Łoś–Tarski preservation theorem

The Łoś–Tarski theorem is a theorem in model theory, a branch of mathematics, that states that the set of formulas preserved under taking substructures is exactly the set of universal formulas.[1] The theorem was discovered by Jerzy Łoś and Alfred Tarski.



Let   be a theory in a first-order logic language   and   a set of formulas of  . (The sequence of variables   need not be finite.) Then the following are equivalent:

  1. If   and   are models of  ,  ,   is a sequence of elements of  . If  , then  .
    (  is preserved in substructures for models of  )
  2.   is equivalent modulo   to a set   of   formulas of  .

A formula is   if and only if it is of the form   where   is quantifier-free.

In more common terms, this states that every first-order formula is preserved under induced substructures if and only if it is  , i.e. logically equivalent to a first-order universal formula. As substructures and embeddings are dual notions, this theorem is sometimes stated in its dual form: every first-order formula is preserved under embeddings on all structures if and only if it is  , i.e. logically equivalent to a first-order existential formula. [2]

Note that this property fails for finite models.


  1. ^ Hodges, Wilfrid (1997), A Shorter Model Theory, Cambridge University Press, p. 143, ISBN 0521587131
  2. ^ Rossman, Benjamin. "Homomorphism Preservation Theorems". J. ACM. 55 (3). doi:10.1145/1379759.1379763.


  • Hinman, Peter G. (2005). Fundamentals of Mathematical Logic. A K Peters. p. 255. ISBN 1568812620.