " + current_old_line_number + " of the older version)\n\n";
			alert_string += "The following line was deleted from the article:\n\n";
			alert_string += temp_deleted_line;
			alert_string_list[num_alert_strings-1] = alert_string;
//			window.alert(alert_string);
		} else if (num_diff_context_lines == 2) {
		} // closes classification change as addition, deletion or replacement
	} // closes loop over the table rows

// Report the results
	alert_string = "";
	if (revisions) { 
		alert_string += revisions + "\n\n";
	num_changes = num_additions + num_deletions + num_replacements;
	if (num_changes == 0) { 
		alert_string += "The two versions are identical.";
	} else { 
		alert_string += "The newer version differs by ";

		if (num_additions == 1) { 
			alert_string += "one addition";
		} else if (num_additions > 1) { 
			alert_string += num_additions + " additions";
		if (num_additions>0) {
			if (num_additions == num_changes) { 
				alert_string += ".\n\n";
			} else if ((num_deletions == 0) || (num_replacements == 0)) { 
				alert_string += " and ";
			} else { 
				alert_string += ", ";
		if (num_deletions == 1) { 
			alert_string += "one deletion";
		} else if (num_deletions > 1) { 
			alert_string += num_deletions + " deletions";
		if (num_deletions>0) {
			if (num_replacements > 0) {
				alert_string += " and ";
			} else { 
				alert_string += ".\n\n";
		if (num_replacements == 1) { 
			alert_string += "one replacement.\n\n";
		} else if (num_replacements > 1) { 
			alert_string += num_replacements + " replacements.\n\n";

		if (num_alert_strings == 1) { 
			alert_string += "These changes will be described on the following alert window.\n";
		} else if (num_alert_strings > 1) {
			alert_string += "These changes will be described on the following " + num_alert_strings + " alert windows.\n";

		for (alert_string_index=0; alert_string_index<num_alert_strings; alert_string_index++) {
			alert_string = alert_string_list[alert_string_index];
	} // closes check for zero changes
} // closes function quickDiffs()
addOnloadHook(function () {
mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:quickDiffs()', 'qd', 'ca-quickdiff', 'Summarizes the differences between two page versions', 'b', '');