File talk:Political prisoners released October 6 1945 Tokyo Fuchu prison.jpg

Help on getting the right translation for this image's description


The image may not have the correct English translated description. Need help from someone who is fluent in Japanese. Here is the Japanese description that needs to be translated into English correctly: 政治犯釈放で一団となって府中刑務所を出る徳田球一(左から2人目)、志賀義雄(同3人目)ら共産党員 1945年10月6日 東京・府中刑務所で (Greg723 (talk) 18:08, 21 April 2015 (UTC)).Reply

Here is the link to where the image originates from: (Greg723 (talk) 18:29, 21 April 2015 (UTC)).Reply