User:Auldhouse/sandbox/Bernard Geis Associates

The Ancient Greek philosopher
Born470 BC
Died399 BC

Subject's popular name (birthdate – death) can be a lead-in to the subject's real, formal, or extended name. Describe the subject's nationality and profession(s) in which the subject is most notable. Provide a description of the subject's major contributions in the immediately relevant field(s) of notable expertise.[1]

Biography edit

Ensure that the following sections are organized by year. For instance, the section Marriage and children might be presented before or after the Expanded descriptions, and vice versa.

Early life edit

Explain the subject's early life historically using a journalistic style.[2]

[[Image:Image(s) that captures subject's major contribution(s).ext|thumb|left|Photo caption]]

Expanded description edit

If an event that occurred in the life of the subject requires further explanation, elaborate.

Marriage and children edit

If the subject married and produced offspring, describe the marriage and list the immediate offspring.

  • Subject's Son (birthdate – death) If notable, provide a brief single-line description.
  • Subject's Daughter (birthdate – death) If notable, provide a brief single-line description.

Death and afterward edit

[If applicable] Legacy If any, describe. See Charles Darwin for example.

References edit

  1. ^ Last, first (date). Name of page. Page xx. Publisher: xxxx
  2. ^ Last, first (date). Name of page. Page xx. Publisher: xxxx

External links edit