Euskara: eu:Muruetako udal bandera: «2/3 proportzioa duen bandera laukizuzena, kolore urdinekoa; gurutze hori bat izango du, muturretik muturrera, eta horren gainean, gurutze zuri bat. Gurutzeen zabalera honakoa da: banderaren zabalera 1/5 eta 1/10, hurrenez hurren (BAO. 12. zk. 2023, urtarrilak 18. Asteazkena).
Español: Bandera municipal de es:Murueta (Vizcaya): Bandera rectangular de proporción 2/3, de color azul, con una cruz amarilla, de extremo a extremo, y sobre esta una cruz blanca. La anchura de las cruces es 1/5 y 1/10 del ancho de la bandera respectiva (BOB núm. 12. Miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023).
Legal or regulatory provisions and the drafts thereof, judgements of jurisdictional bodies and acts, resolutions, discussions and rulings of public bodies, and official translations of all such texts, shall not be subject of "intellectual property"
That means that laws, resolutions and so, from the governments, parliaments and other public and official administrations of Spain, its autonomous communities and other public entities, are not eligible for copyright protection.