// vim: ts=4 sw=4 et
console.log('loading custom reply-link.js');
function loadReplyLink( $, mw ) {
var TIMESTAMP_REGEX = /\(UTC(?:(?:−|\+)\d+?(?:\.\d+)?)?\)\S*?\s*$/m;
var EDIT_REQ_REGEX = /^((Semi|Template|Extended-confirmed)-p|P)rotected edit request on \d\d? \w+ \d{4}/;
var EDIT_REQ_TPL_REGEX = /\{\{edit (template|fully|extended|semi)-protected\s*(\|.+?)*\}\}/;
var LITERAL_SIGNATURE = "~~" + "~~"; // split up because it might get processed
var i18n = {
"en": {
"rl-advert": " (using [[w:en:User:Enterprisey/reply-link|reply-link]])",
"rl-error-status": "There was an error while replying! Please leave a note at " +
"<a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Enterprisey/reply-link'>the script's talk page</a>" +
" with any errors in <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:JSERROR'>the browser console</a>, if possible.",
"rl-replying-to": "Replying to ",
"rl-reloading": "automatically reloading",
"rl-reload": "Reload",
"rl-saved": "Reply saved!",
"rl-cancel": "cancel ",
"rl-placeholder": "Reply here!",
"rl-reply": "Reply",
"rl-preview": "Preview",
"rl-cancel-button": "Cancel",
"rl-started-reply": "You've started a reply but haven't posted it",
"rl-loading": "Loading...",
"rl-reply-label": "reply",
"rl-to-label": " to ",
"rl-auto-indent": "Automatically indent?"
"pt": {
"rl-advert": "(usando [[w:en:User:Enterprisey/reply-link|reply-link]])",
"rl-error-status": "Ocorreu um erro ao responder! Por favor deixe um comentário na " +
"<a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Enterprisey/reply-link'>página de discussão do script</a>" +
" informando os erros que apareçam <a href='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:JSERROR'>no console do navegador</a>, se possível.",
"rl-replying-to": "Respondendo a ",
"rl-reloading": "recarregando automaticamente",
"rl-reload": "Recarregar",
"rl-saved": "Resposta publicada!",
"rl-cancel": "cancelar ",
"rl-placeholder": "Responda aqui!",
"rl-reply": "Responder",
"rl-preview": "Prever",
"rl-cancel-button": "Cancelar",
"rl-started-reply": "Você começou a responder, mas não publicou sua resposta",
"rl-loading": "Carregando...",
"rl-reply-label": "responder",
"rl-to-label": " a ",
"rl-auto-indent": "Indentar automaticamente?"
var PARSOID_ENDPOINT = "https:" + mw.config.get( "wgServer" ) + "/api/rest_v1/page/html/";
var HEADER_SELECTOR = "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6";
var MAX_UNICODE_DECIMAL = 1114111;
var HEADER_REGEX = /^\s*=(=*)\s*(.+?)\s*\1=\s*$/gm;
// T:TDYK, used at the end of loadReplyLink
var TTDYK = "Template:Did_you_know_nominations";
var RFA_PG = "Wikipedia:Requests_for_adminship/";
// Threshold for indentation when we offer to outdent
// All of the interface message keys that we explicitly load
var INT_MSG_KEYS = [ "mycontris" ];
// Date format regexes in signatures (i.e. the "default date format")
var DATE_FMT_RGX = {
"//en.wikipedia.org": /\d\d:\d\d,\s\d{1,2}\s\w+?\s\d{4}/.source,
"//simple.wikipedia.org": /\d\d:\d\d,\s\d{1,2}\s\w+?\s\d{4}/.source,
"//en.wikisource.org": /\d\d:\d\d,\s\d{1,2}\s\w+?\s\d{4}/.source,
"//pt.wikipedia.org": /\d\dh\d\dmin\sde \d{1,2} de \w+? de \d{4}/.source
// Shared API object
var api;
* Regex *sources* for a "userspace" link. Basically the
* localized equivalent of User( talk)?|Special:Contributions/
* Initialized in buildUserspcLinkRgx, which is called near the top
* of the closure in handleWrapperClick.
* Three subproperties: und for underscores instead of spaces (e.g.
* "User_talk"), spc for spaces (e.g. "User talk"), and both for
* a regex combining the two (used for matching on wikitext).
var userspcLinkRgx = null;
* This dictionary is some global state that holds three pieces of
* information for each "(reply)" link (keyed by their unique IDs):
* - the indentation string for the comment (e.g. ":*::")
* - the header tuple for the parent section, in the form of
* [level, text, number], where:
* - level is 1 for a h1, 2 for a h2, etc
* - text is the text between the equal signs
* - number is the zero-based index of the heading from the top
* - sigIdx, or the zero-based index of the signature from the top
* of the section
* This dictionary is populated in attachLinks, and unpacked in the
* click handler for the links (defined in attachLinkAfterNode); the
* values are then passed to doReply.
var metadata = {};
* This global string flag is:
* - "AfD" if the current page is an AfD page
* - "MfD" if the current page is an MfD page
* - "TfD" if the current page is a TfD log page
* - "CfD" if the current page is a CfD log page
* - "FfD" if the current page is a FfD log page
* - "" otherwise
* This flag is initialized in onReady and used in attachLinkAfterNode
var xfdType;
* The current page name, including namespace, because we may be reading it
* a lot (especially in findUsernameInElem if we're on someone's user
* talk page)
var currentPageName;
* A map for signatures that contain redirects, so that they can still
* pass the sanity check. This will be updated manually, because I
* don't want the overhead of a whole 'nother API call in the middle
* of the reply process. If this map grows too much, though, I'll
* consider switching to either a toolforge-hosted API or the
* Wikipedia API. Used in doReply, for the username sanity check.
var sigRedirectMapping = {
"Salvidrim": "Salvidrim!"
* When the reply is saved via API, this flag is set to true to
* disable the onbeforeunload handler.
var replyWasSaved = false;
* Cache for getWikitext. Only useful in test mode.
var getWikitextCache = {};
// Polyfill from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/includes
if( !String.prototype.includes ) {
String.prototype.includes = function( search, start ) {
if( search instanceof RegExp ) {
throw TypeError('first argument must not be a RegExp');
if( start === undefined ) {
start = 0;
return this.indexOf( search, start ) !== -1;
* Get the formatted namespace name for a namespace ID.
* Quick ref: user = 2, proj = 4
function fmtNs( nsId ) {
return mw.config.get( "wgFormattedNamespaces" )[ nsId ];
* Escapes a string for inclusion in a regex.
function escapeForRegex( s ) {
return s.replace( /[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&' );
* MediaWiki turns spaces before certain punctuation marks
* into non-breaking spaces, so fix those. This is done by
* the armorFrenchSpaces function in Mediawiki, in the file
* /includes/parser/Sanitizer.php
function deArmorFrenchSpaces( text ) {
return text.replace( /\xA0([?:;!%»›])/g, " $1" )
.replace( /([«‹])\xA0/g, "$1 " );
* Capitalize the first letter of a string.
function capFirstLetter( someString ) {
return someString.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + someString.slice( 1 );
* Namespace name to ID.
* For example, nsNameToId( "Template" ) === 10.
function nsNameToId( nsName ) {
return mw.config.get( "wgNamespaceIds" )[ nsName.toLowerCase().replace( / /g, "_" ) ];
* Canonical-ize a namespace.
function canonicalizeNs( ns ) {
return fmtNs( nsNameToId( ns ) );
* This function converts any (index-able) iterable into a list.
function iterableToList( nl ) {
var len = nl.length;
var arr = new Array( len );
for( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) arr[i] = nl[i];
return arr;
* Process HTML character entities.
* From https://stackoverflow.com/a/46851765
function processCharEntities( text ) {
var el = document.createElement('div');
return text.replace( /\&[#0-9a-z]+;/gi, function ( enc ) {
el.innerHTML = enc;
return el.innerText
} );
* Process HTML character entities, MediaWiki style
* From https://stackoverflow.com/a/46851765
function processCharEntitiesWikitext( text ) {
var el = document.createElement('div');
return text.replace( /\&[#0-9a-z]+;/gi, function ( enc ) {
if( /#\d+/.test( enc ) ) {
if( parseInt( enc.slice( 1 ) ) > MAX_UNICODE_DECIMAL ) {
return enc;
el.innerHTML = enc;
return el.innerText
} );
* When there's a panel being shown, this function sets the status
* in the panel to the first argument. The callback function is
* optional.
function setStatus ( status, callback ) {
var statusElement = $( "#reply-dialog-status" );
statusElement.fadeOut( function () {
statusElement.html( status ).fadeIn( callback );
} );
* Sets the panel status when an error happened. Good for use in
* catch blocks.
function setStatusError( e ) {
setStatus( mw.msg( "rl-error-status" ) );
if( e.message ) {
console.log( "Content request error: " + JSON.stringify( e.message ) );
console.log( "DEBUG INFORMATION: '"+currentPageName+"' @ " +
mw.config.get( "wgCurRevisionId" ),"parsoid",PARSOID_ENDPOINT+
encodeURIComponent(currentPageName).replace(/'/g,"%27")+"/"+mw.config.get("wgCurRevisionId") );
throw e;
* Given some wikitext, processes it to get just the text content.
* This function should be identical to the MediaWiki function
* that gets the wikitext between the equal signs and comes up
* with the id's that anchor the headers.
function wikitextToTextContent( wikitext ) {
return decodeURIComponent( processCharEntities( wikitext ) )
.replace( /\[\[:?(?:[^\|\]]+?\|)?([^\]\|]+?)\]\]/g, "$1" )
.replace( /\{\{\s*tl\s*\|\s*(.+?)\s*\}\}/g, "{{$1}}" )
.replace( /\{\{\s*[Uu]\s*\|\s*(.+?)\s*\}\}/g, "$1" )
.replace( /('''?)(.+?)\1/g, "$2" )
.replace( /<s>(.+?)<\/s>/g, "$1" )
.replace( /<big>(.+?)<\/big>/g, "$1" )
.replace( /<span.*?>(.*?)<\/span>/g, "$1" );
function wikitextHeaderEqualsDomHeader( wikitextHeader, domHeader ) {
return wikitextToTextContent( wikitextHeader ) === deArmorFrenchSpaces( domHeader );
* Finds and returns the div that is the immediate parent of the
* first talk page header on the page, so that we can read all the
* sections by iterating through its child nodes.
function findMainContentEl() {
// Which header are we looking for?
var targetHeader = "h2";
if( xfdType || currentPageName.startsWith( RFA_PG ) ) targetHeader = "h3";
if( currentPageName.startsWith( TTDYK ) ) targetHeader = "h4";
// The element itself will be the text span in the h2; its
// parent will be the h2; and the parent of the h2 is the
// content container that we want
var candidates = document.querySelectorAll( targetHeader + " > span.mw-headline" );
if( !candidates.length ) return null;
var candidate = candidates[candidates.length-1].parentElement.parentElement;
// Compatibility with User:Enterprisey/hover-edit-section
// That script puts each section in its own div, so we need to
// go out another level if it's running
if( candidate.className === "hover-edit-section" ) {
return candidate.parentElement;
} else {
return candidate;
* Gets the wikitext of a page with the given title (namespace required).
* Returns an object with keys "content" and "timestamp".
function getWikitext( title, useCaching ) {
if( useCaching === undefined ) useCaching = false;
if( useCaching && getWikitextCache[ title ] ) {
return $.when( getWikitextCache[ title ] );
return $.getJSON(
mw.util.wikiScript( "api" ),
format: "json",
action: "query",
prop: "revisions",
rvprop: "content",
rvslots: "main",
rvlimit: 1,
titles: title
).then( function ( data ) {
var pageId = Object.keys( data.query.pages )[0];
if( data.query.pages[pageId].revisions ) {
var revObj = data.query.pages[pageId].revisions[0];
var result = { timestamp: revObj.timestamp, content: revObj.slots.main["*"] };
getWikitextCache[ title ] = result;
return result;
return {};
} );
* Creates userspcLinkRgx. Called in handleWrapperClick and the test
* runner at the bottom.
function buildUserspcLinkRgx() {
var nsIdMap = mw.config.get( "wgNamespaceIds" );
var nsRgxFragments = [];
var contribsSecondFrag = ":" + escapeForRegex( mw.messages.get( "mycontris" ) ) + "\\/";
for( var nsName in nsIdMap ) {
if( !nsIdMap.hasOwnProperty( nsName ) ) continue;
switch( nsIdMap[nsName] ) {
case 2:
case 3:
nsRgxFragments.push( escapeForRegex( capFirstLetter( nsName ) ) + "\\s*:" );
case -1:
nsRgxFragments.push( escapeForRegex( capFirstLetter( nsName ) ) + contribsSecondFrag );
userspcLinkRgx = {};
userspcLinkRgx.spc = "(?:" + nsRgxFragments.join( "|" ).replace( /_/g, " " ) + ")";
userspcLinkRgx.und = userspcLinkRgx.spc.replace( / /g, "_" );
userspcLinkRgx.both = userspcLinkRgx.spc.replace( / /g, "(?: |_)" );
* Is there a signature (four tildes) present in the given text,
* outside of a nowiki element?
function hasSig( text ) {
// no literal signature?
if( !text.includes( LITERAL_SIGNATURE ) ) return false;
// if there's a literal signature and no nowiki elements,
// there must be a real signature
if( !text.includes( "<nowiki>" ) ) return true;
// Save all nowiki spans
var nowikiSpanStarts = []; // list of ignored span beginnings
var nowikiSpanLengths = []; // list of ignored span lengths
var NOWIKI_RE = /<nowiki>.*?<\/nowiki>/g;
var spanMatch;
do {
spanMatch = NOWIKI_RE.exec( text );
if( spanMatch ) {
nowikiSpanStarts.push( spanMatch.index );
nowikiSpanLengths.push( spanMatch[0].length );
} while( spanMatch );
// So that we don't check every ignore span every time
var nowikiSpanStartIdx = 0;
var LIT_SIG_RE = new RegExp( LITERAL_SIGNATURE, "g" );
var sigMatch;
do {
sigMatch = LIT_SIG_RE.exec( text );
if( sigMatch ) {
// Check that we're not inside a nowiki
for( var nwIdx = nowikiSpanStartIdx; nwIdx <
nowikiSpanStarts.length; nwIdx++ ) {
if( sigMatch.index > nowikiSpanStarts[nwIdx] ) {
if ( sigMatch.index + sigMatch[0].length <=
nowikiSpanStarts[nwIdx] + nowikiSpanLengths[nwIdx] ) {
// Invalid sig
continue matchLoop;
} else {
// We'll never encounter this span again, since
// headers only get later and later in the wikitext
nowikiSpanStartIdx = nwIdx;
// We aren't inside a nowiki
return true;
} while( sigMatch );
return false;
* Given an Element object, attempt to recover a username from it.
* Also will check up to two elements prior to the passed element.
* Returns null if no username was found. Otherwise, returns an
* object with these properties:
* - username: The username that we found.
* - link: The DOM object for the link from which we got the
* username.
function findUsernameInElem( el ) {
if( !el ) return null;
var links;
for( let i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
if( el === null ) break;
links = el.tagName.toLowerCase() === "a" ? [ el ]
: el.querySelectorAll( "a" );
//console.log(i,"top of outer for in findUsernameInElem ",el, " links -> ",links);
// Compatibility with "Comments in Local Time"
if( el.className.includes( "localcomments" ) ) i--;
// If we couldn't get any links, try again with prev elem
if( !links ) continue;
var link; // his name isn't zelda
for( var j = 0; j < links.length; j++ ) {
link = links[j];
if( link.className.includes( "mw-selflink" ) ) {
return { username: currentPageName.replace( /.+:/, "" )
.replace( /_/g, " " ), link: link };
// Also matches redlinks. Why people have redlinks in their sigs on
// purpose, I may never know.
//console.log( "^\\/(?:wiki\\/" + userspcLinkRgx.und + /(.+?)(?:\/.+?)?(?:#.+)?|w\/index\.php\?title=User(?:_talk)?:(.+?)&action=edit&redlink=1/.source + ")$" )
var sigLinkRe = new RegExp( "\\/(?:wiki\\/" + userspcLinkRgx.und + /(.+?)(?:\/.+?)?(?:#.+)?|w\/index\.php\?title=/.source + userspcLinkRgx.und + /(.+?)&action=edit&redlink=1/.source + ")$" );
var liveDecodedHref = decodeURIComponent( link.getAttribute( "href" ) );
if( liveDecodedHref.startsWith( "/" ) ) {
liveDecodedHref = "https:" + mw.config.get( "wgServer" ) + liveDecodedHref;
var usernameMatch = sigLinkRe.exec( liveDecodedHref );
if( usernameMatch ) {
var rawUsername = usernameMatch[1] ? usernameMatch[1] : usernameMatch[2];
return {
username: decodeURIComponent( rawUsername ).replace( /_/g, " " ),
link: link
// Go backwards one element and try again
el = el.previousElementSibling;
return null;
* Given a reply-link-wrapper span, attempts to find who wrote
* the comment that precedes it. For information about the return
* value, see the documentation for findUsernameInElem.
function getCommentAuthor( wrapper ) {
var sigNode = wrapper.previousSibling;
//console.log(sigNode,sigNode.style,sigNode.style ? sigNode.style.getPropertyValue("size"):"");
var smallOrFake = sigNode.nodeType === 1 &&
( sigNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === "small" ||
( sigNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === "span" &&
sigNode.style && ( sigNode.style.getPropertyValue( "font-size" ) === "85%" ||
sigNode.style.getPropertyValue( "font-size" ).indexOf( "small" ) === 0 ) ) );
var possUserLinkElem = ( smallOrFake && sigNode.children.length > 1 )
? sigNode.children[sigNode.children.length-1]
: sigNode.previousElementSibling;
return findUsernameInElem( possUserLinkElem );
* Given the wikitext of a section, attempt to find the first edit
* request template in it, and then mark that template as answered.
* Returns the modified section wikitext.
function markEditReqAnswered( sectionWikitext ) {
var editReqMatch = EDIT_REQ_TPL_REGEX.exec( sectionWikitext );
if( !editReqMatch ) {
console.error( "Couldn't find an edit request!" );
return sectionWikitext;
var ansParamMatch = /ans(wered)?=.*?(\||\}\})/.exec( editReqMatch[0] );
if( !ansParamMatch ) {
sectionWikitext = sectionWikitext.replace(
editReqMatch[0].replace( "}}", "answered=yes}}" )
} else {
var newEditReqTpl = editReqMatch[0].replace( ansParamMatch[0],
"answered=yes" + ansParamMatch[2] );
sectionWikitext = sectionWikitext.replace(
return sectionWikitext;
* Ascend until dd or li, or a p directly under div.mw-parser-output.
* live is true if we're on the live DOM (and thus we have our own UI
* elements to deal with) and false if we're on the psd DOM.
function ascendToCommentContainer( startNode, live, recordPath ) {
var currNode = startNode;
if( recordPath === undefined ) recordPath = false;
var path = [];
var lcTag;
var headerRegex = /h\d+/i;
function hasHeaderAsAnyPreviousSibling( node ) {
do {
if( headerRegex.test( node.tagName ) ) {
return true;
node = node.previousElementSibling;
} while( node );
function isActualContainer( node, nodeLcTag ) {
if( nodeLcTag === undefined ) nodeLcTag = node.tagName.toLowerCase();
return /dd|li/.test( nodeLcTag ) ||
( ( nodeLcTag === "p" || nodeLcTag === "div" ) &&
( node.parentNode.className === "mw-parser-output" ||
hasHeaderAsAnyPreviousSibling( node ) ||
node.parentNode.className === "hover-edit-section" ||
( node.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === "section" &&
node.parentNode.dataset.mwSectionId ) ) );
var smallContainerNodeLimit = live ? 3 : 1;
do {
currNode = currNode.parentNode;
lcTag = currNode.tagName.toLowerCase();
if( lcTag === "html" ) {
console.error( "ascendToCommentContainer reached root" );
if( recordPath ) path.unshift( currNode );
//console.log( "checking isActualContainer for ", currNode, isActualContainer( currNode, lcTag ),
// lcTag === "small", isActualContainer( currNode.parentNode ),
// currNode.parentNode.childNodes,
// currNode.parentNode.childNodes.length );
} while( !isActualContainer( currNode, lcTag ) &&
!( lcTag === "small" && isActualContainer( currNode.parentNode ) &&
currNode.parentNode.childNodes.length <= smallContainerNodeLimit ) );
//console.log("ascendToCommentContainer from ",startNode," terminating, r.v. ",recordPath?path:currNode);
return recordPath ? path : currNode;
* Given a Parsoid DOM and a link in the live DOM that is the link at the
* end of a signature, return the corresponding element in the Parsoid DOM
* that represents the same comment, or null if none was found.
* psd = Parsoid, live = in the current, live page DOM.
function getCorrCmt( psdDom, sigLinkElem ) {
// First, define some helper functions
// Does this node have a timestamp in it?
function hasTimestamp( node ) {
//console.log ("hasTimestamp ",node, node.nodeType === 3,node.textContent.trim(),
// TIMESTAMP_REGEX.test( node.textContent.trim() ),
// node.childNodes.length === 1,
// node.childNodes.length && TIMESTAMP_REGEX.test( node.childNodes[0].textContent.trim()),
// " => ",( node.nodeType === 3 &&
// TIMESTAMP_REGEX.test( node.textContent.trim() ) ) ||
// ( node.childNodes.length === 1 &&
// TIMESTAMP_REGEX.test( node.childNodes[0].textContent.trim() ) ) );
var validTag = node.nodeType === 3 || ( node.nodeType === 1 &&
( node.tagName.toLowerCase() === "small" ||
node.tagName.toLowerCase() === "span" ) );
return ( validTag && TIMESTAMP_REGEX.test( node.textContent.trim() ) ||
( node.childNodes.length === 1 &&
TIMESTAMP_REGEX.test( node.childNodes[0].textContent.trim() ) ) );
// Get prefix that's the actual comment
function getPrefixComment( theNodes ) {
var prefix = [];
for( var j = 0; j < theNodes.length; j++ ) {
prefix.push( theNodes[j] );
if( hasTimestamp( theNodes[j] ) ) break;
console.log('getPrefixComment returns', prefix);
return prefix;
* From a "container elem" (like the whole dd, li, or p that has a
* comment), get the prefix that ends in a timestamp (because other
* comments might be after the timestamp), and return the text content.
function surrTextContentFromElem( elem ) {
var surrListElemNodes = elem.childNodes;
// nodeType 8 is for comments
return getPrefixComment( surrListElemNodes )
.map( function ( c ) { return ( c.nodeType !== 8 ) ? c.textContent : ""; } )
.join( "" ).trim();
/** From a "container elem" (dd, li, or p), remove all but the first comment. */
function onlyFirstComment( container ) {
//console.log("onlyFirstComment top container and container.childNodes",container,container.childNodes);
if( container.childNodes.length === 1 && container.children[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === "small" ) {
console.log( "[onlyFirstComment] container only had a small in it" );
container = container.children[0];
var i, autosignedIdx, autosigned = container.querySelector( "small.autosigned" );
if( autosigned && ( autosignedIdx = iterableToList(
container.childNodes ).includes( autosigned ) ) ) {
i = autosignedIdx;
} else {
var childNodes = container.childNodes;
for( i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++ ) {
if( hasTimestamp( childNodes[i] ) ) {
//console.log( "[oFC] found a timestamp in ",childNodes[i]);
if( i === childNodes.length ) {
throw new Error( "[onlyFirstComment] No timestamp found" );
//console.log("[onlyFirstComment] killing all after ",i,container.childNodes[i]);
var elemToRemove;
while( elemToRemove = container.childNodes[i] ) {
container.removeChild( elemToRemove );
// End helper functions, begin actual code
// We dump this object for debugging in the event of an error
var corrCmtDebug = {};
// Convert live href to psd href (aka newHref)
var newHref, liveHref = decodeURIComponent( sigLinkElem.getAttribute( "href" ) );
corrCmtDebug.liveHref = liveHref;
if( sigLinkElem.className.includes( "mw-selflink" ) ) {
newHref = "./" + currentPageName;
} else {
if( /^\/wiki/.test( liveHref ) ) {
var hrefTokens = liveHref.split( ":" );
if( hrefTokens.length !== 2 ) throw new Error( "Malformed href" );
newHref = "./" + canonicalizeNs( hrefTokens[0].replace(
/^\/wiki\//, "" ) ).replace( / /g, "_" ) + ":" +
.replace( /^Contributions%2F/, "Contributions/" )
.replace( /%2F/g, "/" )
.replace( /%23/g, "#" )
.replace( /%26/g, "&" )
.replace( /%3D/g, "=" )
.replace( /%2C/g, "," );
} else {
var REDLINK_HREF_RGX = /^\/w\/index\.php\?title=(.+?)&action=edit&redlink=1$/;
var redlinkMatch = REDLINK_HREF_RGX.exec( liveHref );
if( redlinkMatch ) {
newHref = "./" + redlinkMatch[1];
} else {
newHref = liveHref.replace( /_/g, '%20' );
newHref = newHref.replace( /\\/g, "\\\\" )
.replace( /'/g, "\\'" )
.replace( /\?/g, "%3F" );
var livePath = ascendToCommentContainer( sigLinkElem, /* live */ true, /* recordPath */ true );
corrCmtDebug.newHref = newHref; corrCmtDebug.livePath = livePath;
// Deal with the case where the comment has multiple links to
// sigLinkElem's href; we will store the index of the link we want.
// null means there aren't multiple links.
if( liveHref ) {
liveHref = liveHref.replace( /'/g, "\\'" );
var liveDupeLinks = livePath[0].querySelectorAll( "a" +
( liveHref ? ( "[href='" + liveHref + "']" ) : ".mw-selflink" ) );
if( !liveDupeLinks ) throw new Error( "Couldn't select live dupe link" );
var liveDupeLinkIdx = ( liveDupeLinks.length > 1 )
? iterableToList( liveDupeLinks ).indexOf( sigLinkElem ) : null;
var liveClone = livePath[0].cloneNode( /* deep */ true );
// Remove our own UI elements
var ourUiSelector = ".reply-link-wrapper,#reply-link-panel";
iterableToList( liveClone.querySelectorAll( ourUiSelector ) ).forEach( function ( n ) {
n.parentNode.removeChild( n );
} );
//console.log("(BEFORE) liveClone",liveClone,liveClone.childNodes);
onlyFirstComment( liveClone );
//console.log("(AFTER) liveClone",liveClone,liveClone.childNodes);
// Process it a bit to make it look a bit more like the Parsoid output
var liveAutoNumberedLinks = liveClone.querySelectorAll( "a.external.autonumber" );
for( var i = 0; i < liveAutoNumberedLinks.length; i++ ) {
liveAutoNumberedLinks[i].textContent = "";
var liveSelflinks = liveClone.querySelectorAll( "a.mw-selflink.selflink" );
for( var i = 0; i < liveSelflinks.length; i++ ) {
liveSelflinks[i].href = "/wiki/" + currentPageName;
// "Comments in Local Time" compatibility: the text content is
// gonna contain the modified time stamp, but the original time
// stamp is still there
var localCommentsSpan = liveClone.querySelector( "span.localcomments" );
if( localCommentsSpan ) {
var dateNode = document.createTextNode( localCommentsSpan.getAttribute( "title" ) );
localCommentsSpan.parentNode.replaceChild( dateNode, localCommentsSpan );
// User:Writ Keeper/Scripts/teahouseTalkbackLink.js compatibility:
// get rid of the |C|TB that it adds
var teahouseTalkbackLink = liveClone.querySelector( "a[id^=TBsubmit]" );
if( teahouseTalkbackLink ) {
teahouseTalkbackLink.parentNode.removeChild( teahouseTalkbackLink.nextSibling );
for( var ttlIdx = 0; ttlIdx < 3; ttlIdx++ ) {
teahouseTalkbackLink.parentNode.removeChild( teahouseTalkbackLink.previousSibling );
teahouseTalkbackLink.parentNode.removeChild( teahouseTalkbackLink );
var adminMarksClass = liveClone.querySelectorAll( "b.adminMark" );
if ( adminMarksClass.length > 0 ) {
adminMarksClass.forEach( function ( currentValue, currentIndex, listObj ) {
currentValue.parentNode.removeChild( currentValue );
} );
// TODO: Optimization - surrTextContentFromElem does the prefixing
// operation a second time, even though we already called onlyFirstComment
// on it.
var liveTextContent = surrTextContentFromElem( liveClone );
console.log("liveTextContent >>>>>"+liveTextContent + "<<<<<");
function normalizeTextContent( tc ) {
return deArmorFrenchSpaces( tc );
liveTextContent = normalizeTextContent( liveTextContent );
var selector = livePath.map( function ( node ) {
return node.tagName.toLowerCase();
} ).join( " " ) + " a[href^='" + newHref + "']";
// TODO: Optimization opportunity - run querySelectorAll only on the
// section that we know contains the comment
var psdLinks = iterableToList( psdDom.querySelectorAll( selector ) );
console.log("(",liveDupeLinkIdx, ")",selector, " --> ", psdLinks);
var oldPsdLinks = psdLinks,
newHrefLen = newHref.length,
psdLinks = [];
for( var i = 0; i < oldPsdLinks.length; i++ ) {
hrefSubstr = oldPsdLinks[i].getAttribute( "href" ).substring( newHrefLen );
if( !hrefSubstr || hrefSubstr.indexOf( "#" ) === 0 ) {
psdLinks.push( oldPsdLinks[i] );
// Narrow down by entire textContent of list element
var psdCorrLinks = []; // the corresponding link elem(s)
if( liveDupeLinkIdx === null ) {
for( var i = 0; i < psdLinks.length; i++ ) {
var psdContainer = ascendToCommentContainer( psdLinks[i], /* live */ false, true );
var psdTextContent = normalizeTextContent( surrTextContentFromElem( psdContainer[0] ) );
if( psdTextContent === liveTextContent ) {
psdCorrLinks.push( psdLinks[i] );
} /* else {
//console.log(i,"len: psd live",psdTextContent.length,liveTextContent.length);
for(var j = 0; j < Math.min(psdTextContent.length, liveTextContent.length); j++) {
if(psdTextContent.charAt(j)!==liveTextContent.charAt(j)) {
//console.log(i,j,"psd live", psdTextContent.codePointAt(j), liveTextContent.codePointAt( j ) );
} */
} else {
for( var i = 0; i < psdLinks.length; i++ ) {
var psdContainer = ascendToCommentContainer( psdLinks[i], /* live */ false );
if( psdContainer.dataset.replyLinkGeCorrCo ) continue;
var psdTextContent = normalizeTextContent( surrTextContentFromElem( psdContainer ) );
if( psdTextContent === liveTextContent ) {
var psdDupeLinks = psdContainer.querySelectorAll( "a[href='" + newHref + "']" );
psdCorrLinks.push( psdDupeLinks[ liveDupeLinkIdx ] );
// Flag to ensure we don't take a link from this container again
psdContainer.dataset.replyLinkGeCorrCo = true;
if( psdCorrLinks.length === 0 ) {
console.error( "Failed to find a matching comment in the Parsoid DOM." );
return null;
} else if( psdCorrLinks.length > 1 ) {
console.error( "Found multiple matching comments in the Parsoid DOM." );
return null;
return psdCorrLinks[0];
* Given a page title, the Parsoid output (GET /page/html endpoint)
* of that page, page and a DOM object in the current page
* corresponding to a link in a signature, locate the section
* containing that comment. That section may not be in the provided
* page! Returns an object with these properties:
* - page: The full title of the page directly containing the
* comment (in its wikitext, not through transclusion).
* - sectionName: The anticipated wikitext section name. Should
* appear inside the equal signs at the above index.
* - sectionDupeIdx: If there are multiple sections with the same
* name, the 0-based index of the section with the comment among
* those sections. Otherwise, 0.
* - sectionLevel: The anticipated wikitext section level (e.g.
* 2 for an h2)
* - nearbyMwId: The Parsoid ID of some element near the
* comment (in practice, a userspace link) for jumping purposes.
* Parsoid is abbreviated here as "psd" in variables and comments.
function findSection( psdDomPageTitle, psdDomString, sigLinkElem ) {
console.log("findSection(",psdDomPageTitle,", ...)");
var domParser = new DOMParser(),
psdDom = domParser.parseFromString( psdDomString, "text/html" );
var corrLink = getCorrCmt( psdDom, sigLinkElem );
if( corrLink === null ) {
return $.when();
//console.log("STEP 1 SUCCESS",corrLink);
var corrCmt = ascendToCommentContainer( corrLink, /* live */ false );
// Ascend until we hit something in a transclusion
var currNode = corrLink;
var tsclnId = null;
do {
if( currNode.getAttribute( "about" ) &&
currNode.getAttribute( "about" ).indexOf( "#mwt" ) === 0 ) {
tsclnId = currNode.getAttribute( "about" );
currNode = currNode.parentNode;
} while( currNode.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "html" );
//console.log( "tsclnId", tsclnId );
// Helper function: are we in a pseudo-section? (Unused, at the moment.)
function inPseudo( headerElement ) {
var currNodeIP = headerElement;
// This requires Parsoid HTML v 2.0.0
do {
if( currNodeIP.nodeType === 1 && currNodeIP.matches( "section" ) ) {
return currNodeIP.dataset.mwSectionId < 0;
currNodeIP = currNodeIP.parentNode;
} while( currNodeIP );
return false;
// Now, get the nearest header above us
var currNode = corrCmt;
var nearestHeader = null;
var HTML_HEADER_RGX = /^h\d$/;
do {
if( HTML_HEADER_RGX.exec( currNode.tagName.toLowerCase() ) ) {
// Commented because I don't think the !inPseudo requirement is necessary 2019-nov-01
//if( !inPseudo( currNode ) ) {
nearestHeader = currNode;
var containedHeaders = currNode.querySelectorAll( HEADER_SELECTOR );
if( containedHeaders.length ) {
var nearestHdrIdx = containedHeaders.length - 1;
// Commented because I don't think the !inPseudo requirement is necessary 2019-nov-01
// TODO this is an extraordinarily silly while loop; it has been temporarily commented 2020-apr-25
//while( nearestHdrIdx >= 0 ){//&& inPseudo( containedHeaders[ nearestHdrIdx ] ) )
// nearestHdrIdx--;
if( nearestHdrIdx >= 0 ) {
nearestHeader = containedHeaders[ nearestHdrIdx ];
if( currNode.previousElementSibling ) {
currNode = currNode.previousElementSibling;
currNode = currNode.parentNode;
} while( currNode.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "body" );
// Get the target page (page actually containing the comment)
var targetPage;
if( tsclnId === null ) {
console.warn( "tsclnId === null" );
targetPage = psdDomPageTitle;
} else {
var tsclnInfoSel = "*[about='" + tsclnId + "'][typeof='mw:Transclusion']",
infoJson = JSON.parse( psdDom.querySelector( tsclnInfoSel ) .dataset.mw );
// First, check the first and last wikitext segments to see if they have the header
var firstWktxtSegIdx = 0;
while( infoJson.parts[firstWktxtSegIdx].template &&
infoJson.parts[firstWktxtSegIdx].template.target.href.startsWith( "Template:" ) &&
firstWktxtSegIdx < infoJson.parts.length ) {
if( firstWktxtSegIdx < infoJson.parts.length && typeof infoJson.parts[firstWktxtSegIdx] === typeof '' ) {
var firstWktxtSeg = infoJson.parts[firstWktxtSegIdx];
var headerMatch = null;
do {
headerMatch = HEADER_REGEX.exec( firstWktxtSeg );
if( headerMatch ) {
if( wikitextHeaderEqualsDomHeader( headerMatch[2], nearestHeader.textContent ) ) {
targetPage = psdDomPageTitle;
} while( headerMatch );
if( !targetPage ) {
var lastWktxtSegIdx = infoJson.parts.length - 1;
while( infoJson.parts[lastWktxtSegIdx].template &&
infoJson.parts[lastWktxtSegIdx].template.target.href.startsWith( "Template:" ) &&
lastWktxtSegIdx >= 0 ) {
if( lastWktxtSegIdx >= 0 && typeof infoJson.parts[lastWktxtSegIdx] === typeof '' ) {
var lastWktxtSeg = infoJson.parts[lastWktxtSegIdx];
var headerMatch = null;
do {
headerMatch = HEADER_REGEX.exec( lastWktxtSeg );
if( headerMatch ) {
if( wikitextHeaderEqualsDomHeader( headerMatch[2], nearestHeader.textContent ) ) {
targetPage = psdDomPageTitle;
} while( headerMatch );
var recursiveCalls = $.when();
if( !targetPage ) {
// Recurse on all non-top-level Templates!
var pages = infoJson.parts.filter( function ( part ) {
return part.template &&
part.template.target &&
part.template.target.href && (
!part.template.target.href.startsWith("./Template") ||
( part.template.target.href.match( new RegExp( '/', 'g' ) ) || [] ).length >= 2
} );
if( pages.length ) {
var pageNames = pages.map( function ( part ) {
return part.template.target.href.substring( 2 ); // remove the ./
} );
var deferreds = pageNames.map( function ( pageName ) {
return $.get( PARSOID_ENDPOINT + encodeURIComponent( pageName ) )
.then( function ( data ) { return data; } ); // truncate to first argument, which is the data
} );
recursiveCalls = $.when.apply( $, deferreds ).then( function () {
var results = arguments; // use keyword "arguments" to access deferred results
var deferreds2 = [];
if( pageNames.length !== results.length ) {
throw new Error( "pageNames.length !== results.length: " + pageNames.length + " " + results.length );
for( var i = 0; i < pageNames.length; i++ ) {
deferreds2.push( findSection( pageNames[i], results[i], sigLinkElem ) );
return $.when.apply( $, deferreds2 ).then( function () {
var results2 = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments );
var namesAndResults2 = [];
if( pageNames.length !== results2.length ) {
throw new Error( "pageNames.length !== results2.length: " + pageNames.length + " " + results2.length );
for( var i = 0; i < pageNames.length; i++ ) {
if( results2[i] ) {
namesAndResults2.push( [ pageNames[i], results2[i] ] );
if( namesAndResults2.length === 0 ) {
return null;
} else if( namesAndResults2.length === 1 ) {
return namesAndResults2[0][1];
} else {
var allSameName = namesAndResults2.every( function ( nameAndResult ) {
return nameAndResult[0] === namesAndResults2[0][0];
} );
if( allSameName ) {
return namesAndResults2[0][1];
} else {
console.error( "WTF", namesAndResults2 );
} );
} );
return recursiveCalls.then( function ( data ) {
if( data ) {
return data;
} else if( nearestHeader === null ) {
return {
page: targetPage,
sectionName: "",
sectionDupeIdx: 0,
sectionLevel: 0,
nearbyMwId: corrCmt.id
} else {
// We tried recursing, and it didn't work, so the
// section must be on the current page
targetPage = psdDomPageTitle;
// Finally, get the index of our nearest header
var allHeaders = iterableToList( psdDom.querySelectorAll( HEADER_SELECTOR ) );
var sectionDupeIdx = 0;
for( var i = 0; i < allHeaders.length; i++ ) {
if( allHeaders[i].textContent === nearestHeader.textContent ) {
if( allHeaders[i] === nearestHeader ) {
} else {
var result = {
page: targetPage,
sectionName: nearestHeader.textContent,
sectionDupeIdx: sectionDupeIdx,
sectionLevel: nearestHeader.tagName.substring( 1 ), // that is, cut off the "h" at the beginning
nearbyMwId: corrCmt.id
//console.log("findSection return val: ",result);
return result;
} );
* Given some wikitext that's split into sections, return the full
* wikitext (including header and newlines until the next header) of
* the section with the given name. To get the content before the
* first header, sectionName should be "".
* Performs a sanity check with the given section name.
function getSectionWikitext( wikitext, sectionName, sectionDupeIdx ) {
console.log("In getSectionWikitext, sectionName = >" + sectionName + "< (wikitext.length = " + wikitext.length + ")");
//console.log("wikitext (first 1000 chars) is " + dirtyWikitext.substring(0, 1000));
// There are certain locations where a header may appear in the
// wikitext, but will not be present in the HTML; such as code
// blocks or comments. So we keep track of those ranges
// and ignore headings inside those.
var ignoreSpanStarts = []; // list of ignored span beginnings
var ignoreSpanLengths = []; // list of ignored span lengths
var IGNORE_RE = /(<pre>[\s\S]+?<\/pre>)|(<source.+?>[\s\S]+?<\/source>)|(<!--[\s\S]+?-->)/g;
var ignoreSpanMatch;
do {
ignoreSpanMatch = IGNORE_RE.exec( wikitext );
if( ignoreSpanMatch ) {
//console.log("ignoreSpan ",ignoreSpanStarts.length," = ",ignoreSpanMatch);
ignoreSpanStarts.push( ignoreSpanMatch.index );
ignoreSpanLengths.push( ignoreSpanMatch[0].length );
} while( ignoreSpanMatch );
var startIdx = -1; // wikitext index of section start
var endIdx = -1; // wikitext index of section end
var headerCounter = 0;
var headerMatch;
// So that we don't check every ignore span every time
var ignoreSpanStartIdx = 0;
var dupeCount = 0;
var lookingForEnd = false;
if( sectionName === "" ) {
// Getting first section
startIdx = 0;
lookingForEnd = true;
// Reset regex state, if for some reason we're not running this for the first time
HEADER_REGEX.lastIndex = 0;
do {
headerMatch = HEADER_REGEX.exec( wikitext );
if( headerMatch ) {
// Check that we're not inside one of the "ignore" spans
for( var igIdx = ignoreSpanStartIdx; igIdx <
ignoreSpanStarts.length; igIdx++ ) {
if( headerMatch.index > ignoreSpanStarts[igIdx] ) {
if ( headerMatch.index + headerMatch[0].length <=
ignoreSpanStarts[igIdx] + ignoreSpanLengths[igIdx] ) {
console.log("(IGNORED, igIdx="+igIdx+") Header " + headerCounter + " (idx " + headerMatch.index + "): >" + headerMatch[0].trim() + "<");
// Invalid header
continue headerMatchLoop;
} else {
// We'll never encounter this span again, since
// headers only get later and later in the wikitext
ignoreSpanStartIdx = igIdx;
//console.log("Header " + headerCounter + " (idx " + headerMatch.index + "): >" + headerMatch[0].trim() + "<");
// Note that if the lookingForEnd block were second,
// then two consecutive matching section headers might
// result in the wrong section being matched!
if( lookingForEnd ) {
endIdx = headerMatch.index;
} else if( wikitextHeaderEqualsDomHeader( /* wikitext */ headerMatch[2], /* dom */ sectionName ) ) {
if( dupeCount === sectionDupeIdx ) {
startIdx = headerMatch.index;
lookingForEnd = true;
} else {
} while( headerMatch );
if( startIdx < 0 ) {
throw( "Could not find section named \"" + sectionName + "\" (dupe idx " + sectionDupeIdx + ")" );
// If we encountered no section after the target section,
// then the target was the last one and the slice will go
// until the end of wikitext
if( endIdx < 0 ) {
//console.log("[getSectionWikitext] endIdx negative, setting to " + wikitext.length);
endIdx = wikitext.length;
//console.log("[getSectionWikitext] Slicing from " + startIdx + " to " + endIdx);
return wikitext.slice( startIdx, endIdx );
* Converts a signature index to a string index into the given
* section wikitext. For example, if sigIdx is 1, then this function
* will return the index in sectionWikitext pointing to right
* after the second signature appearing in sectionWikitext.
* Returns -1 if we couldn't find anything.
function sigIdxToStrIdx( sectionWikitext, sigIdx ) {
console.log( "In sigIdxToStrIdx, sigIdx = " + sigIdx );
// There are certain regions that we skip while attaching links:
// - Spans with the class delsort-notice
// - Divs with the class xfd-relist (and other divs)
// So, we grab the corresponding wikitext regions with regexes,
// and store each region's start index in spanStartIndices, and
// each region's length in spanLengths. Then, whenever we find a
// signature with the right index, if it's included in one of
// these regions, we skip it and move on.
var spanStartIndices = [];
var spanLengths = [];
var DELSORT_SPAN_RE_TXT = /<small class="delsort-notice">(?:<small>.+?<\/small>|.)+?<\/small>/.source;
var XFD_RELIST_RE_TXT = /<div class="xfd_relist"[\s\S]+?<\/div>(\s*|<!--.+?-->)*/.source;
var STRUCK_RE_TXT = /<s>.+?<\/s>/.source;
var SKIP_REGION_RE = new RegExp("(" + DELSORT_SPAN_RE_TXT + ")|(" +
STRUCK_RE_TXT + ")", "ig");
var skipRegionMatch;
do {
skipRegionMatch = SKIP_REGION_RE.exec( sectionWikitext );
if( skipRegionMatch ) {
spanStartIndices.push( skipRegionMatch.index );
spanLengths.push( skipRegionMatch[0].length );
} while( skipRegionMatch );
var dateFmtRgx = DATE_FMT_RGX[mw.config.get( "wgServer" )];
if( !dateFmtRgx ) {
throw new Error( "Error! I don't know the native date format used by the server '" + mw.config.get( "wgServer" ) + "'!" );
* I apologize for making you have to read this regex.
* I made a summary, though:
* - a wikilink, without a ]] inside it
* - some text, without a link to userspace or user talk space
* - a timestamp
* - as an alternative to all of the above, an autosigned script
* and a timestamp
* - some comments/whitespace or some non-whitespace
* - finally, the end of the line
* It's also localized.
var sigRgxSrc = "(?:" + /\[\[\s*(?:m:)?:?\s*/.source + "(" + userspcLinkRgx.both +
/([^\]]|\](?!\]))*?/.source + ")" + /\]\]\)?/.source + "(" +
/[^\[]|\[(?!\[)|\[\[/.source + "(?!" + userspcLinkRgx.both +
"))*?" + DATE_FMT_RGX[mw.config.get( "wgServer" )] +
/\s+\(UTC\)|class\s*=\s*"autosigned".+?\(UTC\)<\/small>/.source +
")" + /(\S*([ \t\f]|<!--.*?-->)*(?:\{\{.+?\}\})?(?!\S)|\s?\S+([ \t\f]|<!--.*?-->)*)$/.source;
var sigRgx = new RegExp( sigRgxSrc, "igm" );
var matchIdx = 0;
var match;
var matchIdxEnd;
var dstSpnIdx;
for( ; true ; matchIdx++ ) {
match = sigRgx.exec( sectionWikitext );
if( !match ) {
console.error("[sigIdxToStrIdx] out of matches");
return -1;
//console.log( "sig match (matchIdx = " + matchIdx + ") is >" + match[0] + "< (index = " + match.index + ")" );
matchIdxEnd = match.index + match[0].length;
// Validate that we're not inside a delsort span
for( dstSpnIdx = 0; dstSpnIdx < spanStartIndices.length; dstSpnIdx++ ) {
// matchIdxEnd, spanStartIndices[dstSpnIdx] +
// spanLengths[dstSpnIdx] );
if( match.index > spanStartIndices[dstSpnIdx] &&
( matchIdxEnd <= spanStartIndices[dstSpnIdx] +
spanLengths[dstSpnIdx] ) ) {
// That wasn't really a match (as in, this match does not
// correspond to any sig idx in the DOM), so we can't
// increment matchIdx
continue sigMatchLoop;
if( matchIdx === sigIdx ) {
return match.index + match[0].length;
* Inserts fullReply on the next sensible line after strIdx in
* sectionWikitext. indentLvl is the indentation level of the
* comment we're replying to.
* This function essentially takes the indentation level and
* position of the current comment, and looks for the first comment
* that's indented strictly less than the current one. Then, it
* puts the reply on the line right before that comment, and returns
* the modified section wikitext.
function insertTextAfterIdx( sectionWikitext, strIdx, indentLvl, fullReply ) {
//console.log( "[insertTextAfterIdx] indentLvl = " + indentLvl );
// strIdx should point to the end of a line
var counter = 0;
while( ( sectionWikitext[ strIdx ] !== "\n" ) && ( counter++ <= 50 ) ) strIdx++;
var slicedSecWikitext = sectionWikitext.slice( strIdx );
//console.log("slicedSecWikitext = >>" + slicedSecWikitext.slice(0,50) + "<<");
slicedSecWikitext = slicedSecWikitext.replace( /^\n/, "" );
var candidateLines = slicedSecWikitext.split( "\n" );
//console.log( "candidateLines =", candidateLines );
// number of the line in sectionWikitext that'll be right after reply
var replyLine = 0;
var INDENT_RE = /^[:*#]+/;
if( slicedSecWikitext.trim().length > 0 ) {
var currIndentation, currIndentationLvl, i;
// Now, loop through all the comments replying to that
// one and place our reply after the last one
for( i = 0; i < candidateLines.length; i++ ) {
if( candidateLines[i].trim() === "" ) {
// Detect indentation level of current line
currIndentation = INDENT_RE.exec( candidateLines[i] );
currIndentationLvl = currIndentation ? currIndentation[0].length : 0;
//console.log(i + ">" + candidateLines[i] + "< => " + currIndentationLvl);
if( currIndentationLvl <= indentLvl ) {
// If it's an XfD, we might have found a relist
// comment instead, so check for that
if( xfdType && /<div class="xfd_relist"/.test( candidateLines[i] ) ) {
// Our reply might go on the line above the xfd_relist line
var potentialReplyLine = i;
// Walk through the relist notice, line by line
// After this loop, i will point to the line on which
// the notice ends
var NEW_COMMENTS_RE = /Please add new comments below this line/;
while( !NEW_COMMENTS_RE.test( candidateLines[i] ) ) {
// Relists are treated as if they're indented at level 1
if( 1 <= indentLvl ) {
replyLine = potentialReplyLine;
} else {
//console.log( "cIL <= iL, breaking" );
} else {
replyLine = i + 1;
if( i === candidateLines.length ) {
replyLine = i;
} else {
// In this case, we may be replying to the last comment in a section
replyLine = candidateLines.length;
// Walk backwards until non-empty line
while( replyLine >= 1 && candidateLines[replyLine - 1].trim() === "" ) replyLine--;
//console.log( "replyLine = " + replyLine );
// Splice into slicedSecWikitext
slicedSecWikitext = candidateLines
.slice( 0, replyLine )
.concat( [ fullReply ], candidateLines.slice( replyLine ) )
.join( "\n" );
// Remove extra newlines
if( /\n\n\n+$/.test( slicedSecWikitext ) ) {
slicedSecWikitext = slicedSecWikitext.trim() + "\n\n";
// We may need an additional newline if the two slices don't have any
var optionalNewline = ( !sectionWikitext.slice( 0, strIdx ).endsWith( "\n" ) &&
!slicedSecWikitext.startsWith( "\n" ) ) ? "\n" : "";
// Splice into sectionWikitext
sectionWikitext = sectionWikitext.slice( 0, strIdx ) +
optionalNewline + slicedSecWikitext;
return sectionWikitext;
* Using the text in #reply-dialog-field, add a reply to the
* current page. rplyToXfdNom is true if we're replying to an XfD nom,
* in which case we should use an asterisk instead of a colon.
* cmtAuthorDom is the username of the person who wrote the comment
* we're replying to, parsed from the DOM. revObj is the object returned
* by getWikitext for the page with the comment; findSectionResult is the
* object returned by findSection for the comment.
* Returns a Deferred that resolves/rejects when the reply succeeds/fails.
function doReply( indentation, header, sigIdx, cmtAuthorDom, rplyToXfdNom, revObj, findSectionResult ) {
console.log("TOP OF doReply",header,findSectionResult);
header = [ "" + findSectionResult.sectionLevel, findSectionResult.sectionName, findSectionResult.sectionDupeIdx ];
var deferred = $.Deferred();
var wikitext = revObj.content;
try {
// Generate reply in wikitext form
var reply = document.getElementById( "reply-dialog-field" ).value.trim();
// Add a signature if one isn't already there
if( !hasSig( reply ) ) {
reply += " " + ( window.replyLinkSigPrefix ?
window.replyLinkSigPrefix : "" ) + LITERAL_SIGNATURE;
var isUsingAutoIndentation = window.replyLinkAutoIndentation === "checkbox"
? ( !document.getElementById( "reply-link-option-auto-indent" ) ||
document.getElementById( "reply-link-option-auto-indent" ).checked )
: window.replyLinkAutoIndentation === "always";
if( isUsingAutoIndentation ) {
var replyLines = reply.split( "\n" );
// If we're outdenting, reset indentation and add the
// outdent template. This requires that there be at least
// one character of indentation.
var outdentCheckbox = document.getElementById( "reply-link-option-outdent" );
if( outdentCheckbox && outdentCheckbox.checked ) {
replyLines[0] = "{" + "{od|" + indentation.slice( 0, -1 ) +
"}}" + replyLines[0];
indentation = "";
// Compose reply by adding indentation at the beginning of
// each line (if not replying to an XfD nom) or {{pb}}'s
// between lines (if replying to an XfD nom)
var fullReply;
if( rplyToXfdNom ) {
// If there's a list in this reply, it's a bad idea to
// use pb's, even though the markup'll probably be broken
if( replyLines.some( function ( l ) { return l.substr( 0, 1 ) === "*"; } ) ) {
fullReply = replyLines.map( function ( line ) {
return indentation + "*" + line;
} ).join( "\n" );
} else {
fullReply = indentation + "* " + replyLines.join( "{{pb}}" );
} else {
fullReply = replyLines.map( function ( line ) {
return indentation + ":" + line;
} ).join( "\n" );
} else {
fullReply = reply;
// Prepare section metadata for getSectionWikitext call
console.log( "in doReply, header =", header );
var sectionHeader, sectionIdx;
if( header === null ) {
sectionHeader = null, sectionIdx = -1;
} else {
sectionHeader = header[1], sectionDupeIdx = header[2];
// Compatibility with User:Bility/copySectionLink
if( document.querySelector( "span.mw-headline a#sectiontitlecopy0" ) ) {
// If copySectionLink is active, the paragraph symbol at
// the end is a fake
sectionHeader = sectionHeader.replace( /\s*¶$/, "" );
// Compatibility with the "auto-number headings" preference
if( document.querySelector( "span.mw-headline-number" ) ) {
sectionHeader = sectionHeader.replace( /^\d+ /, "" );
var sectionWikitext = getSectionWikitext( wikitext, sectionHeader, sectionDupeIdx );
var oldSectionWikitext = sectionWikitext; // We'll String.replace old w/ new
// Now, obtain the index of the end of the comment
var strIdx = sigIdxToStrIdx( sectionWikitext, sigIdx );
// Check for a non-negative strIdx
if( strIdx < 0 ) {
throw( "Negative strIdx (signature not found in wikitext)" );
// Determine the user who wrote the comment, for
// edit-summary and sanity-check purposes
var userRgx = new RegExp( /\[\[\s*(?:m:)?:?\s*/.source + userspcLinkRgx.both + /\s*(.+?)(?:\/.+?)?(?:#.+?)?\s*(?:\|.+?)?\]\]/.source, "ig" );
var userMatches = processCharEntitiesWikitext( sectionWikitext.slice( 0, strIdx ) ).match( userRgx );
var cmtAuthorWktxt = userRgx.exec(
userMatches[userMatches.length - 1] )[1];
if( cmtAuthorWktxt === "DoNotArchiveUntil" ) {
userRgx.lastIndex = 0;
cmtAuthorWktxt = userRgx.exec( userMatches[userMatches.length - 2] )[1];
// Normalize case, because that's what happens during
// wikitext-to-HTML processing; also underscores to spaces
function sanitizeUsername( u ) {
u = u.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + u.substr( 1 );
return u.replace( /_/g, " " );
cmtAuthorWktxt = sanitizeUsername( cmtAuthorWktxt );
cmtAuthorDom = sanitizeUsername( cmtAuthorDom );
// Do a sanity check: is the sig username the same as the
// DOM one? We attempt to check sigRedirectMapping in case
// the naive check fails
if( cmtAuthorWktxt !== cmtAuthorDom &&
processCharEntitiesWikitext( cmtAuthorWktxt ) !== cmtAuthorDom &&
sigRedirectMapping[ cmtAuthorWktxt ] !== cmtAuthorDom ) {
throw new Error( "Sanity check on sig username failed! Found " +
cmtAuthorWktxt + " but expected " + cmtAuthorDom +
" (wikitext vs DOM)" );
// Actually insert our reply into the section wikitext
sectionWikitext = insertTextAfterIdx( sectionWikitext, strIdx,
indentation.length, fullReply );
// Also, if the user wanted the edit request to be answered,
// do that
var editReqCheckbox = document.getElementById( "reply-link-option-edit-req" );
var markedEditReq = false;
if( editReqCheckbox && editReqCheckbox.checked ) {
sectionWikitext = markEditReqAnswered( sectionWikitext );
markedEditReq = true;
// If the user preferences indicate a dry run, print what the
// wikitext would have been post-edit and bail out
var dryRunCheckbox = document.getElementById( "reply-link-option-dry-run" );
if( window.replyLinkDryRun === "always" || ( dryRunCheckbox && dryRunCheckbox.checked ) ) {
console.log( "~~~~~~ DRY RUN CONCLUDED ~~~~~~" );
console.log( sectionWikitext );
setStatus( "Check the console for the dry-run results." );
document.querySelector( "#reply-link-buttons button" ).disabled = false;
return deferred;
var newWikitext = wikitext.replace( oldSectionWikitext,
sectionWikitext );
// Build summary
var defaultSummmary = mw.msg( "rl-replying-to" ) +
( rplyToXfdNom ? xfdType + " nomination by " : "" ) +
cmtAuthorWktxt +
( markedEditReq ? " and marking edit request as answered" : "" );
var customSummaryField = document.getElementById( "reply-link-summary" );
var summaryCore = defaultSummmary;
if( window.replyLinkCustomSummary && customSummaryField.value ) {
summaryCore = customSummaryField.value.trim();
var summary = "/* " + sectionHeader + " */ " + summaryCore + mw.msg( "rl-advert" );
// Send another request, this time to actually edit the
// page
api.postWithToken( "csrf", {
action: "edit",
title: findSectionResult.page,
summary: summary,
text: newWikitext,
basetimestamp: revObj.timestamp
} ).done ( function ( data ) {
// We put this function on the window object because we
// give the user a "reload" link, and it'll trigger the function
window.replyLinkReload = function () {
window.location.hash = sectionHeader.replace( / /g, "_" );
if( findSectionResult.nearbyMwId ) {
document.cookie = "parsoid_jump=" + findSectionResult.nearbyMwId;
window.location.reload( true );
if ( data && data.edit && data.edit.result && data.edit.result == "Success" ) {
var needPurge = findSectionResult.page !== currentPageName;
function finishReply( _ ) {
var reloadHtml = window.replyLinkAutoReload ? mw.msg( "rl-reloading" )
: "<a href='javascript:window.replyLinkReload()' class='reply-link-reload'>" + mw.msg( "rl-reload" ) + "</a>";
setStatus( mw.msg( "rl-saved" ) + " (" + reloadHtml + ")" );
// Required to permit reload to happen, checked in onbeforeunload
replyWasSaved = true;
if( window.replyLinkAutoReload ) {
if( needPurge ) {
setStatus( "Reply saved! Purging..." );
api.post( { action: "purge", titles: currentPageName } ).done( finishReply );
} else {
} else {
if( data && data.edit && data.edit.spamblacklist ) {
setStatus( "Error! Your post contained a link on the <a href=" +
"\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Spam_blacklist\"" +
">spam blacklist</a>. Remove the link(s) to: " +
data.edit.spamblacklist.split( "|" ).join( ", " ) + " to allow saving." );
document.querySelector( "#reply-link-buttons button" ).disabled = false;
} else {
setStatus( "While saving, the edit query returned an error." +
" Check the browser console for more information." );
document.getElementById( "reply-dialog-field" ).style["background-image"] = "";
} ).fail ( function( code, result ) {
setStatus( "While replying, the edit failed." );
} );
} catch ( e ) {
setStatusError( e );
return deferred;
function handleWrapperClick ( linkLabel, parent, rplyToXfdNom ) {
return function ( evt ) {
$.when( mw.messages.exists( INT_MSG_KEYS[0] ) ? 1 :
api.loadMessages( INT_MSG_KEYS ) ).then( function () {
var newLink = this;
var newLinkWrapper = this.parentNode;
if( !userspcLinkRgx ) {
// Remove previous panel
var prevPanel = document.getElementById( "reply-link-panel" );
if( prevPanel ) {
// Reset previous cancel links
var cancelLinks = iterableToList( document.querySelectorAll(
".reply-link-wrapper a" ) );
cancelLinks.forEach( function ( el ) {
if( el != newLink ) el.textContent = el.dataset.originalLabel;
} );
// Handle disable action
if( newLink.textContent === linkLabel ) {
// Disable this link
newLink.textContent = mw.msg( "rl-cancel" ) + linkLabel;
} else {
// We've already cancelled the reply
newLink.textContent = linkLabel;
return false;
// Figure out the username of the author
// of the comment we're replying to
var cmtAuthorAndLink = getCommentAuthor( newLinkWrapper );
try {
var cmtAuthor = cmtAuthorAndLink.username,
cmtLink = cmtAuthorAndLink.link;
} catch ( e ) {
setStatusError( e );
// Fetch metadata about this specific comment
var ourMetadata = metadata[this.id];
var header = ourMetadata[1];
var sectionHeader, sectionIdx;
if( header === null ) {
sectionHeader = null, sectionIdx = -1;
} else {
sectionHeader = header[1], sectionDupeIdx = header[2];
// Compatibility with User:Bility/copySectionLink
if( document.querySelector( "span.mw-headline a#sectiontitlecopy0" ) ) {
// If copySectionLink is active, the paragraph symbol at
// the end is a fake
sectionHeader = sectionHeader.replace( /\s*¶$/, "" );
// Compatibility with the "auto-number headings" preference
if( document.querySelector( "span.mw-headline-number" ) ) {
sectionHeader = sectionHeader.replace( /^\d+ /, "" );
var sectionWikitext = getSectionWikitext( wikitext, sectionHeader, sectionDupeIdx );
console.log('sectionWikitext: ',sectionWikitext);
// Create panel
var panelEl = document.createElement( "div" );
panelEl.id = "reply-link-panel";
panelEl.innerHTML = "<textarea id='reply-dialog-field' class='mw-ui-input'" +
" placeholder='" + mw.msg( "rl-placeholder" ) + "'></textarea>" +
( window.replyLinkCustomSummary ? "<label for='reply-link-summary'>Summary: </label>" +
"<input id='reply-link-summary' class='mw-ui-input' placeholder='Edit summary' " +
"value='Replying to " + cmtAuthor.replace( /'/g, "'" ) + "'/><br />" : "" ) +
"<table style='border-collapse:collapse'><tr><td id='reply-link-buttons' style='width: " +
( window.replyLinkPreloadPing === "button" ? "325" : "255" ) + "px'>" +
"<button id='reply-dialog-button' class='mw-ui-button mw-ui-progressive'>" + mw.msg( "rl-reply" ) + "</button> " +
"<button id='reply-link-preview-button' class='mw-ui-button'>" + mw.msg( "rl-preview" ) + "</button>" +
( window.replyLinkPreloadPing === "button" ?
" <button id='reply-link-ping-button' class='mw-ui-button'>Ping</button>" : "" ) +
"<button id='reply-link-cancel-button' class='mw-ui-button mw-ui-quiet mw-ui-destructive'>" + mw.msg( "rl-cancel-button" ) + "</button></td>" +
"<td id='reply-dialog-status'></span><div style='clear:left'></td></tr></table>" +
"<div id='reply-link-options' class='gone-on-empty' style='margin-top: 0.5em'></div>" +
"<div id='reply-link-preview' class='gone-on-empty' style='border: thin dashed gray; padding: 0.5em; margin-top: 0.5em'></div>";
parent.insertBefore( panelEl, newLinkWrapper.nextSibling );
var replyDialogField = document.getElementById( "reply-dialog-field" );
replyDialogField.style = "padding: 0.625em; min-height: 10em; margin-bottom: 0.75em; line-height: 1.3";
if( window.replyLinkPreloadPing === "always" &&
cmtAuthor &&
cmtAuthor !== mw.config.get( "wgUserName" ) &&
!/(\d+.){3}\d+/.test( cmtAuthor ) ) {
replyDialogField.value = window.replyLinkPreloadPingTpl.replace( "##", cmtAuthor );
// Fill up #reply-link-options
function newOption( id, text, defaultOn ) {
var newCheckbox = document.createElement( "input" );
newCheckbox.type = "checkbox";
newCheckbox.id = id;
if( defaultOn ) {
newCheckbox.checked = true;
var newLabel = document.createElement( "label" );
newLabel.htmlFor = id;
newLabel.appendChild( document.createTextNode( text ) );
document.getElementById( "reply-link-options" ).appendChild( newCheckbox );
document.getElementById( "reply-link-options" ).appendChild( newLabel );
// If the dry-run option is "checkbox", add an option to make it
// a dry run
if( window.replyLinkDryRun === "checkbox" ) {
newOption( "reply-link-option-dry-run", "Don't actually edit?", true );
// If the current section header text indicates an edit request,
// offer to mark it as answered
if( ourMetadata[1] && EDIT_REQ_REGEX.test( ourMetadata[1][1] ) ) {
newOption( "reply-link-option-edit-req", "Mark edit request as answered?", false );
// If the previous comment was indented by OUTDENT_THRESH,
// offer to outdent
if( ourMetadata[0].length >= OUTDENT_THRESH ) {
newOption( "reply-link-option-outdent", "Outdent?", false );
if( window.replyLinkAutoIndentation === "checkbox" ) {
newOption( "reply-link-option-auto-indent", mw.msg( "rl-auto-indent" ), true );
/* Commented out because I could never get it to work
// Autofill with a recommendation if we're replying to a nom
if( rplyToXfdNom ) {
replyDialogField.value = "'''Comment'''";
// Highlight the "Comment" part so the user can change it
var range = document.createRange();
range.selectNodeContents( replyDialogField );
//range.setStart( replyDialogField, 3 ); // start of "Comment"
//range.setEnd( replyDialogField, 10 ); // end of "Comment"
var sel = window.getSelection();
sel.addRange( range );
// Close handler
window.onbeforeunload = function ( e ) {
if( !replyWasSaved &&
document.getElementById( "reply-dialog-field" ) &&
document.getElementById( "reply-dialog-field" ).value ) {
var txt = mw.msg( "rl-started-reply" );
e.returnValue = txt;
return txt;
// Called by the "Reply" button, Ctrl-Enter in the text area, and
// Enter/Ctrl-Enter in the summary field
function startReply() {
// Change UI to make it clear we're performing an operation
document.getElementById( "reply-dialog-field" ).style["background-image"] =
"url(" + window.replyLinkPendingImageUrl + ")";
document.querySelector( "#reply-link-buttons button" ).disabled = true;
setStatus( mw.msg( "rl-loading" ) );
var parsoidUrl = PARSOID_ENDPOINT + encodeURIComponent( currentPageName ) +
"/" + mw.config.get( "wgCurRevisionId" ),
findSectionResultPromise = $.get( parsoidUrl )
.then( function ( parsoidDomString ) {
return findSection( currentPageName, parsoidDomString, cmtLink );
},console.error );
var revObjPromise = findSectionResultPromise.then( function ( findSectionResult ) {
console.log( "findSectionResult ", findSectionResult );
return getWikitext( findSectionResult.page );
},console.error );
$.when( findSectionResultPromise, revObjPromise ).then( function ( findSectionResult, revObj ) {
// ourMetadata contains data in the format:
// [indentation, header, sigIdx]
doReply( ourMetadata[0], ourMetadata[1], ourMetadata[2],
cmtAuthor, rplyToXfdNom, revObj, findSectionResult );
}, function (e) { setStatusError(new Error(e))} );
// Event listener for the "Reply" button
document.getElementById( "reply-dialog-button" )
.addEventListener( "click", startReply );
// Event listener for the text area
document.getElementById( "reply-dialog-field" )
.addEventListener( "keydown", function ( e ) {
if( e.ctrlKey && ( e.keyCode == 10 || e.keyCode == 13 ) ) {
} );
// Event listener for the "Preview" button
document.getElementById( "reply-link-preview-button" )
.addEventListener( "click", function () {
var reply = document.getElementById( "reply-dialog-field" ).value.trim();
// Add a signature if one isn't already there
if( !hasSig( reply ) ) {
reply += " " + ( window.replyLinkSigPrefix ?
window.replyLinkSigPrefix : "" ) + LITERAL_SIGNATURE;
var sanitizedCode = encodeURIComponent( reply );
$.post( "https:" + mw.config.get( "wgServer" ) +
"/w/api.php?action=parse&format=json&title=" + currentPageName + "&text=" + sanitizedCode
+ "&pst=1",
function ( res ) {
if ( !res || !res.parse || !res.parse.text ) return console.log( "Preview failed" );
document.getElementById( "reply-link-preview" ).innerHTML = res.parse.text['*'];
// Add target="_blank" to links to make them open in a new tab by default
var links = document.querySelectorAll( "#reply-link-preview a" );
for( var i = 0, n = links.length; i < n; i++ ) {
links[i].setAttribute( "target", "_blank" );
} );
} );
if( window.replyLinkPreloadPing === "button" ) {
document.getElementById( "reply-link-ping-button" )
.addEventListener( "click", function () {
replyDialogField.value = window.replyLinkPreloadPingTpl
.replace( "##", cmtAuthor ) + replyDialogField.value;
} );
// Event listener for the "Cancel" button
document.getElementById( "reply-link-cancel-button" )
.addEventListener( "click", function () {
newLink.textContent = linkLabel;
} );
// Event listeners for the custom edit summary field
if( window.replyLinkCustomSummary ) {
document.getElementById( "reply-link-summary" )
.addEventListener( "keydown", function ( e ) {
if( e.keyCode == 10 || e.keyCode == 13 ) {
} );
if( window.replyLinkTestInstantReply ) {
}.bind( this ) );
// Cancel default event handler
return false;
* Adds a "(reply)" link after the provided text node, giving it
* the provided element id. anyIndentation is true if there's any
* indentation (i.e. indentation string is not the empty string)
function attachLinkAfterNode( node, preferredId, anyIndentation ) {
// Choose a parent node - walk up tree until we're under a dd, li,
// p, or div. This walk is a bit unsafe, but this function should
// only get called in a place where the walk will succeed.
var parent = node;
do {
parent = parent.parentNode;
} while( !( /^(p|dd|li|div|td)$/.test( parent.tagName.toLowerCase() ) ) );
// Determine whether we're replying to an XfD nom
var rplyToXfdNom = false;
if( xfdType === "AfD" || xfdType === "MfD" ) {
// If the comment is non-indented, we are replying to a nom
rplyToXfdNom = !anyIndentation;
} else if( xfdType === "TfD" || xfdType === "FfD" ) {
// If the sibling before the previous sibling of this node
// is a h4, then this is a nom
rplyToXfdNom = parent.previousElementSibling &&
parent.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling &&
parent.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.nodeType === 1 &&
parent.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() === "h4";
} else if( xfdType === "CfD" ) {
// If our grandparent is a dl and our grandparent's previous
// sibling is a h4, then this is a nom
rplyToXfdNom = parent.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === "dl" &&
parent.parentNode.previousElementSibling.nodeType === 1 &&
parent.parentNode.previousElementSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() === "h4";
// Choose link label: if we're replying to an XfD, customize it
var linkLabel = mw.msg( "rl-reply-label" ) + ( rplyToXfdNom ? mw.msg( "rl-to-label" ) + xfdType : "" );
// Construct new link
var newLinkWrapper = document.createElement( "span" );
newLinkWrapper.className = "reply-link-wrapper";
var newLink = document.createElement( "a" );
newLink.href = "#";
newLink.id = preferredId;
newLink.dataset.originalLabel = linkLabel;
newLink.appendChild( document.createTextNode( linkLabel ) );
newLink.addEventListener( "click", handleWrapperClick( linkLabel, parent, rplyToXfdNom ) );
newLinkWrapper.appendChild( document.createTextNode( " (" ) );
newLinkWrapper.appendChild( newLink );
newLinkWrapper.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ")" ) );
// Insert new link into DOM
parent.insertBefore( newLinkWrapper, node.nextSibling );
* Uses attachLinkAfterTextNode to add a reply link after every
* timestamp on the page.
function attachLinks () {
var mainContent = findMainContentEl();
if( !mainContent ) {
console.error( "No main content element found; exiting." );
var contentEls = mainContent.children;
// Find the index of the first header in contentEls
var headerIndex = 0;
for( headerIndex = 0; headerIndex < contentEls.length; headerIndex++ ) {
if( contentEls[ headerIndex ].matches( HEADER_SELECTOR ) ) break;
// If we didn't find any headers at all, that's a problem and we
// should bail
if( mainContent.querySelector( "div.hover-edit-section" ) ) {
headerIndex = 0;
} else if( headerIndex === contentEls.length ) {
console.error( "Didn't find any headers - hit end of loop!" );
// We also should include the first header
if( headerIndex > 0 ) {
// Each element is a 2-element list of [level, node]
var parseStack = iterableToList( contentEls ).slice( headerIndex );
parseStack = parseStack.map( function ( el ) { return [ "", el ]; } );
// Main parse loop
var node;
var currIndentation; // A string of symbols, like ":*::"
var newIndentSymbol;
var stackEl; // current element from the parse stack
var idNum = 0; // used to make id's for the links
var linkId = ""; // will be the element id for this link
while( parseStack.length ) {
stackEl = parseStack.pop();
node = stackEl[1];
currIndentation = stackEl[0];
// Compatibility with "Comments in Local Time"
var isLocalCommentsSpan = node.nodeType === 1 &&
"span" === node.tagName.toLowerCase() &&
node.className.includes( "localcomments" );
var isSmall = node.nodeType === 1 && (
node.tagName.toLowerCase() === "small" ||
( node.tagName.toLowerCase() === "span" &&
node.style && node.style.getPropertyValue( "font-size" ) === "85%" ) );
// Small nodes are okay, unless they're delsort notices
var isOkSmallNode = isSmall &&
!node.className.includes( "delsort-notice" );
if( ( node.nodeType === 3 ) ||
isOkSmallNode ||
isLocalCommentsSpan ) {
// If the current node has a timestamp, attach a link to it
// Also, no links after timestamps, because it's just like
// having normal text afterwards, which is rejected (because
// that means someone put a timestamp in the middle of a
// paragraph)
var hasLinkAfterwardsNotInBlockEl = node.nextElementSibling &&
( node.nextElementSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() === "a" ||
( node.nextElementSibling.tagName.match( /^(span|small)$/i ) &&
node.nextElementSibling.querySelector( "a" ) ) );
if( TIMESTAMP_REGEX.test( node.textContent ) &&
( node.previousSibling || isSmall ) &&
!hasLinkAfterwardsNotInBlockEl ) {
linkId = "reply-link-" + idNum;
attachLinkAfterNode( node, linkId, !!currIndentation );
// Update global metadata dictionary
metadata[linkId] = currIndentation;
} else if( node.nodeType === 1 &&
/^(div|p|dl|dd|ul|li|span|ol|table|tbody|tr|td)$/.test( node.tagName.toLowerCase() ) ) {
switch( node.tagName.toLowerCase() ) {
case "dl": newIndentSymbol = ":"; break;
case "ul": newIndentSymbol = "*"; break;
case "ol": newIndentSymbol = "#"; break;
case "div":
if( node.className.includes( "xfd_relist" ) ) {
default: newIndentSymbol = ""; break;
var childNodes = node.childNodes;
for( let i = 0, numNodes = childNodes.length; i < numNodes; i++ ) {
parseStack.push( [ currIndentation + newIndentSymbol,
childNodes[i] ] );
// This loop adds two entries in the metadata dictionary:
// the header data, and the sigIdx values
var sigIdxEls = iterableToList( mainContent.querySelectorAll(
HEADER_SELECTOR + ",span.reply-link-wrapper a" ) );
var currSigIdx = 0, j, numSigIdxEls, currHeaderEl, currHeaderData;
var headerIdx = 0; // index of the current header
var headerLvl = 0; // level of the current header
for( j = 0, numSigIdxEls = sigIdxEls.length; j < numSigIdxEls; j++ ) {
var headerTagNameMatch = /^h(\d+)$/.exec(
sigIdxEls[j].tagName.toLowerCase() );
if( headerTagNameMatch ) {
currHeaderEl = sigIdxEls[j];
// Test to make sure we're not in the table of contents
if( currHeaderEl.parentNode.className === "toctitle" ) {
// Reset signature counter
currSigIdx = 0;
// Dig down one level for the header text because
// MW buries the text in a span inside the header
var headlineEl = null;
if( currHeaderEl.childNodes[0].className &&
currHeaderEl.childNodes[0].className.includes( "mw-headline" ) ) {
headlineEl = currHeaderEl.childNodes[0];
} else {
for( var i = 0; i < currHeaderEl.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
if( currHeaderEl.childNodes[i].className &&
currHeaderEl.childNodes[i].className.includes( "mw-headline" ) ) {
headlineEl = currHeaderEl.childNodes[i];
var headerName = null;
if( headlineEl ) {
headerName = headlineEl.textContent;
if( headerName === null ) {
console.error( currHeaderEl );
throw "Couldn't parse a header element!";
headerLvl = headerTagNameMatch[1];
currHeaderData = [ headerLvl, headerName, headerIdx ];
} else {
// Save all the metadata for this link
currIndentation = metadata[ sigIdxEls[j].id ];
metadata[ sigIdxEls[j].id ] = [ currIndentation,
currHeaderData ? currHeaderData.slice(0) : null,
currSigIdx ];
// Disable links inside hatnotes, archived discussions
var badRegionsSelector = "div.archived,div.resolved,table";
var badRegions = mainContent.querySelectorAll( badRegionsSelector );
for( var i = 0; i < badRegions.length; i++ ) {
var badRegion = badRegions[i];
var insideArchived = badRegion.querySelectorAll( ".reply-link-wrapper" );
for( var j = 0; j < insideArchived.length; j++ ) {
insideArchived[j].parentNode.removeChild( insideArchived[j] );
function runTestMode() {
// We never want to make actual edits
window.replyLinkDryRun = "always";
// Simulate having a panel open
$( "#mw-content-text" )
.append( $( "<div>" )
.append( $( "<textarea>" ).attr( "id", "reply-dialog-field" ).val( "hi" ) )
.append( $( "<div>" ).attr( "id", "reply-link-buttons" )
.append( $( "<button> " ) ) ) );
mw.util.addCSS( ".reply-link-wrapper { background-color: orange; }" );
// Fetch content, Parsoid DOM, etc
var parsoidUrl = PARSOID_ENDPOINT + encodeURIComponent( currentPageName );
$.get( parsoidUrl ),
api.loadMessages( INT_MSG_KEYS )
).then( function ( parsoidDomString, _ ) {
// Statistics variables
var successes = 0, failures = 0;
// Run one test on a wrapper link
function runOneTestOn( wrapper ) {
try {
var cmtAuthorAndLink = getCommentAuthor( wrapper ),
cmtAuthor = cmtAuthorAndLink.username,
cmtLink = cmtAuthorAndLink.link;
var ourMetadata = metadata[ wrapper.children[0].id ];
findSection( currentPageName, parsoidDomString, cmtLink ).then( function ( findSectionResult ) {
var revObjPromise = getWikitext( findSectionResult.page, /* useCaching */ true );
$.when( findSectionResult, revObjPromise ).then( function ( findSectionResult, revObj ) {
doReply( ourMetadata[0], ourMetadata[1], ourMetadata[2],
cmtAuthor, false, revObj, findSectionResult ).done( function () {
wrapper.style.background = "green";
} ).fail( function () {
wrapper.style.background = "red";
} );
}, function ( e ) {
wrapper.style.background = "red";
} );
} );
} catch ( e ) {
console.error( e );
wrapper.style.background = "red";
var wrappers = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( ".reply-link-wrapper" ) );
function runOneTest() {
var wrapper = wrappers.shift();
if( wrapper ) {
runOneTestOn( wrapper );
setTimeout( runOneTest, 750 );
} else {
var results = successes + " successes, " + failures + " failures";
$( "#mw-content-text" ).prepend( results ).append( results );
//console.log = function() {};
setTimeout( runOneTest, 0 );
} );
function onReady() {
var lang_code = mw.config.get( "wgUserLanguage" )
// Replace default English interface by translation if available
var interface_messages = $.extend( {}, i18n.en, i18n[ lang_code.split('-')[0] ], i18n[ lang_code ] );
// Define interface messages
mw.messages.set( interface_messages );
// Exit if history page or edit page or oldid
if( mw.config.get( "wgAction" ) === "history" ) return;
if( document.getElementById( "editform" ) ) return;
if( window.location.search.includes( "oldid=" ) ) return;
api = new mw.Api();
"#reply-link-panel { padding: 1em; margin-left: 1.6em; "+
"max-width: 1200px; width: 66%; margin-top: 0.5em; }"+
".gone-on-empty:empty { display: none; }"
// Pre-load interface messages; we will check again when a (reply)
// link is clicked
api.loadMessages( INT_MSG_KEYS );
// Initialize the xfdType global variable, which must happen
// before the call to attachLinks
currentPageName = mw.config.get( "wgPageName" );
xfdType = "";
if( mw.config.get( "wgNamespaceNumber" ) === 4) {
if( currentPageName.startsWith( "Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/" ) ) {
xfdType = "AfD";
} else if( currentPageName.startsWith( "Wikipedia:Miscellany_for_deletion/" ) ) {
xfdType = "MfD";
} else if( currentPageName.startsWith( "Wikipedia:Templates_for_discussion/Log/" ) ) {
xfdType = "TfD";
} else if( currentPageName.startsWith( "Wikipedia:Categories_for_discussion/Log/" ) ) {
xfdType = "CfD";
} else if( currentPageName.startsWith( "Wikipedia:Files_for_discussion/" ) ) {
xfdType = "FfD";
// Default values for some preferences
if( window.replyLinkAutoReload === undefined ) window.replyLinkAutoReload = true;
if( window.replyLinkDryRun === undefined ) window.replyLinkDryRun = "never";
if( window.replyLinkPreloadPing === undefined ) window.replyLinkPreloadPing = "always";
if( window.replyLinkPreloadPingTpl === undefined ) window.replyLinkPreloadPingTpl = "{{u|##}}, ";
if( window.replyLinkCustomSummary === undefined ) window.replyLinkCustomSummary = false;
if( window.replyLinkTestMode === undefined ) window.replyLinkTestMode = false;
if( window.replyLinkTestInstantReply === undefined) window.replyLinkTestInstantReply = false;
if( window.replyLinkAutoIndentation === undefined ) window.replyLinkAutoIndentation = "checkbox";
// Insert "reply" links into DOM
// If test mode is enabled, create a link for that
if( window.replyLinkTestMode ) {
mw.util.addPortletLink( "p-cactions", "#", "reply-link test mode", "pt-reply-link-test" )
.addEventListener( "click", runTestMode );
// This large string creats the "pending" texture
window.replyLinkPendingImageUrl = "";
mw.loader.load( "mediawiki.ui.input", "text/css" );
mw.loader.using( [ "mediawiki.util", "mediawiki.api" ] ).then( function () {
mw.hook( "wikipage.content" ).add( onReady );
} );
// Return functions for testing
return {
"iterableToList": iterableToList,
"sigIdxToStrIdx": sigIdxToStrIdx,
"insertTextAfterIdx": insertTextAfterIdx,
"wikitextToTextContent": wikitextToTextContent
// Export functions for testing
if( typeof module === typeof {} ) {
module.exports = { "loadReplyLink": loadReplyLink };
// If we're in the right environment, load the script
if( jQuery !== undefined && mediaWiki !== undefined ) {
var currNamespace = mw.config.get( "wgNamespaceNumber" );
// Also enable on T:TDYK and its subpages
var ttdykPage = mw.config.get( "wgPageName" ).indexOf( "Template:Did_you_know_nominations" ) === 0;
// Normal "read" view and not a diff view
var normalView = mw.config.get( "wgIsArticle" ) &&
!mw.config.get( "wgDiffOldId" );
if ( normalView && ( currNamespace % 2 === 1 || currNamespace === 4 || ttdykPage ) ) {
loadReplyLink( jQuery, mediaWiki );