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During the later years of the Manchu Qing dynasty, the coinage system was scattered with central government-made coins, local coins and some foreign currencies circulating together in the private sector of China, resulting in a great deal of currency confusion, this has made both fiscal and financial management in China quite difficult. In an attempt to bring order to this chaos some people such as [[Chen Zhi (Qing dynasty)|Chen Zhi]] started advocating for China to place its currency on the [[gold standard]].<ref>[[Peng Xinwei]] (彭信威). 中國貨幣史. 1958-11. Page = 551 (in [[Mandarin Chinese]]).</ref> The reformer [[Liang Qichao]] campaigned for the government of the Qing dynasty to emulate the Western world and [[Japanese Empire|Japan]] by embracing the gold standard, unify refractory the currencies of China, and issue government-backed banknotes with a ⅓ metallic reserve.<ref>Hou Houji (侯厚吉), Wu Qijing (吴其敬) (1982) ''Zhongguo jindai jingji sixiang shigao'' (中國近代經濟思想史稿). Heilongjiang renminchubanshe, [[Harbin]], vol. 3, pp. 322–339. (in [[Mandarin Chinese]]).</ref>
In the year Guangxu 29 (1903) the [[Ministry of Revenue (imperial China)|Ministry of Revenue]] in [[Beijing]] had authorised a small number of gold 1 Kuping [[tael]] Guangxu Yuanbao pattern coins with the [[English language|English]] inscription "29TH YEAR OF KUANG HSÜ - HU POO", the dies for these coins were probably produced at the [[Japan Mint]] in [[Osaka]], [[Japanese Empire|Japan]].<ref name="NumistaGoldGuangxuYuanbao">{{cite web|url=|title=1 Liang - Guangxu (Gold pattern).|date=1 January 2020|access-date=1 January 2020|author= Numista|publisher= Numista|language=en}}</ref> In the year Guangxu 30 (1904) the Ministry of Revenue created a concrete implementation for the manufacture of gold coins,<ref>平景賢; 王金谷. 中國錢幣珍品系列紀念章介紹 (一). 中國錢幣. 1991, (2): 79. (in [[Mandarin Chinese]]).</ref> while in Guangxu 31 (1905) the government of the Qing dynasty reformed the currency system to allow for gold coins, these would be cast by the Tianjin General Mint operated by the Ministry of Revenue with the inscription Da-Qing Jinbi (大清金幣),<ref name="poly">{{Cite web |title=光绪丙午年造大清金币库平壹两一枚 |url= |publisher=北京保利国际拍卖有限公司 |access-date=2018-02-03 |lang=zh-cn |archive-url= |archive-date=2018-02-04 |url-status=dead }}</ref> These coins bore a similar inscription to the [[copper-alloy]] [[Da-Qing Tongbi]] (大清銅幣)<ref name="ZhongjinNewsDaQingTongbi1">{{cite web|url=|title= 轩宇艺术:石先生出手一枚罕见户部造鄂字版大清铜币.|date=16 May 2019|access-date=26 December 2019|author= 广州轩宇艺术 |publisher= 中经在线网 (Zhongjin News)|language=zh-cn}}</ref><ref name="ZhongjinNewsDaQingTongbi2">{{cite web|url=|title= 广州博华文化传媒有限公司:张先生出手一组两枚价值不菲的户部造大清铜币.|date=19 December 2019|access-date=26 December 2019|author= 博华文化传媒|publisher= 中经在线网 (Zhongjin News)|language=zh-cn}}</ref> and the [[silver]] [[Da-Qing Yinbi]] (大清銀幣), which were both introduced to standardise the national coinages in their respective metals.<ref name="KKNewsDaQingYinBi1">{{cite web|url=|title= 光緒元寶和大清銅幣到底值多少錢,收藏價值如何?|date=14 August 2016|access-date=1 January 2020|author= 每日頭條 - "原文網址:"|publisher= KKNews|language=zh-tw}}</ref><ref name="KKNewsDaQingYinBi2">{{cite web|url=|title= 宣統三年大清銀幣收藏投資價值參考分析.|date=22 July 2016|access-date=1 January 2020|author= 每日頭條|publisher= KKNews|language=zh-tw}}</ref>
Only a small number of [[Essay (numismatics)|trial coin]]s with this inscription were ever cast that were not meant for general circulation as the gold reserves of the Qing dynasty proved insufficient. These coins weighed 1 [[Kuping Tael]] and were cast in the years Guangxu 32 (1906) and Guangxu 33 (1907) and featured a design of a [[Chinese dragon]] on one side and the inscription on the other with the year of casting shown in [[Chinese calendar|Chinese cyclical years]].<ref name="poly"/><ref>{{cite web|title=光绪丙午年造大清金币库平一两金质样币|url=|website=西泠印社|access-date=2018-02-05|language=zh-cn|archive-url=|archive-date=2018-02-05|url-status=dead}}</ref>
Because of the scarce production of these coins, Da-Qing Jinbi coins have been sold at auctions at high prices, during the 2010s a 1907 Da-Qing Jinbi was estimated to be worth between [[United States dollar|$]]80,000 and $100,000.<ref name="Baldwin'sHongKong1907Guangxu">{{cite web|url=|title= Chinese 1907 Guangxu coin could bring $100,000 to Baldwin's.|date=2015|access-date=1 January 2020|author= [ paulfrasercollectibles]|publisher= Just Collecting|language=en}}</ref> In 2006 a Da-Qing Jinbi coin was sold for [[Renminbi|RMB]] 2,090,000, in 2007 a 1907 Da-Qing Jinbi was sold for RMB 1,904,000 and another for RMB 1,064,000, in the year 2008 a 1906 Da-Qing Jinbi coin was sold for RMB 1,792,000, in 2013 a 1906 Da-Qing Jinbi coin was sold for RMB 1,150,000, and in 2014 a 1906 Da-Qing Jinbi was sold for RMB 897,000 at an auction in [[Beijing]].<ref name="KKNewsDaQingJinBi1">{{cite web|url=|title= 大清金幣,存世極少,價值不菲.|date=8 October 2017|access-date=1 January 2020|author= 每日頭條|publisher= KKNews|language=zh-tw}}</ref><ref name="KKNewsDaQingJinBi2">{{cite web|url=|title= 大清金幣 欣賞.|date=12 November 2017|access-date=1 January 2020|author= 每日頭條|publisher= KKNews|language=zh-tw}}</ref>
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