Draft:Forum Européen de l'Orientation Académique

(Redirected from Draft:FEDORA)

FEDORA (acronym from French) Forum Européen de l'Orientation Académique; The European Forum on Student Guidance was a non-profit organisation established under Belgian law [1] with its registered office in Brussels on 1 December 1988 and existed until it was officially wound up on 2 April 2012. In the spring of 2010, FEDORA was merged as a Special Interest Group (SIG) into the European Association for International Education (EAIE), which was founded in 1989. (As FEDORA is an acronym, I think it should be consistently written with capital letters throughout this text).

To date, FEDORA was the only association of professionals working in guidance and counselling within European higher education institutions.  Specialist advisers and counsellors, academic teaching staff and experts from relevant professional organisations together formed a network that continued to expand steadily over a long period of time and enabled the exchange of practice, methods, systems, knowledge and information between practitioners in the wide range of university student counselling, guidance and support services.  As a result, distinct activities were agreed for the implementation, expansion and quality assurance of the student advisory services in the European higher education landscape, as well as providing an impetus for anchoring this provision in higher education policy within and across European universities.

1 Background and foundation

1.1 Prehistory

At the beginning of the 1980s, the Commission of the European Communities commissioned  the Italian Fondazione RUI  [https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fondazione_Rui], a Catholic foundation dedicated to international student mobility, student housing and institution based university guidance services, among other things, to carry out research on the student advisory services offered by European universities. The results of the Foundation's study were published in October 1981[2] and were discussed in the same month at a conference in Castel Gandolfo near Rome, to which the Fondazione RUI had invited the European consultants involved in the study[3]. Topics included graduate unemployment and labour market development.

In the same year[4], on the initiative of Heinz Augenstein, head of the Central Student Advisory Service at Saarland University and founder of the first German pilot project on student advisory services, with the support of the British Council and the Bonn Federal Ministry of Education and Science (BMBW),  the first[5] of two German-British conferences on system comparisons took place in Saarbrücken. Experts from Italy and Austria, among others, also took part in this event.

The second German-British expert conference on issues around student guidance and cooperation between student guidance and career guidance took place from 25 - 29 September 1984 at Royal Hollow College, University of London with the theme "The Contribution of Guidance and Counselling at a Time of Economic Difficulty". The conference attracted 21 participants from the UK and 25 from the Federal Republic of Germany.[6].

At these conferences, many participants gained their first experience of international cooperation with colleagues from other European countries and wanted to deepen this knowledge on further occasions. It was the French Ministry of National Education that, together with the Fondazione RUI, organized the second Conference on University Guidance in Europe in Paris and Nantes in September 1985. The main focus was on the transition from school to university and the use of new technologies in university guidance and counselling. The proceedings were published by the Fondazione RUI[7] .

These events between 1985 and 1988, which were partly funded by the ERASMUS EC Office opened in 1987, together with some particularly active university guidance professionals, created the conditions for the establishment of a permanent association: FEDORA.

1.2 Foundation

FEDORA was founded in October 1988. At that time, with the support of the Greek Ministry of Education and the European Commission, the third Conference on University Guidance in Europe was held in Athens and Delphi. The 21 founding members of FEDORA formed a provisional Executive Committee in which each of the then twelve member countries of the EC was represented: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom. The German founding members were Heinz Augenstein (ZSB Saarbrücken) and Barbara M.L. Steiger (West German Rectors' Conference/WRK). (In the interest of equality, I think the other founding members should also be named after their country in the list above.)

At the same time in 1998, the first FEDORA working groups were set up with projects such as developing a directory of all university guidance services active in the EC area. This was intended to facilitate contacts and exchange between institutions and individuals and to help ensure better support for European exchange students. Another project was to develop a glossary of technical terminology for university guidance and counselling, taking into account the different education systems of the EC member states. In addition, the guidance and counselling needs of students in the EC were to be researched. English and French were adopted as FEDORA’s working languages.

The Executive Committee decided on the provisional Statutes /Constitution) of the association and elected Anthony Raban (Career Service of the University of Cambridge) as its first president, Jean-Marie Burnet from Belgium (Centre d'information et d'orientation of the Université Catholique de Louvain in Louvain-la-Neuve) as vice-president and Frederick Company (Universitat Ramon Llull-Blanquerna, Facultat de Psicologia i Pedagogia Barcelona) as secretary.

2 Goals

In accordance with Article 3 of the Statutes/ Constitution of April 1990[8], FEDORA set itself the following goals:

(a) to exchange information and experience between European higher education guidance professionals

(b) to promote the quality and effectiveness of higher education guidance in the EC Member States by means of joint activities and research programmes

(c) to cooperate with other bodies, in particular the Commission of the European Communities, in order to convey the views of university guidance professionals and to facilitate the consultation of such professionals

(d) to offer a network of support for European programmes such as ERASMUS or COMETT in order to make them known to universities and students alike

(e) to propose and carry out research on various aspects of university guidance, to publish and disseminate the results and to organise seminars, conferences and congresses on this subject

(f) to cooperate with higher education institutions and national and international organisations engaged in the field of higher education and guidance.

3 Membership and Organisation

3.1 Membership

In accordance with its Statutes (Constitution), FEDORA accepted full members, associate members and honorary members. Its working languages were French and English, and at conferences, the language of the respective host country was also used.  

Full membership with voting rights was granted to professionals from the higher education sector of the EC Member States who were active practitioners, conducting relevant research or teaching or in a relevant managerial capacity. Similar personnel from European non-EC countries could obtain associate membership, as well as institutions, organisations and associations that were involved in the field of university guidance and counselling. The Executive Committee officially decided on the admission of members.

3.2 Organisation

The structure of the decision-making processes and the ways of working were also laid down in the Statutes. The General Assembly, which was convened every three years, acted as the supreme body of FEDORA. It approved full, associate and honorary memberships, amendments to the Statutes, appointed and dismissed members of the Executive Committee (EC), adopted the rules of procedure and could decide on the voluntary dissolution of FEDORA.

The Executive Committee consisted of one representative from each country with members and developed the guidelines and governance of FEDORA on behalf of the General Assembly. Its members were ultimately elected at the General Assembly on the basis of proposals from the member countries. The EC in turn elected the President and Vice-President as well as the Secretary and the Treasurer from among its own members. The EC was able to set up Working Groups and planned the association’s activities, in particular the triennial congress [internal link] with the General Assembly and the summer universities (internal link). In addition, the EC published the regular FEDORA newsletters and later designed the FEDORA website [9] and was able to initiate, plan and carry out important overarching projects. In 1994, Jean Marie Burnet reported that Fedora now had 400 members. [10].

3.3 Presidents [11]

Tony Raban, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1988-1992[12]

Jean-Marie Burnet, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, 1992-1994[13]

Lucia Berta, RUI Foundation, Italy, 1995-1997[14]

Joachim Klaus, University of Karlsruhe (TH), Germany, 1998 -2000[15]

Margaret Dane, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2001-2003[16]

Gerhart Rott, University of Wuppertal, Germany, 2004 -2007[17]

Christian Cormier, University of Poitiers, France 2007-2009[18]

Hans-Werner Rückert, Free University of Berlin, Germany, 2009 -2012[19]

3.4 Working Groups

The Fedora Working Groups (WGs) reflected the various specialisations within university guidance and counselling services and their development as well as the main areas of work and interests of the members in the European context. Their changes reflected the dynamic evolution of FEDORA.

·            The FEDORA Employment Group was established at the FEDORA Conference in Cambridge [internal link] in 1990. [20], This group focussed on the work of university careers services and their work with students, graduates and employers.

·            FEDORA Training [21] This group had members from all the various specialisms within FEDORA and focussed on the further training and development of higher education guidance and counselling professionals, relevant to their work in the European context.

·             FEDORA PSYCHE (Psychological Counselling in Higher Education) [22] was accepted as a working group in Berlin. The founding event of PSYCHE took place in Amsterdam in May 1990 [23].  This group consisted of practitioners providing psychological counselling to higher education students across Europe.

·            FEDORA Handi was set up at the 5th FEDORA Congress [internal link] in Barcelona as a response to an overview of existing facilities for higher education students with disabilities. [24] It then became the 'Disability and Special Needs' WG and finally FEDORA Inclusion / Equal Opportunities WG [25]

·            FEDORA Postgraduate Studies [26] This group produced an annual guide to postgraduate study in Europe for a number of years from 1996.

After 2000, the EC worked on a modification of the structure of the working groups based on consultative discussions and following reports by Margaret Dane and Gerhart Rott [27] There were now only four working groups:

  • FEDORA Educational Guidance & Counselling
  • FEDORA PSYCHE (Psychological Counselling in Higher Education)
  • FEDORA Employment Group
  • FEDORA Disability, Special Needs

The report (Winter 2003 [28]) presents a description of the objectives, nature of the members, tasks and activities. In addition, three Support Groups working with the EC were introduced: Communication & Technology, Training, and European Commission.

4 Activities

4.1 Congresses

FEDORA's most important events were the triennial Congresses, which always included a General Assembly. Their focus was the strategic development of European guidance and counselling at Europe's universities and of FEDORA itself. The payment method of the FEDORA Congresses was in line with the previous European Conferences on University Guidance in Europe (see 1.2 Foundation [internal link]). A working group set up by the WRK/HRK and the FEDORA EC organized the 4th European Colloquium for Student Advisors, 3-5 July 1991, in Berlin: University Rectors' Conference (HRK), One Year Earlier Studying in Europe.[29]

After this Berlin event, all subsequent congresses were convened at intervals of about 3 years, each in a different member country. They were organised and carried out by the FEDORA EC and local organising committees of the host university and documented in English and French and partly in the respective national language of the host country.

5th Congress; Barcelona, 27th-30th April 1994: New Challenges for Guidance in Europe – The Present and the Future [30]

6th Congress; L'Aquila, 28th - 31st May 1997: Understanding complexity – respecting diversity – Student counselling and Career Guidance [31]

7th Congress; Edinburgh, 26th-29th August 2000: FEDORA 2000 – Fit for the Future; Managing a Changing World [32]

8th Congress; Odense, 25th -28th May 2003: Students & Graduates in the Europe of Tomorrow – Student Services Providing a Foundation for Lifelong Learning and Development [33]

9th Congress; Vilnius, 22nd -25th October 2006: Professional Challenges: Guidance and Counselling within the European Higher Education Area [34]

10th Congress; Berlin, 5th -7th October 2009: Lifelong Guidance – The Key to Lifelong Learning [35]

4.2 Summer Universities

The FEDORA Summer Universities, essentially its main training programme, addressed a wide range of people involved in student guidance and counselling in the higher education sector across Europe with its framework of diverse issues and current topics. Presentations with discussions and workshops that allowed reflection on many relevant topics offered the participants opportunities to exchange ideas and further their professional development. The various local, regional and national cultural and higher education policy contexts were also taken into account to enable achieving the conference objectives.

The implementation and planning were initially the responsibility of the 'Training Working Group, but later it became that of the EC in cooperation with all the working groups and the local host organisation group. The following summer universities took place:

1993 Summer University: European Training Course for University Guidance Counsellors. University of Montpellier III, 19-23 July 1993 [36]

1995 Summer University: Successful Adjustment to University and Progression beyond in a European Context. Trinity College Dublin, 21st-26th August 1995 [37]

1996 Summer University: Decision Making for Lifelong Learning. Universiteit van Amsterdam, 27th August – 1st September 1996 [38]

1998 Summer University: University, Europe, Region: Higher Education Counsellors between Local and International Perspectives. Bordeaux, 20th-25th July 1998 [39]

1999 Summer University: The New Millennium: A Skills Challenge for Higher Education, the Counsellor's Responsibility for Facilitating Equality and Diversity in a European Society. Stockholm University, 12th -16th August 1999 [40]

2001 Summer University: Through Guidance to Employment. European Students and Entrepreneurship ('Best Practice' in Europe). Paris, 2nd-6th July 2001 [41]

2005 Summer University: Knowledge & Transitions: Challenges for Guidance and Counselling within the Context of Globalization and the Enlarged European Union.Cyprus, 13th -17th July 2005 [42]

2008 Summer University: Diversity and Identity in European Higher Education Area – Working together for Inclusion. Leiden, 16th -18th June 2008 [43]

2011 Summer University: Modern Times: Counselling Students in the 21st Century. Ioannina, Greece 16th-18th June 2011 [44]

4.3 Conferences of the Working Groups

In addition to their contributions to the FEDORA Congresses and the Summer Universities, the various working groups organised specific conferences that were thematically more closely focused on their particular target groups and professional practices. These also included relevant experts from the respective regional and national contexts. In addition, they made specific contributions to professional conferences organised by third parties, e.g. with their own symposia [45]. The following FEDORA Working Group conferences were held:


1.     1990 conference: The Relationship between Student Advisers and Employers in the Context of the Graduate Labour Market after 1992. Newnham College, Cambridge 22nd--24th March 1990 [46]

2.     1992 conference: The Relationship between Student Advisers and Employers: Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Employment. Louvain-la-Neuve, 19th -21st March 1992 [47]

3.      1996 conference: Graduate Employment in Europe - a Challenge for University Student Career Guidance Services. Rostock, 5th- 8th May 1996 [48]

4.      1998 conference: 5th European conference of the Fedora Employment Group. Oulu, 14th -17th June 1998 [49]

5.     2004 conference: Graduate Recruitment and Employment across the Enlarged European community. Duffield House, Stoke Poges, 30th June – 2nd July 2004 [50]

6.      2007 conference: Is there a European Graduate Recruitment Market? A Conference for All Graduate Recruiters, Higher Education Educators and Support Staff Interested in the European Graduate Employment and Employability Agenda. Lancaster University, 20th-23rd June 2007 [51]

7.      2010 conference: Unlocking the potential Bordeaux 3-4 June 2010 [52]

Psychological Counselling in Higher Education (PSYCHE)

1.      1992 conference: Psychological Counselling in Higher Education in the European Community: Establishing a Common Ground and Exploring the Differences with a View towards Future Developments. Naples, 24th-26th September 1992 [53]

2.      1995 conference: Psychological Counselling in Higher Education – Practice and Research within the IV European Congress of Psychology. Athens, Greece 1995 [54]

3.      1996 conference: Culture and Psyche in Transition: a European Perspective on Student Psychological Health: Training event held at University of Sussex, in co-operation with the Association for Student Counselling. Falmer, Brighton, March 1996 [55]

4.      1997 conference: Toward the Future of Psychological Counselling in European Higher Education at 5th European Congress of Psychology in Dublin, 6th-11th July 1997 [56]

5.      1999 conference: Separation and Attachment in Higher Education. Copenhagen, 15th–17th September 1999 [57]

6.      2002 conference: Cognition, Motivation and Emotion: Dynamics in the Academic Environment. Lisbon, 15th-18th October 2002 [58]

7.      2005 conference: Internationalisation within Higher Education in an Expanding Europe: New Developments in Psychological Counselling. Groningen, 8th–11th June 2005 [59]

8.      2007 conference: Guidance and counselling in higher education in European Union member states. Crossing Internal and External Borders: Practices for Effective Psychological Counselling in Higher Education. University of Crete, Rethymnon, 5–8 September 2007 [60]

9.      2010 conference: Transitions. Alicante, Spain 17th-19th November 2010 [61]

Educational Guidance with the EC

2006 symposium: Guidance and Counselling in Higher Education in European Member States, Krakow, Poland, 9 - 10 February 2006. This event was run collaboratively between the EC and the WG.

Inclusion / Equal Opportunities

As an important piece of work prior to the 5th FEODRA Congress in Barcelona, the then Handi WG compiled a country-specific overview of the counselling and support services available to for students with disabilities [62]

Later, an information booklet for students with disabilities was prepared: "Studying Abroad - Checklist of the Needs of Disabled Students"[63] and a report on the conditions of students with disabilities, supported by the EU Helios programme and titled “Studying Abroad - Guide for Students with Disabilities” [64] The checklist was later made available on the FEDORA website [65]

4.4 Projects / Research Investigations

On behalf of the EC, Jean-Marie Burnet, Françoise van der Mersch-Michaux and Philippe Fonck, in collaboration with at least one national correspondent for each member country, published the first Directory of University Student Guidance Services in 1991 [66].

On the basis of a framework jointly developed at the PSYCHE conference in Naples in 1992 [internal link], this Directory included psychological counselling as well as career guidance and other student support services in the context of the particular university structures. Each national team analysed its country’s range of services and summarised it in the Directory.  [67] The project was supported by the EC in the context of the Erasmus programme.

In early 1996, the FEDORA Postgraduate Studies WG compiled a limited edition "Guide to Postgraduate Study in Europe", which was distributed to FEDORA members. [68] From 1998 onwards, it was also made available to a wider public. [69]. To begin with, it was compiled and published by the Postgraduate Studies WG, but later by an editorial team appointed by the EC. [70]. In 2004, the Postgraduate Study Group was assigned to the new Educational Guidance and Counselling WG [71].

With the support of the EU Leonardo programme, the EC commissioned Raoul van Esbroeck and Anthony Watts to lead a study of the systems of guidance and counselling in higher education institutions in the EU Member States and to identify the new skills required by the professional staff of such services. It examined roles and tasks, training and qualifications and it concluded by exploring the possibility of developing a European Master's degree.   The synthesis study report published under the title "New Skills for New Futures"[73] in 1998 summarised the results of the 16 country reports (all EU Member States at the time, with a differentiation between Flanders and Wallonia) [72]. The individual country reports and their authors are listed in the synthesis report. The German sub-report was also included in the publication "New Times – New Paths"[74].

In 2000 the Employment WG produced a report “From PhD to Employment” [75] on the nature of the transition after completing a doctorate: either remaining in university research or teaching or moving into a profession. It also looked at the guidance and counselling services available to or required by doctoral students across the EU.

In 2008, the results of a new study on advisory services, now extended to include the new Member States in Central and Eastern Europe and with a different methodology and category structure, were presented in a report finally published in 2008 [76]. In preparation for this report and the FEDORA Congress in Vilnius [internal link] as well as the FEDORA Charter [internal link], a symposium was held 9 - 10 February 2006 in Krakow, Poland.  This was organised by the EC together with the Educational Guidance Working Group. [77] Experts from the European Commission, CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) and the EUA (European University Association) as well as representatives of the four FEDORA working groups enriched the discussion.

The results of the congress in Vilnius [internal link] and the symposium in Krakow in turn led to the development of the "FEDORA Charter on Guidance and Counselling within the European Higher Education Area" published in 2007.[78]

5. Collaboration with other organizations

One significant sign of the effectiveness of FEDORA in the context of European higher education guidance was the extensive mutual networking with other organisations and experts. This is reflected in the FEDORA newsletters [79] and in the congress reports. [80] FEDORA was committed to supporting the various enlargement processes of the EC/EU in the field of higher education guidance.

Even the early development and history of FEDORA would not have been possible without integration into these far-reaching networks (see sections 1.1. and 1.2. [internal link]). The following types of collaborations between individual FEDORA members or groups with external organisations and institutions can be identified:

a)  participation in various national conferences/projects in the field of university guidance and counselling or specialist professional contexts.

b) special participation in European or international conferences/symposia with FEDORA contributions (e.g. symposia, cf. 4.3) 

c) co-operation with other similar European and international organisations with overlapping areas of interest [81]

d) co-operation with large institutional associations or political organisations e.g. the European Commission and its relevant departments

In addition to the direct co-operation of external organisations in the founding process of FEDORA, the UNESCO-CEPES-IRTAC conference in Bordeaux in 1993 was an important prelude to mutual professional cross-fertilization and personal acquaintance and cooperative networking. [82].

In order to explain the scope and significance of this co-operation, some of them are mentioned below in chronological order.

An early example of such co-operation at national level is, for example, an event organised by RUI together with the Lombardy Region under the auspices of FEDORA for all those involved in guidance inside and outside the university: EUROGIOVANI. [83] A similar event exclusively for university counsellors and guidance professionals was held in Greece in 1991 in the form of a two-day symposium with the support of FEDORA. [84]

In collaboration with the University of Camerino, FEDORA organised an event from 15 to 20 September 1992 to explore the possibility of training and the introduction of reciprocal internships to improve the European competence of HE guidance staff.  [85].

Similarly, the Faculty of Psychology and Education of the University of Coimbra, in cooperation with FEDORA, held a conference on the international exchange of professional experience of theory and practice from 26 to 29 September 1996 with the aim of improving HE guidance services in Portugal. [86].

From 28 to 29 September 1995, the Federal Ministry of Science, Transport and the Arts in Vienna organised a symposium entitled "Student Guidance and Counselling in Austria" to improve contacts and cooperation between staff of the various guidance and counselling institutions at Austrian and European level. [87]. In addition to the European Commission and its Directorate-General XXII, the symposium was supported by FEDORA.

In 1995 Joachim Klaus as President represented FEDORA at the AGCAS Biennial Conference, 5-8 September in Lancaster, United Kingdom, where Margaret Dane, Director of the Careers Advisory Service at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh and a well-known member of FEDORA was elected President of AGCAS.  AGCAS (Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services) is the UK organisation for higher education careers advisory and guidance professionals the UK. [88].

In 1997 Gerhart Rott contributed to a "Study Day" on the theme of "Psychological Counselling in Higher Education – Luxury or Necessity?" on 24 September at the Catholic University of Leuven with his presentation on "Student and Study Counselling: A European Panorama" with respect to FEDORA.  

The president of FEDORA, Joachim Klaus, accepted the invitation to attend the Bologna Conference in June 1999. This conference led to the Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999 [link to Bologna Process entry in Wikipedia]. He also participated in the "F 2000 – European Higher Education Experts Forum" in Brussels. [89] These contributions strengthened the links to the relevant European platforms for higher education development. [90] This expansion of links with international and European organisations in the field of higher education development led to to an intensification of contacts within and outside UNESCO that had already existed at an early stage.[91] Joachim Klaus contributed to the guidelines "The Role of Student Affairs and Services in Higher Education". It was published as the "Practical Manual for Developing, Implementing, and Assessing Student Affairs Programmes and Services" by Roger Ludeman, Chairman of the International Association of Student Affairs and Services Professionals (IASAS), in September 2000 in cooperation with UNESCO. This guide was closely linked to the follow-up discussions on the World Declaration on Higher Education (WDHE) adopted by UNESCO in 1998. [92]   FEDORA was invited as an observer to the 7th UNESCO Collective Consultation. [93]

Mr. Komlavi Seddoh, Director of the Higher Education Division of UNESCO, was the keynote speaker at the FEDORA Summer University in Paris [internal link to the Summer University 2001 in Paris]. In 2003, Margaret Dane and Gerhart Rott were invited to the 8th UNESCO NGO Collective Consultation on Higher Education in Paris, where they expressed their intention to collaborate as an NGO with UNESCO. [94] In addition to the opportunity to further represent FEDORA in this context, there were many opportunities for further networking with numerous international organizations. Gerhart Rott participated in Commission II "The Contribution of Higher Education to Sustainable Development" with a contribution focussing on course design and university guidance provision. [95] In 2004, FEDORA was also invited to the UNESCO Colloquium on Higher Education. In 2005, FEDORA participated in the 9th Collective Consultation UNESCO/NGO on Higher Education. Louis De Vos and Gerhart Rott attended the workshop "Higher Education and Globalisation". [96] Karine Brutin participated in the working group "Transborder Education – Education without Borders".[97] At the 9th Colloquium, the motion of the FEDORA President, Gerhart Rott, was unanimously accepted to allow the university advisory staff to participate equally in the evolution of the university. [98] Gerhart Rott met several times with Prof. George Haddad, the Director of the UNESCO division of Higher Education, to discuss substantive and structural problems of the cooperation. Also in 2005, FEDORA received the status of an "NGO in operational relations with UNESCO". [99]   FEDORA’s first invitation to the UNESCO NGO Assembly was accepted by Ernst Frank, the then coordinator of PSYCHE. [100] Gerhart Rott accepted the invitation to participate in the UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge – Colloquium on Research and Higher Education Policy from 29 November to 1 December 2006. [101]

FEDORA also established a closer working relationship with the European University Association (EUA). FEDORA Board members met with then-Deputy Secretary General Andrée Sursock and Senior Programme Manager David Crosier on several occasions to discuss higher education and advisory issues. [102]   In 2005, Gerhart Rott represented FEDORA at the 3rd EUA Convention of European Higher Education Institutions Strong Universities for Europe, Glasgow, 31 March -2 April 2005. [103]

Similarly, FEDORA updated and strengthened its links with the European Commission, in part to prepare for the participation of Ján Figel, Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Multilingualism, in the FEDORA Congress in Vilnius in 2006. [104]

From 4-8 October 2003, Margaret Dane and Gerhart Rott participated in the OECD Conference "Career Guidance and Public Policy: Bridging the Gap" in Toronto, both in their capacity as FEDORA President and Vice President and as national delegates representing their respective countries (UK and Germany). Closely related to this were the invitations of Gerhart Rott to the Third International Symposium on Career Development and Public Policy 21 – 24 April 2006 in Sydney [105] where he represented FEDORA [106] and, in the context of his participation in the ELGPN, to the 6th International Symposium on Career Development and Public Policy in Budapest. [107] In Sydney 2006 Gerhart Rott gave a paper on "FEDORA’s contribution to the European Higher Education Area".[108]

On the basis of this international network, Gordon Clark of the European Commission suggested during a conference in Jyväskylä [109] that FEDORA be designated as a relevant specialist group for a new lifelong guidance and counselling network to be established. On behalf of FEDORA, Gerhart Rott participated in the further founding process and later represented FEDORA in the established network of Member States and selected relevant networks, the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN).[110] Gerhart Rott was particularly involved in the area of Career Management Skills (CMS) and the corresponding work package and supported the reflections on higher education and the importance of university guidance as well as course design in the context of lifelong guidance. After the merger [internal link] with the EAIE, the latter commissioned Gerhart Rott to continue his contribution to the work of the ELGPN on its behalf. [111]

Members represented FEDORA in many other European and national conferences at the beginning of the new century – see notes by Margaret Dane in her President's report [112] and Gerhart Rott in his President's report. [113]. In addition, members of the various working groups participated in relevant national and international conferences, e.g. the FEDORA Disability/ Special Needs working group contributed to the "Sixth International Conference on Higher Education and Disability" in Austria in July 2007. [114] Gerhart Rott also participated in other scientific European or international conferences on higher education e.g. at the EERA (European Educational Research Association) in Hamburg in 2003, [115] the conference "Orientamento scolastico e orientamento universitario" of the National Resource Centre for Vocational Guidance at the Fondazione IDIS - Città della Scienza in Naples in 2003 [116] and the conference "Higher Education and the Needs of the Labour Market in the European Union", 9 March 2006, in Budapest. Furthermore, he gave the lecture "Taking Stock of Guidance and Counselling Facilities in European Higher Education" at the "Bologna Process Best Practices Conference" of the European student association AEGEE in Niš, Serbia on 8-11 May 2006. He was invited to the XI Annual Conference of the EAC [additional link to corresponding Wikipedia pages] "Counselling in Europe Theory, Research, Practice" to give a keynote lecture on "The Interplay of the Inner and Outer World – Revisited in Educational Settings" in addition to holding a workshop. He also contributed to the scientific conference "The Transformation of Higher Education: International Influences". [117]

The closer cooperation agreed or renewed with similar organisations, in particular with the European Association for International Education (EAIE) and the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG), was underlined by reciprocal conference visits. Vice-President Per Andersen attended the EAIE meeting in Basel and Gerhart Rott attended the AIOSP/IAVEG meeting in Lisbon. [118] Under the presidency of Hans-Werner Rückert, the link with the EEA [119] was reactivated.

6 The merger with EAIE

Under the presidency of Christian Cormier, University of Poitiers, the FEDORA Board and the EC focused on internal communication and administration as well as the preparations for FEDORA events. The EC also confirmed FEDORA’s bilingualism (French/English) to be available in publications, at meetings and on the website, particularly in light of the new candidate countries in Central and Eastern Europe, where English was rapidly becoming an important conference language. Based on the intensive discussions about administrative and related challenges, it was decided at the FEDORA Congress in Berlin in 2009 to seek a merger with the EAIE. Under the presidency of Hans-Werner Rückert, Freie Universität Berlin, this was implemented step by step. In 2010, FEDORA merged with the EAIE, a larger organisation with a number of overlapping areas of interest. In some cases, its working groups merged with thematically similar working groups of EIAE. The FEDORA Career Guidance & Employment Group joined the EAIE Professional Section “Emploi”, later changed to Expert Community "Employability".  The FEDORA Disability, Special Needs WG first joined the EAIE Special Interest Group "Access" then "Access and Diversity" and was finally renamed the Expert Community "Inclusion and Diversity" in 2020. The FEDORA Educational Guidance & Counselling WG was initially included within the Professional Group SAFSA and later in the Expert Community "Guidance and Counselling". Initially, the PSYCHE WG continued independently as a Professional Section. Later, it too was included in the Expert Community "Guidance and Counselling". [120] [121].


  1. Non-profit association, Belgian law of 25 October 1919, amended by the law of 6 December 1954.
  2. Fondazione RUI (1981): University Guidance Centres and Services in the European Community. Report to the Commission of the European Communities. Rom: Fondazione RUI.
  3. Fondazione RUI (1983): Choice, Success in the Studies, and Transition to the Working Life in Higher Education. Proceedings of the European Colloquy. Working Document Number 23. Rom: Fondazione RUI.
  4. Cf. the presentation of the FEDORA founding process in: Gavin-Kramer, Karin (2018): General Student Counselling after 1945: Development, Institutions, Actors – A Contribution to the History of German Education. Bielefeld: UVW Universitätsverlag Webler, pp. 145 ff. and in Raban, Tony (1994): FEDORA: The European Forum on Student Guidance, its Past, Present, and Future. In: Higher Education in Europe, Vol. XIX, No. 3, 1994, pp. 64 - 72 https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000155712?6=null&queryId=12e1402a-e016-42da-a827-38908c379d75 and https://doi.org/10.1080/0379772940190312 or https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0379772940190312(20.12.2023)
  5. Augenstein, Heinz (1981): Study and Career Counselling in Great Britain and the Federal Republic of Germany. In: ARGE (1982): info Studentenberatung Nr. 14. Bochum, pp. 10–12.
  6. Augenstein, Heinz, et al. (eds., 1982): Beratung – Counselling. German-British expert conference on questions of student counselling and cooperation between student counselling and career guidance. Saarbrücken: Selbstverlag.
  7. Raban, Tony (1994): a .a. O. p. 65
  8. FEDORA Statutes/Constitution April 1990, in: FEDORA Newsletter April 1997, pp. 3-5 and A–D. urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090264 (20.12.2023)
  9. is no longer available on the Internet
  10. Burnet, Jean: Address by Mr. J.-M. Burnet, Président de FEDORA (1994) in: New challenges for guidance in Europe: the present and the future ; 5th congress, Barcelona, 27 - 30/IV/1994 Centre d'Information et de Documentation de l'Université Catholique de Louvain.pp. 123-130 yesterday: p.124; p.129. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050647+(20.12.2023)
  11. The references to the respective presidents also indicate the respective board and EC members and the footnote 18 (Sorry, this sentence does not make much sense. Are the names of all the EC members from 1988 to 2010, listed in these references below? If not, it would be good if they could be included in this history.)
  12. See:Foundation and Chairman’s Report In: FEDORA Newsletter July 1990, urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050389 (20.12.2023) pp. 1f. and FEDORA  Announcements: New Danish Committee Member: ebenda p. 6 sowie:  FEDORA Executive Committee Elections. In: FEDORA Newsletter October 1991 p. 5, urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-200p.5 (20.12.2023)
  13. See: Burnet, Jean-Marie (1993): News from the Executive Committee in: FEDORA Newsletter January 1993 p. 3, urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090168; and 5. Kongress a.a.O. pp. 123 ff [internal link] FEDORA Newsletter May 1993 pp.3f urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090171 and Burnet, Jean-Marie: The President’s Report (1994) : FEDORA Newsletter December 1994 pp. 1 and 2,  urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090218 (03.01.2024). Message from Mr. J.-M. Burnet, Président de FEDORA / Speech of  Mr –J. M. Burnet Président de FEDORA (1994). In: 5th Congress; Barcelona pp. 123-130 a. a. O.
  14. Berta, Lucia: Message from the President in: FEDORA Newsletter February 1996 p. 1 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090230 (21.12.2023) und Berta, Lucia, Executive Committee News.   In: FEDORA Newsletter Octobre / October 1996 pp. 2 und 9 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090251 (21.12.2023)
  15. [1] Klaus, J.: Fit for the future- managing a changing world. Presented at the Fedora 2000 Congress, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 26 - 29 August 2000, Wuppertal: Zentrale Studienberatung. [internal link] pp. 8 -11 https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050661 (21.12.2023)
  16. Dane, Margaret, Message from the President. In: FEDORA Newsletter Autumn 2001 p. 1 URN:NBN:DE:HBZ:468-20090399 (21.12.2023);  New Italian Executive Member. In: FEDORA Newsletter Spring 2002 p.7 URN:NBN:DE:HBZ:468-20090410;  News from the Executive Committee. In: FEDORA Newsletter Summer 2003 p. 3 URN:NBN:DE:HBZ:468-20090455 (21.12.2023) dies. Message from the President. In: FEDORA Newsletter December 2003 p.1 URN:NBN:DE:HBZ:468-20090319; FEDORA President’s Report 2000-2003. In: Dane, Margaret. (2005). Students & graduates in the Europe of tomorrow: student services providing a foundation for lifelong learning and development; VIIIth FEDORA congress ; The University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, 25th - 28th May 2003  http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20060415 (21.12.2023)
  17. Rott, Gerhart, Message from the President. In: FEDORA Newsletter Winter 2004 / 2005 p.4 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090347 (21.12.2023) also Rott, Gerhart: President's Report for the IXth FEDORA Congress; "Professional Challenges: Guidance and Counselling within the European Higher Education Area, Vilnius, Lithuania 22nd – 25th October 2006 [internal Link] pp. 25-44, p.25 / p. 35 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090713 (21.12.2023) and Dane, Margaret (2004): A new national representative for the United Kingdom. In: Newsletter 2004/05 p.4
  18. Cormier, Christian (2009: Opening Address to the FEDORA 2009 Congress in Berlin pp 3 -7 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20140205-081656-9 and reference in FN 121 to the English fragments of the website – cf. reference in footnote 121 [internal link]– Board members were: Christian Cormier (F) President, Ann Conlon (UK) Vice President, Paula Ferrer-Sama (E) General Per Andersen (DK) Treasurer,  Other EC members: Eric Depreeuw (B), Loretta Jennings (IRL), Helena Rebelo-Pinto (P), Eva Egger-Zeidner (A), Eleni Kyriakou (G), Juha Lahti (Fin),Pierpaolo Luderin (I), Anita Stervander (Swe),Francien Bouhuijs (NL), Jolanta Vaiciunaite (LT), Inta Jaunzeme (LV), Mary Ann Borg Cunen (MT), Hans-Werner Rückert (D), Elena Gregoriou (CY)
  19. Rückert, Hans-Werner (2011): President‘s report 2011 p.1:  https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/studienberatung/_media/FEDORA/FEDORA-president-report-2011.pdf
  20. Vunderink, Daan (1997) FEDORA Employment Group. In: Understanding complexity – respecting diversity: Educational and Careers Guidance pp 27 – 36, p. 29 und p.34 ,https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050653 (21.12.2023)  
  21. Butcher, Val (1997): FEDORA Training Group. In: Report of the 6th Congress; L’Aquila, 28th -31st May 1997.a.a.O. pp.39 – 48 hier: p. 42 und p.47           https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050653 (21.12.2023)  
  22. Rott, Gerhart (1997): FEDORA PSYCHE. In:  Report of the 6th Congress; L’Aquila, 28th -31st May 1997.a.a.O. pp.61 – 78 hier: p. 68 and p. 76; also McDevitt, Craig, Psyche – Psychological Counselling in Higher Education. In: FEDORA Newsletter October 1991 p.4 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090154 (21. 12. 2023)
  23. Bell, Elsa, Rott, Gerhart: PSYCHE in: Fedora Newsletter: July 1990 p.3 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050389 (21. 12. 2023) und  McGee, Annette (1991): A New Psyche. In: Newsletter March 1991 p.2 URN: urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090140          (21. 12. 2023)
  24. Van Acker, Myriam et al. (1994): Disabled Students – Equal Opportunities. In: FEDORA Newsletter Janvier/January pp. 3 -14  urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090204 . FEDORA Handi. In: FEDORA Congress Barcelona /IV/1994 New challenges for guidance in Europe: the present and the future.. pp. 74- 87                            https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050647  (21. 12. 2023)  Also FEDORA Equal Opportunities. In : Report of the 6th Congress; L’Aquila, 28th -31st May 1997 pp.17-23 https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050653 (03.01.2023)
  25. Burnet, Jean Marie (1994): A word from the President. In: FEDORA Newsletter January 1994 p.1 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090204 (03.01.2024)
  26. Burnet, Jean Marie (1994): A word from the President. In: FEDORA Newsletter January 1994 p.1 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090204 (03.01.2024)
  27. Rott, Gerhart (2002): Working groups recent development. In: FEDORA Newsletter Spring 2002 p.6 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090410 (22.12.2023); Dane, Margaret and Rott, Gerhart (2003): Restructuring of the FEDORA Working Groups in: FEDORA  Newsletter summer 2003 pp. 6 -8 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090466 (22.12.2023) and in  urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090455  (22.12.2023)
  28. (2003): Restructuring of the FEDORA Working Groups. In: FEDORA Newsletter December 2003 pp.4-6 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090532 (22.12.2023) and  urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090319 (22.12.2023)
  29. Documents on Higher Education Reform 72/1991 https://elpub.bib.uni-wuppertal.de/edocs/dokumente/zsb/fedora/general/congress/berlin1991/congr91.pdf
  30. New challenges for guidance in Europe: the present and the future.              https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050647C (2022). Centre d’Information et de Documentation de L’Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la Neuve, B) et al. (Eds.): Congress Barcelona: 27 - 30/IV/1994.
  31. Understanding complexity – respecting diversity – Student counselling and Career Guidance; Report of the 6th Congress L'Aquila, 28-31 May 1997. Careers Advisory Service, Trinity College, Dublin et al. (Eds.) (1997): Dublin University Press. urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050653
  32. Klaus, Joachim. Fit for the future, managing a changing world Fedora 2000, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 26 - 29 August 2000. Wuppertal : Zentrale Studienberatung. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050661
  33. Dane, Margaret et al. (2005). Students & graduates in the Europe of tomorrow: student services providing a foundation for lifelong learning and development; VIIIth FEDORA congress; The University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, 25th - 28th May 2003  http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20060415
  34. Rott, Gerhart; Katzensteiner, Michael; Vos; Eleonore (Eds.)(2009): Professional challenges: guidance and counselling within the European higher education area: IXth FEDORA congress, Vilnius, Lithuania, 22nd – 25th October 2006  Print: FEDORA, Louvain-la-Neuve; Counselling and Support Centre, University of Aarhus Willy Aastrup (Serial Editor): Edition Inclusion ISBN 9788799124435 – electronic version: Bergische University, Wuppertal urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090713
  35. The library of the Bergische University, Wuppertal has produced the electronic version of this book with collaboration of the Zentrale Studienberatung Wuppertal (Eds). Congress Berlin 2009: Lifelong Guidance The Key to Lifelong Learning  FEDORA, Zentrale Studienberatung; DNB: urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20140205-081656-9
  36. Europe Orientation: European Training for University Counsellors. Summer School Montpellier 1993. Wuppertal: Zentrale Studienberatung. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050670
  37. Successful Adjustment to University and Progression beyond in a European Context. FEDORA Summer University, Dublin 1995. Wuppertal: Zentrale Studienberatung. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20060155
  38. Van Esbroeck, Raoul/ Broonen, Jean Paul/ Klaver, Anne-Marie (Eds.(1997): Decision making for lifelong learning. Summer University Amsterdam 1996. Brussels VUB Press 1997 und   Wuppertal: Zentrale Studienberatung.                                 https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20060369
  39. Note FEDORA Newsletter April 1997, p.8 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090264 (31.12.2023) and https://researchportal.vub.be/nl/activities/fourth-fedora-summer-school-on-university-europe-region-higher-ed No complete documentation was produced.
  40. Svalfors, Monica (Ed) Broonen, Jean Paul/ Wahlström, Maiken (Co-eds) (1999): The new millennium: a skills challenge for higher education, the counsellor’s responsibility for facilitating equality and diversity in a European society. Summer University Stockholm 1999. Wuppertal : Zentrale Studienberatung.                https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050683
  41. Summer University Paris 2001: Through Guidance to Employment. European Students and Entrepreneurship - Best practice in Europe.                                         DNB urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20060168
  42. Rott, Gerhart/ Gembaila-Calli, Anna. (2006): Knowledge & transitions: challenges for guidance and counselling within the context of globalization and the enlarged European Union; FEDORA Summer University in Cyprus, 2005.                   http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20070213 Rott, Gerhart (2005): Message from the President. In:  FEDORA Newsletter summer 2005
  43. see sources, footnote 121; a report has not been published
  44. see sources, footnote 121; a report has not been published
  45. Below are the working groups with their English names (see detailed descriptions in English in section 3.4)
  46. The relationship between student advisers and employers in the context of the graduate labour market after 1992. Newnham College, Cambridge 22nd - 24th March 1990. Wuppertal : Zentrale Studienberatung. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20070174
  47. The relationship between student advisers and employers: proceedings of the Second European Conference on Employment (1992). FEDORA. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090331
  48. Augenstein, Heinz/ Teichmann, Sabine (1996): In: Newsletter October 1996: https://d-nb.info/gnd/1091481369 and German Rectors' Conference (HRK) Eds. (1997): University graduates for the European labour market – a challenge for universities.  Contributions to higher education policy 4/1997 The Rostock Conference from 5 - 8 May 1996 at the University of Rostock. Wuppertal : Central Student Advisory Service. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20070205
  49. Vunderink, Daan. (1998). Proceedings / 5th European conference of the Fedora Employment Group: 14 - 17 June 1998, Oulu, Finland. FEDORA. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20070193
  50. Rott, Gerhart (2006): President's report 2004 -2006 in: IX FEDORA Congress, pp 25 - 44, p. 32 and 42 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090713  and Dane, Margaret Newsletter (2004). The FEDORA congress addressed the labour market winter 2004 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090347
  51. Note in FEDORA Newsletter Winter 2006 p.2f. urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090386 (31.12.2023) and sources FN 126 ; Conference report not available
  52. Notice in FEDORA Newsletter October 2010 https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/studienberatung/_media/FEDORA/FEDORA-newsletter-October-2010.pdf and other sources mentioned in footnote 126; Conference report not available
  53. Bell, Elsa / McDevitt, Craig / Rott, Gerhart, & Valerio, Paolo (Eds.). (1994): Psychological counselling in higher education: A European Overview. Napoli: La Città del Sole; Introduction pp.11 – 26 p.15 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050690 (31. 12. 2023) and Wuppertal: Zentrale Studienberatung. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20060383 (31. 12. 2023). Also the report by Brutin, Karine / Gendre-Duzeau Sylvette und Pradel-Lanson, Christine: (1993) Providers of Psychologival counselling for Students in France France. In: Newsletter June 1993 pp 7 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090187(31. 12. 2023) and further reporrts on psychological and psychotherapeutical counselling.
  54. Kalantzi-Azizi, Anastasia.et al. (Eds.): Psychological counselling in higher education: Practice and research. Wuppertal: Zentrale Studienberatung. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20060396 (31. 12. 2023) Also keynote lecture to the Congress Plenary: Rott, Gerhart. (1996) Interaction between Emotion, Cognition, and Behaviour as a Focus for Higher Education and in Student Counselling. In:  J. Georgas, James/ Manthouli, Marina Besevegis, Elias & Kokkevi, Anna (Eds.), Contemporary Psychology in Europe. Theory, Research, and Applications.  Seattle, Toronto, Göttingen, Bern: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers 1996; pp. 273 -287.
  55. Culture and psyche in transition: a European perspective on student psychological health: Conference papers from the 25th Annual Training Event and Conference held at The University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, March 1996. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20060408 (31. 12. 2023)
  56. Aherne, Declan. ([1997]) (ed.) Symposium toward the Future of Psychological Counselling in European Higher Education. [FEDORA]. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20060179 (31. 12. 2023) und Rott, Gerhart (1997): ZSB Tätigkeitsbericht 1. Oktober 1995 – 30. September 1997,p.50 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20070414 (31. 12. 2023)
  57. Aherne, Declan. (ed.): Separation and attachment in higher education. FEDORA Psyche Conference in Copenhagen, 1999. Louvain-la-Neuve, Wuppertal : Zentrale Studienberatungsstelle urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20020480 (02.01.2024)
  58. Rott, Gerhart / Figueiredo Dias, Graça / Broonen, Jean-Paul (2002) (Eds.): Rott, G. Cognition, motivation and emotion: dynamics in the academic environment. FEDORA Psyche Conference in Lisbon, 2002. Louvain-la-Neuve : FEDORA - Wuppertal : Zentrale Studienberatungsstelle. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050343  (02.01.2024) In: Newsletter Winter 2002 pp.3-5 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090522
  59. Boekhorst, Ton / Uildruiks, Erwin (eds.): Internationalisation within higher education in an expanding Europe: new developments in psychological counselling. FEDORA Psyche Conference in Groningen, 2005. Louvain-la-Neuve: Fedora - Wuppertal : Zentrale Studienberatungsstelle. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20060475 (02.01.2024). Also Rott, Gerhart (2005): Message du Président.  In: FEDORA Newsletter Spring 2005 pp.1-2 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090358 (02.01.2024)
  60. Giovazolias, Theodoros /Karademas Evangelos /Kalantzi-Azizi, Anastasia (2008) (Eds.): Crossing Internal and External Borders: Practices for Effective Psychological Counselling in the European Higher Education Area.  Print :Athens Ellinika Grammata –FEDORA elektronische Fassung: Wuppertal : Universitätsbibliothek Wuppertal urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20080653 (02.01.2024)
  61. There is no published report, see footnote 121.
  62. Myriam van Acker et al. (1994): Disabled Students – Equal Opportunities In: FEDORA Newsletter January 1994 pp.3-14  urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090204 (02.01.2024)
  63. Studying Abroad: Checklist of Needs for Students with Disabilities                 Wuppertal : Central Student Advisory Service https://elpub.bib.uni-wuppertal.de/rsc/viewer/duepublico_derivate_00000683/check.pdf?page=108&q=FEDORA%20Zentrale%20Studienberatung (02.01.2024) [A clarification with the link with Mr. Hoffmann is still needed]   https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20070587 (02.01.2024)
  64. Studying Abroad: 2. European guide for students with disabilities. Wuppertal : Zentrale Studienberatung. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20070597 (02.01.2024)
  65. cf. note on 'Fragments of the FEDORA website', footnote 121
  66. Burnet, Jean Marie/van der Mersch-Michaux, Françoise/Fonck, Philippe (Eds.) (1991) Directory of University Student Guidance Services in the EC. Louvain-la-Neuve: De Boeck University 1991. See also note in FEDORA Newsletter October 1991 p.5 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090154+(07.01.2024)
  67. Print: Bell, Elsa  /McDevitt, Craig  /Rott, Gerhart / Valerio, Paolo (Eds.) 1994): Psychological counselling in higher education: A European Overview. Napoli: Electronic version: Wuppertal: Zentrale Studienberatung. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050690(07.01.2024)
  68. Esbroeck, Raoul van (1997):  FEDORA Postgraduate Studies. In Report on 6th FEDORA Congress in L’Aquila [internal link] pp. 56- 59.See also https://researchportal.vub.be/en/publications/guide-to-postgraduate-study-in-europe (07.01.2024)
  69. Esbroeck, Raoul Van  /Gavin-Kramer, Karin /Pethen, Richard /Roulin, Claude /Wood, Helen (Editors) (1998 ) and (2000): Postgraduate Study in Europe FEDORA 1998 and 2000. FEDORA und Hobsons International.
  70. Margaret Dane, 7th Congress [internal link] Postgraduate Study Working Group Report 1997-2000 p 16 and 8th Congress [internal link] Margaret Dane, President’s Report 2000-2003 p9
  71. Margaret Dane, Message from the President Newsletter April 2004 p.1 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090431 (07.01.2024)
  72. Watts, A. G. New skills for new futures: higher education guidance and counselling services in the European Union: the synthesis report of a study on “New skills for vocational guidance in higher education.” Louvain-la-Neuve : Fedora - Wuppertal : Central Student Counselling Centre. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20060184 (07.01.2024) and https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20060370 (07.01.2024)
  73. They can be found under ' New skills for new futures, FEDORA ' in the search catalogue of the University Library of the University of Wuppertal. https://www.bib.uni-wuppertal.de/de/startseite/
  74. Rott, G. (2002). New Times - New Paths: Higher Education Counselling in Germany and the European Union. Raabe. https://d-nb.info/965799506 (07.01.2024)
  75. Leray, Nicole/ Laviolette, Geneviève/ Raban, Tony (2000): From a PhD to Employment, Wuppertal : Zentrale Studienberatung.Urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20070226 (07.01.2024) and  updated version see: https://scholar.google.at/scholar?hl=de&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=N+Leray%2C+AJ+Raban%2C+G+Laviolette+-+2000+%E2%80%93+From+PHD+to+employment+&btnG=
  76. Katzensteiner, M. (2006): Guidance and counselling in higher education in European Union member states: FEDORA Symposium: Krakow 2006. FEDORA.urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20060509 (07.01.2024)  Print: Katzensteiner, Michael/Ferrer-Sama, Paula/Rott, Gerhart (2008) Guidance and counselling in higher education in European Union member states: FEDORA Symposium: Krakow 2006.  Aarhus – Counselling and Support Centre, University of Aarhus: Aastrup, Willy: Serial Editor
  77. Dane, Margaret: Report on the FEDORA Symposium Krakow 8-10 February 2006 in: Guidance and Counselling in Higher Education Guidance and counselling in higher education in European Union member states pp. 363 – 382. Louvain-la-Neuve : FEDORA, Wuppertal : Zentrale Studienberatungsstelle. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20060509 (07.01.2024) and in FEDORA Newsletter Winter 2005/2006 p. 2  urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090500 (07.01.2024)
  78. Fedora Charter on Guidance and Counselling within the European Higher Education Area. https://elpub.bib.uni-wuppertal.de/receive/duepublico_mods_00000499 und Rott, Gerhart (2006) Message from the President. In: FEDORA Newsletter Winter 2006 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090386 (07.01.2024) and urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090360 p.1 (07.01.2024)
  79. FEDORA Newsletter. See catalogue of the German National Library under https://www.dnb.de/DE/Home/home_node.html (07.01.2024). R
  80. See section 4.1 in particular 'Report of the President'
  81. There was some overlap of interest with the International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling (IRTAC), the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG),  and the European Association for International Education (EAIE), which was founded around the same time as FEDORA, However there was also a case for justifying of FEDORA's autonomy; Raban, Tony (1994): op. cit. p.66 [internal link to footnote 4].
  82. See the introductory speech by Hoxter, Hanns Z. (1994): The nature of counselling. In:  Counselling and Orientation of Students in Higher Education In: Higher Education in Europe, Vol. XIX, No. 3, 1994 pp.7-9 https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000155712?6=null&queryId=12e1402a-e016-42da-a827-38908c379d75 (08.01.2024); compare also the report by Heyno, Ann (1993): IRTAC Conference: Student Counselling in Higher Education, Bordeaux (F) 13-16 April 1993. In: FEDORA  Newsletter Juin,/June 1993 p. 4 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090187
  83. Berta, Lucia (1990): Eurogiovanni In: FEDORA Newsletter July 1990 p.5 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050389 (08.01.2024)
  84. Tzepologlou, Stephanos 1991): Announcing a Symposium “University Careers and Counselling Centres”. In: FEDORA Newsletter March 1991 p.3 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090140 (08.01.2024)
  85. Bennedetto, Pierre (1993): Camerino Conference (September 1992). In: FEDORA Newsletter January/January 1993 p. 6 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090168(08.01.2024)
  86. Announcement of the Coimbra Conference (1996). In: FEDORA Newsletter October 1996 p. 10 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090251
  87. Dr. Erich Schuster, Federal Ministry of Science, Transport and the Arts in the Symposium: Student Counselling in Austria, Vienna 1996, cf. also bibliography in: FEDORA Newsletter October 1996, p. 11, urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090251(08.01.2024)
  88. Announcement by Joachim Klaus, FEDORA Newsletter February 1996 p. 8 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090230
  89. Klaus, Joachim (2000): FEDORA President’s Report 1997-2000. In: Klaus, Joachim & Dane, Margaret et.al. (2000). Fit for the future, managing a changing world: VIIth FEDORA congress, 2000; Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 26-29 August 2000 p.9 http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050661
  90. Ibid.
  91. See footnote 4
  92. World Declaration on Higher Education for the Twenty-first Century: Vision and Action and Framework for Priority Action for Change and Development in Higher Education, adopted by the World Conference on Higher Education in the Twenty-first Century, Vision and Action, 9 October 1998 https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000141952  (08.01.2024)
  93. See extract from the unpublished report by  Gerhart Rott as FEDORA Vice-Presidnt in his report tot the EC members on 2.11.2001: “Meeting with Mr. Komlavi Seddoh: During our Summer University Margaret Dane and I took the opportunity to meet with Mr. Komlavi Seddoh, the director of the UNESCO Division of Higher Education. Thus we were able to renew the contact I already established at the UNESCO Collective Consultation on Higher Education in Paris in 2000.”
  94. “FEDORA wishes to pursue the possibility of becoming an official NGO within the UNESCO framework of the World Declaration of Higher Education”. Margaret Dane, Gerhart Rott (2003): 8th UNESCO-NGO Collective Consultation on Higher Education Paris, 13-15 January 2003 – Contribution from FEDORA in: FEDORA Newsletter Spring 2003 pp. 2 -.3   urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090428 (10.01.2024)
  95. Margaret Dane, President’s Report p.11 VIIIth FEDORA congress; The University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, 25th - 28th May 2003: Students and graduates in the Europe of tomorrow. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20060415 (10.01.2024)
  96. See report by Luis De Vos in FEDORA Newsletter Summer 2005 p.4 https://d-nb.info/99416291X/34 (11.01.2024) and Rott, Gerhart (2009) President’s Report. Also  Rott, Gerhart; Katzensteiner, Michael; Vos; Eleonore (Eds.) (2009): Professional challenges: guidance and counselling within the European higher education area 2004-2006 pp. 25 -44 .urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090713 (11.01.2024)
  97. Brutin, Karine (2005): Report of the 9th collective consultation UNESCO-NGO on Higher Education. In: FEDORA Newsletter Spring 2005 pp.3-4 https://d-nb.info/994134223/34 (11.01.2024)
  98. Ibid. p.4
  99. On the established cooperation as a UNESCO NGO in "Operational Relations" Rott, Gerhart (2009): President ́s Report. p. 32 also Rückert, Hans-Werner (2011): President's Report p. 5 https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/studienberatung/_media/FEDORA/FEDORA-president-report-2011.pdf (08.01.2024)
  100. Rott,Gerhart (2005/06): Message from the President. In: Fedora Newsletter Winter 2005/ 2006 p. 1 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090511 (11.01.2024) und Frank, Ernst (2006):  Report 2005 international UNESCO- NGO conference, Paris “Knowledge For All: To Ensure Sustainable Development”. In: FEDORA Newsletter Spring 2006 pp 5-6 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090372 (11.01.2024)
  101. Activity report of the ZSB 1.10.2005 -30.09.2008 p. 86 https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20120815-125153-4
  102. Rott, Gerhart (2009): President’s Report, p. 31, 2009. urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090713
  103. Ibid
  104. Discussions were held with the following representatives of the European Commission: David Coyne (Education and Training Policies), David Hughes (member of Mr. Figel’s cabinet), Peter van der Hijden (School Education and Higher Education) und Angelique Verli (School and Higher Education Policies).
  105. https://www.iccdpp.org/international-symposium-2006-sydney/ (11.01.2024) und FEDORA Newsletter Spring 2006 pp.2-3 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090372 (11.01.2024)
  106. http://www.iccdpp.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Countries-and-Organisations-attending.pdf
  107. https://www.iccdpp.org/international-symposium-2011-budapest/                      (11.01.2024)
  108. Rott, Gerhart (2006): FEDORA’s contribution to the European Area. http://www.iccdpp.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Country-Paper-FEDORA.pdf
  109. Report (2006): Conference of the European Presidency of Finland on Policies and Political Systems and Lifelong Guidance Systems: Laying the Foundations. In: FEDORA Newsletter, Winter 2006 p.3 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090360
  110. Vuorinen, Raimo/ Anthony G. Watts (2010): Acknowledgments. In: European Lifelong Guidance Policies: Work in Progress; A report on the work of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network 2008-2010. Jyväskylä p.7 – 8 electronic: ELGPN Short Report 2009-2010 p. 7 https://www.elgpn.eu/publications (12.01.2024) Regarding the on-going representation of FEDORA by  Hans-Werner  Rückert, (2011): President‘s report 2011 p.6. https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/studienberatung/_media/FEDORA/FEDORA-president-report-2011.pdf
  111. Vuorinen, Raimo/ McCarthy, John/ Ruusuvirta, Outi (2015): Partner Organisations. In:  European Lifelong Guidance Policies: Summary Report on the work of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network 2007- 15, p.56 http://www.elgpn.eu/publications/browse-by-language/english/elgpn-summative-report-2007-2015/
  112. FEDORA has provided platform speakers and workshop leaders at events arranged by other organisations e.g.: several ARGE conferences in Germany; AGCSI conferences in Ireland; the University of Bochum, Germany; the founding Conference to establish a German Career Circle, Berlin; EAIE; CRAC/NICE (UK) and the SCUIO Conference in Strasbourg. See Margaret  Dane’s President’s Report 2002- 2003 to the VIIIth FEDORA Congress in Odense, Denmark pp. 9-11 und p. 16  http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20060415 (31. 12. 2023)
  113. “FEDORA has provided speakers, workshop leaders and experts at events arranged by other organisations such as several GIBeT conferences in Germany; Relais Social in France; University of Applied Sciences Dortmund, Germany; IAEVG conferences in 2005 and 2006; EAIE conference in Basel, Switzerland; a conference of the Danish National Forum for Dialogue in Guidance and Counselling; the conference of the German Rectors’ Conference in Bonn, Germany and the International Symposium in Sydney. Members of the Executive Committee have also participated in a number of other events e.g. the Meeting on Quality Assurance for Guidance Provision by CEDEFOP in Copenhagen in 2006, the EUA Convention in Glasgow in 2005 as well as participating in work shadowing programmes. FEDORA was represented in the EURES (EURopean Employment Services), Graduate Sector Working Group of the European Commission by Martine Pagès.” Rott, Gerhart (2006): President’s report 2004 -2006. In: IX FEDORA Congress, pp 25 - p.44, urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090713,
  114. Message: FEDORA Newsletter, Winter 2006 p.2 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090386
  115. Rott, Gerhart (2003): European Conference on Educational Research – Hamburg. In: FEDORA  Newsletter  December 2003 p. 3   urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090532   und https://eera-ecer.de/previous-ecers/ecer-2003-hamburg/eerj-roundtable-2003
  116. See also the Activity Report of the ZSB 05: 1 October 2002 to 30 September 2005 (2005). In Activity Report of the ZSB. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20070438+pp.+55+-+57
  117. Personal archive of the FEDORA President 2004-2007 Gerhart Rott, Wuppertal and Rott, Gerhart (Ed.): Activity Report of the ZSB 1 October 2005 to 30 September 2008 Wuppertal. pp. 83 – 109 https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20120815-125153-4 Regarding the meeting in Boulogne -sur- Mer see also the assigned publication: Gerhart Rott; Counselling in Higher Education: The Interplay between Inner and Outer Worlds. In: ED Elliott, Imelda et al. Changes in Higher Education and Internationalisation, Brussels pp. 265-277: De Boecks 2011
  118. Cf. Rott, Gerhart (2006): President's Report pp. 31f. and 41 f. as well as reference: AIOSP/IAEVG Conference "Careers in Context: New Challenges and Tasks for Guidance and Counselling", Lisbon Lecture: Rott, G. "The Emerging European Space for Guidance and Counselling in Higher Education", 13 - 17 September 2005. In: Rott, Gerhart/ Othmar, Martin/ Schardischau, Heike (Eds.) (2006): Activity Report of the Central Operating Unit ZSB for the Reporting Period   1. October 2002 to 30 September 2005, Wuppertal p.57 urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20070438
  119. Rückert, Hans-Werner (2011): President's Report 2011 p. 6 https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/studienberatung/_media/FEDORA/FEDORA-president-report-2011.pdf Information Materials for Download (Archive) Student Counselling and Psychological Counselling, Freie Universität Berlin (fu-berlin.de)
  120. https://www.eaie.org/community.html   (18.01.2024)
  121. According to the oral report of the last FEDORA President Hans-Werner Rückert,  his President's Report (2011) and the further newsletters and communications to the members which can also be found under the entry “information materials for download (archive) • Student Counseling and Psychological Counseling • Freie Universität Berlin (fu-berlin.de).” In addition, a fragmentary excerpt in PDF format from the unpublished English version of the FEDORA website was available for this Wikipedia entry. It was last made available to FEDORA Vice President Francien Bouhuijs, Leiden University, The Netherlands. For the current structure of the former FEDORA Working Groups see https://www.eaie.org/community/expert-communities.html. (18.01.2024)


  1. ^ Non-profit association, Belgian law of 25 October 1919, amended by the law of 6 December 1954.
  2. ^ Fondazione RUI (1981): University Guidance Centres and Services in the European Community. Report to the Commission of the European Communities. Rom: Fondazione RUI.
  3. ^ Fondazione RUI (1983): Choice, Success in the Studies, and Transition to the Working Life in Higher Education. Proceedings of the European Colloquy. Working Document Number 23. Rom: Fondazione RUI.
  4. ^ Cf. the presentation of the FEDORA founding process in: Gavin-Kramer, Karin (2018): General Student Counselling after 1945: Development, Institutions, Actors – A Contribution to the History of German Education. Bielefeld: UVW Universitätsverlag Webler, pp. 145 ff. and in Raban, Tony (1994): FEDORA: The European Forum on Student Guidance, its Past, Present, and Future. In: Higher Education in Europe, Vol. XIX, No. 3, 1994, pp. 64 - 72 https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000155712?6=null&queryId=12e1402a-e016-42da-a827-38908c379d75 and https://doi.org/10.1080/0379772940190312 or https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0379772940190312(20.12.2023)
  5. ^ Augenstein, Heinz (1981): Study and Career Counselling in Great Britain and the Federal Republic of Germany. In: ARGE (1982): info Studentenberatung Nr. 14. Bochum, pp. 10–12.
  6. ^ Augenstein, Heinz, et al. (eds., 1982): Beratung – Counselling. German-British expert conference on questions of student counselling and cooperation between student counselling and career guidance. Saarbrücken: Selbstverlag.
  7. ^ Raban, Tony (1994): a .a. O. p. 65
  8. ^ FEDORA Statutes/Constitution April 1990, in: FEDORA Newsletter April 1997, pp. 3-5 and A–D. urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20090264 (20.12.2023)
  9. ^ is no longer available on the Internet
  10. ^ Burnet, Jean: Address by Mr. J.-M. Burnet, Président de FEDORA (1994) in: New challenges for guidance in Europe: the present and the future ; 5th congress, Barcelona, 27 - 30/IV/1994 Centre d'Information et de Documentation de l'Université Catholique de Louvain.pp. 123-130 yesterday: p.124; p.129. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:468-20050647+(20.12.2023)