Bahasa Indonesia: HARI JADI KE-189, PURBALINGGA DIHIBUR DIDI KEMPOT PURBALINGGA – GOR Goenteoer Darjono Kabupaten Purbalingga menjadi lautan manusia dihadiri ribuan Sobat Ambyar dari berbagai penjuru untuk menyaksikan penampilan penyanyi Campur Sari “Godfather of Broken Hearts” Didi Kempot, Sabtu (21/12). Beberapa lagu sempat dinyanyikan seperti : Layang Kangen, Kalung Emas, Banyu Langit, Sewu Kuto dan Suket Teki.
English: THE 189th ANNIVERSARY, PURBALINGGA WAS ENTERTAINED BY DIDI KEMPOT PURBALINGGA - Goenteoer Darjono Sport Building in Purbalingga Regency became a sea of people attended by thousands of Ambyar's friends from various directions to witness the appearance of Campur Sari singer "Godfather of Broken Hearts" Didi Kempot, Saturday (21/12). Some songs were sung such as: Flying Missing, Gold Necklace, Banyu Langit, Sewu Kuto and Suket Teki.
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