Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.

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                url: "/wiki/Special:NewPagesFeed",
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// [[User:Caorongjin/wordcount]]

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 * Automatically tick the "Move subpages" option when moving pages.
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/* Ajax file move module, version [0.0.4c]
Originally from:
* Very complex script, but very simple operation:
** Go to a File: page, click [speedy move], enteew name.
* Specifically written to move requested images, summaries and template removal regex are hard coded.
** Framework can be forked though.
* Does not suppress redirects, a feature could be written though.
** This would need more complex input, than a prompt().
var sfmMoveToken = '';
var sfmNewTitle = '';
if(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 6 && mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId')) {
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function sfmInit() {
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    alert('You can\'t move files to other namespaces');
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    var conf = confirm('Warning: you appear to be changing this file\'s extension from "' + oldext + '" to "' + newext + '".\nWhile this is works sometimes for very old files uploaded with the wrong\nextension, this is rare. Are you really sure you want to try that?');
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    out.appendChild(document.createTextNode('! That seems like a bad title to me: [[' + newtitle + ']]'));
  out.appendChild(document.createTextNode('* Input accepted, fetching edit/move tokens and page text...\n'));
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function sfmTokens(obj,txt) {
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    out.appendChild(document.createTextNode('! This file is apparently a redirect, and should not be moved again.\n'));
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  out.appendChild(document.createTextNode('* Got tokens and text, searching for templates...\n'));
  var templates = /\{\{[\s\n\t]*(ifr|rename[ _]*media|rename[ _]*image|ImageRename|rename)[\s\n\t]*(\|[^\}]*|)\}\}/ig;
  var found = templates.test(pagetext);
  if(!found) {
    out.appendChild(document.createTextNode('! No automatically removable templates found, please continue manually.'));
  out.appendChild(document.createTextNode('* Move template(s) found and removed, attempting edit...\n'));
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      eval("sfmEdit(" + req.responseText + ",'" + req.responseText.replace(/\'/g,"`") + "')");
  sfmMoveToken = movetoken;
function sfmEdit(obj,txt) {
  var out = document.getElementById('sfm-output');
  if(obj['error']) {
    out.appendChild(document.createTextNode('! Api error: ' + obj['error']['code'] + ' - ' + obj['error']['info'] + '\n* Please finish manually.'));
  } else if(obj['edit'] && obj['edit']['result']) {
    out.appendChild(document.createTextNode('* Edit returned as "' + obj['edit']['result'] + '", attempting to move page to [[' + sfmNewTitle + ']]... \n'));
  } else {
    out.appendChild(document.createTextNode('? Unexpected response: ' + txt + '\n* Please finish manually.'));
  var def = "Semi-automated file move";
  var reason = document.querySelectorAll('');
  if(reason.length > 0) def = getInnerText(reason[0])
  var params = 'action=move&format=json&token=' + encodeURIComponent(sfmMoveToken) + '&movetalk=1&from=' + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgPageName')) + '&to=' + encodeURIComponent(sfmNewTitle) + '&reason=' + encodeURIComponent( 'using [[User:Splarka/ajaxfilemove.js]];' +def );
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      eval("sfmMove(" + req.responseText + ",'" + req.responseText.replace(/\'/g,"`") + "')");
function sfmMove(obj,txt) {
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  if(obj['error']) {
    out.appendChild(document.createTextNode('* Api error: ' + obj['error']['code'] + ' - ' + obj['error']['info'] + '\n* Please finish manually.'));
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    out.appendChild(document.createTextNode('* File [[' + obj['move']['from'] + ']] moved to [[' + obj['move']['to'] + ']]\n* Be sure to '));
    var a = document.createElement('a');
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    a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Check for double redirects!'));
  } else {
    out.appendChild(document.createTextNode('? Unexpected response: ' + txt + '\n* Please finish manually.'));

//Mass rollback function
//Written by John254
//Adapted from User:Mr.Z-man/rollbackSummary.js
//Instructions: Selecting the "rollback all" tab when viewing a user's contributions history
//will open all rollback links displayed there. (Use with caution)
function rollbackEverythingButton() {
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  if (hasRollback[0] && (document.title.indexOf("User contributions") != -1) ) {
    mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:rollbackEverything()', "rollback all", "ca-rollbackeverything", "rollback all edits displayed here");
function rollbackEverything() {
    for (var i in document.links) {
      if (document.links[i].href.indexOf('action=rollback') != -1) {[i].href);


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                url: "/wiki/Wikipedia:Snuggle",
                index: 5

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                url: "/wiki/Special:NewPagesFeed",
                index: 5
                label: "AfD",
                url: "/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_Deletion",
                index: 6
                label: "Edit score",
                url: "/wiki/Wikipedia:List_of_Wikipedians_by_number_of_edits",
                index: 7
                label: "Meta",
                url: "",
                index: 8
                label: "Species",
                url: "",
                index: 9
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                url: "",
                index: 10
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                url: "",
                index: 11
                label: "Commons",
                url: "",
                index: 12
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               url: "",
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			'== Referenser ==\n'+
			'*{{Webbref |url= |titel= |hämtdatum='+ moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD') +' |författare= |efternamn=Elgenstierna |förnamn=Gustaf |författarlänk=Gustaf Elgenstierna |efternamn2= |förnamn2= |datum= |år= |månad= |format= |verk=[[Den introducerade svenska adelns ättartavlor]] |utgivare=[[Adelsvapen-Wiki]]  |sid= |språk= |doi= |arkivurl= |arkivdatum= |citat= |ref= }}\n'+
			'=== Noter ===\n'+
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			'[[:Kategori:Svenska adelsätter]]\n'+
			'[[:Kategori:Svenska friherrliga ätter]]\n'
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