User:Otokorashii Fuyu/Sandbox/Gray Magic

Gray Magic is a form of witchcraft that is Neither good or bad. Gray Magick is the combination of White and Black Magick Magick. It is known as the neutral form of magick.It is also known as the magick of the libras. It is The Ultimate Balancing Magick.

Grey Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will, using means not currently understood by traditional Western science, for the purpose of causing either physical or non-physical good to yourself or others, and is done either consciously or unconsciously.

Gray Magick Also works another way. It can Benefit and harm at the same time causeing the same neutral effect.

Examples of gray magick


According to Aleister Crowley Magick is “the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will”. Gray Magick is used by many practioners though to new practioners it can be an accident to use gray magick (twist and turns). This is an example of gray magick: "If someone did a spell for money(which is white magick),but then a week later a family member dies and life insurance went to them,that is gray magick." What was white turned black(gray). It can be backwards. "If someone did a spell to break up a couple(black magic) but they break up and then find a better conpanion" Black turning white(gray).



The Gray Magician knows that both polarities are necessary and should be revered and practiced. The Gray Magician does not and will not choose good and bane as a model for the way the universe should be and an individual should act, since both concepts are ludicrous and un-natural. Furthermore, the Gray Magician, or Gray, does not hide behind the premise of "good" for political reaons, for they know the true deifinition of what "is" has been tainted and is very incorrect.

The Gray Magician believes that what is good is, in fact, what upholds the balance of nature, for that is our model of morality. We do not look to the words of a god or goddess, or the Redes/Commandments of men, but too what "is" (and all anyone can ever know)- nature, to find the truth.

We deny the irrational concept of "harm none" as imperfect and improperly defined, as well as the concepts of obeying one God's (or gods') commandments based on what they say without reason! Gray Witches and Wizards ARE NOT practitioners of dark magick, as dark magicians are those who completely reject "good" by the very terms they use, regardless of what they may claim (see Webster's dictionary). To deny the necessity and purpose of what is commonly defined as "good" is un-natural and irrational, and it is not the way of the Gray Magician.

Gray Magicians practice balance and harmony, and they deny the concept that such things can occur without recognition of total and true polarity.

We ARE NOT selfish seekers, and do not practice for selfish reasons, as some would define the area of "gray magick", but rather practice our magick and our beliefs as nature shows us- balanced, harmonized, and unified! If you consider killing plants and animals in order to survive, as nature intended, as "un-balanced and dis-harmonic" then, yes, we are selfish! Otherwise, we are simply believers in truth rather than attempting to mask our believes under false pretenses such as "harm none" (a very broad definition)- a definition Gray Witches and Wizards take great issue with, for it is deceiving!

Gray Witchcraft is the practice of balance, harmony, and unity in ALL THINGS, and in all areas of life! It is not an easy path, and it is not a path for all persons (for it is difficult), but it is not impossible, and it certainly should not be disguarded because it is. Who said life was meant to be easy? Don't you know that too much good becomes the bane? BALANCE is our banner!

Some would say that Gray withccraft is dangerous. I, as a Gray Wizard would have to say this: "Gray Witchcraft is only dangerous if you are one who never meant well, and never sought the truth in the first place. If you seek the truth, and are willing to suffer and learn, then there is absolutely no danger at all in Gray Witchcraft!" You should only fear our way, the Way of the Gray Magician if you are untrue to yourself and others.

We are the most rejected of the rejected, and we care not, for we know that all polarities are necessary for true unity. We follow no ultra-feminine or ultra-masculine agenda, but rather revere both genders as equally important and powerful in their own rites- balanced polarity. We do not practice and accept the concepts of "white" or "dark" witchcraft and magick, but rather recgonize, first, that magick is neutral, and second, that both sides complete the whole. We simply seek truth and we also present it as it is to the masses; no deception, no blinding words, no agendas.

If it is in the middle, centered, harmonious, truthfully grounded, and forthright we accept it and practice it. We do not and will not reject truth for an easier and more lenient route!

We reject the accepted definitions of "good" and "evil" as moronic and untruthful, and replace them with the way things are meant to be! We truly see that the left can not be without the right, nor the right without the left; but that both join in unity at their center. The center is what we seek!

These are the basics of the Gray Magician, according to the Gray Magician, for all are one and one are all. To place one over another is to create un-balanced reality, which is incorrect and will always result in disaster, for nature teaches this on a constant and consistent basis! Gray Witchcraft is about balance, harmony, and unity; nothing more. Those that wrongly define and attack our ways know not the truths of nature and are condemned to drown in the prosperity of their good and pure waters, for even water itself becomes bane when it is not properly balanced in it's consumption!



See also
