File talk:Raketen-Panzerbüchse 43 Normandy P001135.jpg

Wrong ammunition for Pzb 43?


Reading a gun magazine while back (sorry, could not find the issue), I believe the ammunition round showed in this picture is not for Panzerbüchse 43 at all. If I recall correctly, Pzb 43 rockect was mechanically fired whereas the round here is electrically ignited one - for Panzerschreck.

Compare to Panzerschreck rocket:,_Ukraine,_Ausbildung_an_Panzerabwehrwaffe.jpg .

Again, on Finnish WW II -era guide to Panzerfaust/Panzerscherck here we have a Panzerschreck round:

Note the electrical primer (Sähkösytytin), the wooden handle (Puukahva) for loading. Compare to the current picture. The rocket held by a infantry guy here does not have the handle attached but on the ground, we have a wooden handle. Compare to the previous Ukraine photo, where the loader has just removed the handle from the Panzerschreck rocket.

LoneSentry site states it's modified version of PanzerSchreck projectile, having a percussion primer insted of electrical primer: