Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
/* globals self,Response */
 * delay fetch any images without query string parameter
 * @param {Event} event
 * @ignore
self.onfetch = function ( event ) {
	console.log( 'fetching', event );
	var req,
		blankImg = '',
		requestURL = new URL( event.request.url ),
		search =,
		path = requestURL.pathname;

	/* Hijack HTML requests that:
		1) do not use a query string parameter (unless in experiment mode)
		2) do not include a ':' indicating a non-main namespace
		3) are being navigated by /wiki/ or /w/index.php
	// FIXME: Currently hardcoded wgScriptUrl since service worker doesn't have access to this at current time.
	if (
		( !search || search.indexOf( 'image-experiment=true' ) > -1 ) &&
		path.indexOf( ':' ) === -1 &&
		( path.indexOf( '/wiki/' ) === 0 ||
			path.indexOf( '/w/index.php/' ) === 0 ) ) {
		console.log( 'intercepted' );
		req = fetch( requestURL ).then( function ( response ) {
			return response.text().then( function ( body ) {
				body = body.replace( /src="(.*\.)(png|jpg|jpeg)"/gi, 'src="' + blankImg + '" data-src="$1$2"' );
				body = body.replace( /srcset="(.*)"/gi, 'data-srcset="$1"' );
				return new Response( body, {
					headers: response.headers
				} );
			} ) ;
		} );
		event.respondWith( req );
	} else {
		console.log( 'rejected' );
