Lower Saxon State Department for Waterway, Coastal and Nature Conservation

The Lower Saxon Department for Water, Coastal and Nature Conservation (NLWKN) (German: Niedersächsischer Landesbetrieb für Wasserwirtschaft, Küsten- und Naturschutz) is a department of the state of Lower Saxony, with its headquarters in Norden (Ostfriesland) and is responsible to the Minister for the Environment and Climate Protectionof minister Christian Meyer (A90/Greens).



NLWKN is structured in relatively independend departements for different services at Norden, Hanover and Lüneburg:

  • Operation and maintenance of state-owned facilities and bodies of water, combating pollutant accidents, based in Norden
  • Planning and construction of water management systems, based in Norden
  • River basin management, state hydrological service, radiological monitoring, based in Norden
  • General administration, finance, human resources, based in Norden
  • Regional nature conservation, based in Hanover
  • State-wide nature conservation, based in Hanover
  • Allgemeine Verwaltung, Finanzen, Personal, Sitz in Norden
  • Water management legislation, based in Lüneburg
  • Landesweiter Naturschutz, Sitz in Hannover
  • Coastal Research Center, based in Norden, formely in Norderney

NLWKN services

  • national flood reporting service in the catchment areas of the Weser, Aller and Leine
  • national storm surge warning service for the Lower Saxon coast
  • current water level data (gauge measurements) for the Weser and Ems