Who robbed on the Highway together, the Woman being executed in 1685 and the Man being killed by a Gunshot Wound.

THESE two criminals flourished from the year 1680 to 1684, during which time they committed a great number of robberies and frauds. Their natural inclinations to such a manner of living first brought them together, and kept up the union between them till they were separated by justice, though we cannot learn that they were ever married, Joan only assuming the name of her companion, as is common in such cases, the better to colour their living together, and impose on the world.

  • This unhappy criminal, the daughter of a wealthy farmer in Northamptonshire, named John Phillips, being debauched by one Edward Bracey, a notorious highwayman, robbed her father and ran away with him. And her first launching out into all manner of wickedness, she beacme as eminent for picking of pockets and shoplifting at all country fairs and great markets, as ever her pretended husband was reckoned famous in his way of robbing on the road.[1]
  • Edward was a highwayman before he became acquainted with Joan. She was the daughter of a wealthy farmer, and she consented, first to rob her father, then run off with her lover. Under the character of man of wife, they frequently robbed on the highway, and at all the county markets and fairs carried off considerable booty, by putting their hands in people's instead of their own.[2]

Edward Bracey had been a highwayman before he fell into company with his pretended wife, who was the daughter of a wealthy farmer in Northamptonshire, named John Phillips. The beginning of their acquaintance was Bracey's making love to her in hopes of getting a large sum of money out of the old man for a marriage portion, and then leaving both wife and father-in-law. But he was very agreeably deceived; for Joan was as good as he. She suffered herself to be first debauched by him, and then consented to rob her father, and go along with him on the pad; all which she accordingly accomplished. They now passed for husband and wife wheresoever they went, frequently robbed together on the highway, and as often united in picking of pockets and shoplifting at all the country fairs and markets round about.

  • She was often hampered for her notorious thefts, and was once or twice in great danger of hanging. She and her husband having got a great deal of money by their ruining honest people, they set up an inn in the suburbs of Bristol. And Joan Bracey being a very handsome woman, her beauty brought her a great many guests, who spent a great deal of money to obtain her favour. But all to no purpose, for though she seemed to give them encouragement, yet being constant to her first spark, whose name she asumed, she gulled them all in the end, and exposed them to open shame, as may appear by the following trick she played upon one of her cullies.[1]

It was next to impossible that they should continue this course of life long together without coming into trouble. One or the other of them was often in danger of the gallows, but they had both the good fortune to escape till they had got a large quantity of money. The dread of justice more than a desire to live honestly now prevailed upon them to quit their vocation and take to some creditable business, in which they might spend the remainder of their days in quiet, and live comfortably upon what they had acquired by their industry. In order to do this they took an inn in the suburbs of Bristol, where they met with success, having a large trade in particular for wine, which was occasioned by the beauty of our landlady. It is no uncommon thing for a husband to get money by his having a handsome wife, especially if they have both art enough to manage an intrigue, which was the present case. All the gay young fellows of the place came to drink with Madam Bracey, purely for the sake of having an opportunity to discover their love. She gave them all encouragement so long as they could spend a great deal of money, and then took care not only to turn them out of doors, but to expose them sufficiently.


  • Having collected a considerable sum of money, and, afraid of being detected, they resolved to abandon that course, and took an inn in the vicinity of Bristol. The beauty and accomplishments of Joan drew many customers to her house, and she was not so indifferent of to her own interest as to treat their kindness with indifference.
  • Among those who wished to enjoy more than a glass of her strong beer, was one Day, who became rather urgent in his his importunities. The night was appointed, when Edward was from home, to deal kindly with Day. At the appointed hour he arrived, was kindly received by the maid, informed that her mistress was in bed, requested to pass into a small room, where he might undress himself, and so fond his clothes ready for him upon any surprise. From modesty she put out the candle, and when Day was undressed, she opened a door, and immediately locked it behind him. Poor Day found that all was darkness; he whispered Joan's name as loud as he durst, but no voice answered. Nor was Joan ready to receive him in the manner he expected. When groping in the dark, he discovered the trick played upon him by the mistress and her maid, and called for liberty and his clothes; he was answered, that the way to the street was down the backstair, and the street door was only bolted in the inside.[2]
  • That door, however, only opened to a narrow lane, down which run the contents of a common sewer; but, rather than be found in that situation in the morning, Day puddled way in the night, and with much difficulty arrived at his own house, greatly in need of a good glass and a warm bed. Were every nightly intruder served in the same manner, the sacred property of husbands would be more secure.

It may not be amiss to give an instance of this her manner of using her suitors. One Mr Day, an eminent citizen of Bristol, was among the number of her humble servants. He made her a great many fine proposals, and she received them all with abundance of complaisance, consenting at last that he should make use of the first opportunity that offered to take a night's lodging with her. In a little time Mr Day was informed that his landlord, Bracey, was to be abroad on such a night, and that nothing could happen more favourably to his wishes. He went at the time appointed with all the ardour of a lover, and was received by a maidservant, who told him her mistress had gone to bed, and waited impatiently for him; but desiring him however to pull off his clothes, and leave them in another room, where he might be concealed, and have time to dress himself again, in case any surprise should happen. The innocent Mr Day thanked her for the contrivance, and hugged himself in the thought of the mistress's sincere affection, because the maid was so careful for his safety.

Mrs Abigail led him to the room appointed, put out the candle on account of mere modesty, and stayed at the door while Mr Day undressed himself; which he did in two minutes. Now the best of the comedy was to be played: our tractable maid conducted the gallant to a door, which she told him opened into her mistress's chamber, bid him enter softly, and immediately turned the key upon him. Here Mr Day wandered about to find the bed, and pronounced the name of Mrs Bracey as loud as he dared, that she might give him directions; but no Mrs Bracey answered. He was sufficiently amazed at the oddness of the scene, but was yet more surprised when he tumbled down a pair of stairs against the back door of the house. The contrivance was now plain; he saw that mistress and maid were agreed not only to balk his passion, but to strip him of his clothes also. It was in vain to call and make protestations; he received no other answer than that the back door was only bolted, and he might open if he pleased, and go about his business.

This door opened into a narrow dirty lane, down which the common sewer ran; and there was no going out at it unless you got into a coach, or upon a horse, directly off the steps, which was the only use made of it, and that not often, especially in the winter-time, as it was at present. Mr Day knew all these inconveniences; but the terrible pinching cold, and the shame of being discovered if he stayed till broad daylight, made him go out, wade through the mud, and make the best of his way home, where he was heartily laughed at by those friends to whom he told the story; which were only such as he could not conceal it from, and even upon these he laid the severest injunctions imaginable never to divulge a word of it. They kept the secret from everybody else, but diverted themselves privately with poor Mr Day all his life afterwards.


  • But in less than a twelvemonth's time Bracey's house being grown so infamous and scandalous that she and her husband were forced to leave it, they took to their old courses again.[3]
  • But in consequence of these, and similar adventures, their house was soon so notorious that few or none would enter it; upon which, shutting the door, they went, in intimation of the fowls of the air, to seek their food in the fields.[4]

Everyone whom our honest innkeepers imposed on were not, however, so easy as Mr Day; so that in less than a twelvemonth's time their house became so scandalous that they were obliged to leave it, and then they had nothing to do but to take to their old courses again, being by this time pretty well got over the apprehensions they were under of a halter. At their first setting out again they played such a trick as was hardly ever matched, which was the woman's contrivance as well as Bracey's. We shall relate this also, in as few words as we can conveniently.

A young gentleman who had spent his fortune had used their house all the time they had been at Bristol, and got a pretty deal into their debt. They knew he was heir to an estate of about a hundred pounds a year, which was kept from him only by the life of an old distempered uncle, and they had a mighty itching to get this reversion into their hands. In order to this, Joan threatened him grievously with a prison for what he owed them, till she perceived he was heartily frightened, and would do anything to keep his liberty. She knew besides that he was viciously inclined, and only wanted a little introduction to be made anything of that they could wish. Upon this she told him what she and her husband were going upon, and prevailed with him to join them. In a day or two after she informed him that a rich tradesman was coming to Bristol with a large quantity of money, and that he must accompany her husband to-morrow to take it from him. Accordingly Bracey and the young man set out, stopped a person on the road, and took from him above a hundred pounds, with which they returned home together. The man that was robbed had been sent out with the money in his pocket for that very purpose.

As soon as the fact was over, and they had got their dupe safe, madam told him plainly that he must make over the reversion of his estate to them, or her husband should immediately swear the robbery upon him, and get him hanged for it. The terror he was under, and the promise of liberty upon complying, made him do all they desired. After which they still kept him in their house till they had sold it again, obliging him to assure the purchaser that he had received a valuable consideration of Mr Bracey; which was readily enough believed, because everybody knew the young gentleman's extravagances. They got fourteen hundred pounds by this bargain, with which they immediately made off, leaving the unfortunate spark to lament his folly. The name of this young man was Rumbald.

Joan's execution


Joan after this usually dressed herself in men's apparel, and she and her fellow-adventurer committed a great many robberies together on the highway. At last, however, fortune put an end to their progress in iniquity; for as they were robbing a person of quality's coach together in Nottinghamshire, madam was apprehended, and carried to Nottingham Jail. At the next assizes she was condemned by the name of Joan Bracey, and in April, 1685, she was executed, aged twenty-nine years.

  • In April 1685 Joan Bracey 'Who consorted with and acted as a highwayman' was hanged at Tyburn.[5]
  • But one day having robbed a person of quality, Joan was apprehended, tried, and executed in the twenty-first year of her age.[4]

Edward lurked about in the country, but one day being discovered by a person whom he had robbed, this man got several others to assist in apprehending him. Bracey, however, hearing a noise, and dreading the cause, fortunately seized a cap and apron of one of the waiters, and running down the stairs in the greatest hurry, crying, "Coming, gentleman, coming!" he passed by them, went to the stable, saddle his horse, and, while they were searching the house for him, fled for his life.[4]

Her pretended husband got off at the time she was taken, and concealed himself for some time after by skulking about the country. One day, being at a public inn, he was seen by somebody whom he had robbed, who immediately got assistance, and came to take him, being at the stair-foot with armed men before Bracey knew anything of the matter. It happened that in the room where he was, one of the drawers had left his cap and apron, which Bracey in a moment snatched up and put on, running downstairs ready to break his neck, and crying out as he ran, "Coming, gentlemen, coming," as if he were waiting upon company above. This stratagem preserved his life a little longer, for the gentleman who came to secure him, not apprehending anything, let him pass as a drawer, though he had taken so much notice of his face before; so that he got his horse out of the stable and rode off while they were searching the house for him. Two or three of his companions, who were with him in the inn, and knew nothing of the occasion of his running down so, were apprehended and brought to justice.

  • Edward was only permitted to enjoy liberty and life a little longer. He usually rode upon a white mare, so that a man whom he had robbed seeing her standing at the door of an inn, and concluding that the robber was within, alarmed the neighbour, and, in defending himself, he was so severely wounded that he died in three days.[6]

This escape, however, did him but little service; for about three or four days after, stopping at a little house to drink, and leaving his white mare, on which he usually robbed, at the door, another gentleman who had suffered by him came by, alarmed the neighbourhood upon his knowledge of the beast, and beset the house before he had the least notice. As soon as he heard a noise of men at the door he ran out, and attempted to mount; but two or three pieces were instantly discharged at him, one of them killing his mare, and another taking off several of his fingers. He then endeavoured to leap over some pales, and get off by the back side of the house, when another discharge was made at him from a fowling-piece, which lodged several great goose-shot in his guts, and wounded him so that he dropped down on the place and died in three days afterwards.


  1. ^ a b Hayward 2002, p. 502
  2. ^ a b Johnson 1813, p. 403
  3. ^ Hayward 2002, p. 504
  4. ^ a b c Johnson 1813, p. 404
  5. ^ Burford & Shulman 1992, p. 109
  6. ^ Johnson 1813, p. 405


  • Johnson, Charles (1813). The History of the Lives and Action of the Most Famous Highwaymen, Street-robbers, &c. &c: To which is Added a Genuine Account of the Voyages and Plunders of the Noted Pirates. Longman. p. 403.
  • Hayward, Arthur Lawrence (2002). A Complete History of the Lives and Robberies of the Most Notorious Highwaymen, Footpads, Shoplifts and Cheats of Both Sexes. Routledge. p. 502. ISBN 9780415286787.
  • Burford, Ephraim John; Shulman, Sandra (1992). Of Bridles and Burnings: The Punishment of Women. St. Martin's Press. p. 109. ISBN 9780709047827.
  • Orange, James (1840). History and antiquities of Nottingham.
  • The Railroad Telegrapher. 1913. This source says both hanged at Tyburn within a year of each other.
  • Spraggs, Gillian (2001). Outlaws and highwaymen: The cult of the robber in England from the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century. ISBN 9780712664790. This source suggests the story may be embellished (but is only a preview).
  • Barker, Matthew Henry (1860). Land & sea tales, by the Old Sailor. At first glance, a dramatized account or novel based on their lives.

[[Category:English highwaymen]] [[Category:17th-century criminals]]