• my data

Win scripts edit

shutdown in 5min edit

  • %windir%\System32\Shutdown.exe /s /t 300

Find Serial Number edit

  • wmic bios get serialnumber (as admin CMD)

rename file with date edit

cd D:\UserFiles\Tilo\Documents
ren HardwareMonitoring.hml HardwareMonitoring_%date%.hml

change energy edit

set /P turnoffM="Enter time in Minutes:"
POWERCFG -Change -monitor-timeout-ac %turnoffM%
ECHO Done %turnoffM%

Check .Net version edit

  • powershell see here
    • gci 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP' | sort pschildname -des | select -fi 1 -exp pschildname
    • gci 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP' | sort pschildname -des | foreach-object {$_.name; $_.GetValue("Version");}

DHCP to Static edit

REM set to DHCP
netsh interface ip set address name="LAN" dhcp
netsh interface ip set dns name="LAN" dhcp

REM set to static
netsh interface ipv4 set address name="LAN" source=static address= mask= gateway= gwmetric=0
netsh interface ipv4 add address name="LAN" address= mask=
netsh interface ipv4 set dns name="LAN" source=static address= 
netsh interface ipv4 add dns name="LAN" address=

simple ping edit

#+--2013-08-22 Tilo, simple ping script
# With rounding of Avg

### Start ###

$CompName = "google.com","steampowered.com","yahoo.com",""
$TestCount = 400
$MyDate = Get-Date -format s
$OutputFile = "C:\log\" +(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd)+ "_ping_result.txt"

foreach ($comp in $CompName) {
	$test = Test-Connection -ComputerName $comp -Count $TestCount  | measure-Object ResponseTime -Minimum -Maximum -Average
	$response = ($test -as [int] )
	"{0} Count: {1} Min/Avg/Max {2} / {3:N1} / {4} ms, Server: {5}" -f $MyDate, $TestCount, $test.Minimum, $test.Average, $test.Maximum, $comp >> $OutputFile

### End of the script ###

simple ping 2 edit

$hostnames = "rko24","","","","cpdb2.mydev.com" ,"",""

#$pingcmd = 'test-netconnection -port 515'
$pingcmd = 'test-connection'

$sleeptime = 300  #in sec

while ($true) {
  # if (invoke-expression "$pingcmd $($hostname)") {

  foreach ($hostname in $hostnames) {
    if (& $pingcmd -count 2 $hostname -ea 0) { 
        Write-Host  -ForegroundColor Green "$(Get-Date -format s) $hostname is up"
    } else {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "$(Get-Date -format s) $hostname is down !!!"
  echo "sleep now for $sleeptime sec"
  start-sleep $sleeptime

cleanup VCRedist edit

  • run with admin priv

VCRedist from VC++ 2008 installs temporary files in system root directory

REM or D drive  d:
del install.exe
del install.res.1028.dll
del install.res.1031.dll
del install.res.1033.dll
del install.res.1036.dll
del install.res.1040.dll
del install.res.1041.dll
del install.res.1042.dll
del install.res.2052.dll
del install.res.3082.dll
del vcredist.bmp
del globdata.ini
del install.ini
del eula.1028.txt
del eula.1031.txt
del eula.1033.txt
del eula.1036.txt
del eula.1040.txt
del eula.1041.txt
del eula.1042.txt
del eula.2052.txt
del eula.3082.txt
del vc_redist.msi
del vc_redist.cab
del VC_RED.cab
del VC_RED.msi
move msdia80.dll "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VC\"
regsvr32 "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VC\msdia80.dll"

Linux scripts edit

  • sudo shutdown now -P

check temp edit

  • just run in terminal the part
#! /bin/bash
# Records the CPU temp and writes it to a temporary file.
while [ 1 ]; do
     CPUtemp=$(sensors | awk '/Physical id 0/{k=int($4)}END{print k}' )
     GPUInfo=$(nvidia-smi --query-gpu=temperature.gpu,fan.speed,memory.free --format=csv,noheader)
     echo "$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S), $GPUInfo, $CPUtemp"  >> /home/tilo/TempLog/`date +%Y%m%d`_Tilo_tempList.csv
sleep 90;
  • nvidia-smi (for overview)
  • nvidia-smi -q (for flat list)
  • nvidia-smi --help-query-gpu
#! /bin/bash
# Records the CPU temp and writes it to a temporary file.
while [ 1 ]; do
     CPUtemp=$(sensors | awk '/Physical id 0/{k=int($4)}END{print k}' )
     GPUInfo=$(nvidia-smi --query-gpu=temperature.gpu,fan.speed,power.draw,clocks.gr,clocks.sm,clocks.mem,clocks.video,pstate,clocks_throttle_reasons.active,clocks_throttle_reasons.gpu_idle,clocks_throttle_reasons.applications_clocks_setting,clocks_throttle_reasons.sw_power_cap,clocks_throttle_reasons.hw_slowdown,memory.used,memory.free --format=csv,noheader)
     echo "$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S),$CPUtemp, $GPUInfo "  >> /home/tilo/TempLog/`date +%Y%m%d`_Tilo_tempListv2.csv
sleep 90;

fix playlist edit

cat "/home/user/Music/Playlists/DEU Dame.m3u" | grep -v '#' | \
while read i; do cp "${i}" /media/usbstick/_Songs ; done

namebench edit

DNS speed check

namebench -x -w -i alexa -q 300 -O

Check db loop edit

for i in `ls *.db`; do
echo Start "${i}"
    sqlite3 "${i}" "PRAGMA integrity_check"
echo Finish "${i}"

miniDLAN start edit

#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.
echo `date +%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S`____$(uname -n)____Start  on $(date) > /tmp/t-bootup.log
ping localhost -i 5 -c 5 >> /tmp/t-bootup.log
sleep 10
sudo /etc/init.d/minidlna restart >> /tmp/t-bootup.log
echo `date +%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S`____$(uname -n)____Finish on $(date) >> /tmp/t-bootup.log
exit 0

SQL edit

Group by date edit

  FROM [fnos_myos].[dbo].[QueueItem]

SELECT  COUNT(*),retry_count
  FROM [fnos_myos].[dbo].[QueueItem]
  Group by (retry_count)

SELECT  COUNT(*) as count ,Year(create_date) as Year, Month(create_date) as Month
  FROM [fnos_myos].[dbo].[QueueItem]
GROUP BY Year(create_date), Month(create_date)
Order by Year(create_date), Month(create_date)

Array loop edit

DECLARE @dbname VARCHAR(50) -- database name 
DECLARE @filepath VARCHAR(256) -- path for files 
DECLARE @fileName VARCHAR(256) -- filename for backup 
DECLARE @targetDATApath VARCHAR(256) -- path for target files
SET @targetDATApath = 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\'
DECLARE @targetDATAfile VARCHAR(256) -- filename for data file 
DECLARE @targetDATAlogfile VARCHAR(256) -- filename for log file
DECLARE @logname VARCHAR(256) -- logname

DECLARE @dbnameslist table(dbnameTmp VARCHAR(50))
insert into @dbnameslist (dbnameTmp) values ('mydb1')
insert into @dbnameslist (dbnameTmp) values ('mydb2')
insert into @dbnameslist (dbnameTmp) values ('mydb3')
insert into @dbnameslist (dbnameTmp) values ('mydb5')

SET @filepath = 'D:\Backup\mydbs\' 

SELECT dbnameTmp 
FROM @dbnameslist

OPEN db_cursor  
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname  

       SET @fileName = @filepath + @dbname + '.BAK' 
       SET @targetDATAfile = @targetDATApath + @dbname + '.mdf'
       SET @targetDATAlogfile =  @targetDATApath + @dbname + '_log.ldf'
       SET @logname = @dbname + '_log'
       RESTORE DATABASE @dbname FROM DISK = @fileName WITH  FILE = 1, MOVE @dbname TO @targetDATAfile , MOVE @logname TO @targetDATAlogfile

       FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @dbname

CLOSE db_cursor  
DEALLOCATE db_cursor
--End restore

Powershell edit

Gen SQL statement edit

  • simple SQL generator
#PowerShell to generate SQL statements
$ListOfDBs = 'myDB1','myDB2','myDB3'

$OutPutFile = 'C:\myScripts\SQLstatement.sql'
$BackupPath = 'C:\temp'
$RestorePath = 'F:\temp'

Add-Content $OutPutFile "--backup"
foreach ($Db in $ListOfDBs){
Add-Content $OutPutFile "BACKUP DATABASE $Db TO DISK = `'$BackupPath\$Db.bak`' WITH CHECKSUM, NAME = `'$($Db)_FullDBBackup`' ;"

Add-Content $OutPutFile "--Check Content Of backup"
foreach ($Db in $ListOfDBs){
Add-Content $OutPutFile "RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = `'$RestorePath\$Db.bak`' ;"

Add-Content $OutPutFile "--restore"
Add-Content $OutPutFile '--restore Backup with FG need extra line'
foreach ($Db in $ListOfDBs){
Add-Content $OutPutFile "RESTORE DATABASE $Db FROM DISK = `'$RestorePath\$Db.bak`' WITH MOVE `'$Db`' TO `'$NewDataDIR\$Db.mdf`',  MOVE `'$($Db)_log`' TO `'$NewLogDIR\$($Db)_log.ldf`' ;"

Add-Content $OutPutFile "--change comp level"
foreach ($Db in $ListOfDBs){

Add-Content $OutPutFile "--list orphan user"
foreach ($Db in $ListOfDBs){
Add-Content $OutPutFile "USE $Db ; EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Report' ;"

Mod files edit

$File = get-item myFile.txt
$FileContent = Get-Content $File -ReadCount 50000
$FileNameOrig = $File.basename
$FileContent = ForEach-Object {$FileContent.TrimEnd().replace('something1', '').replace('something2', '') }
Echo "Just trimmed"
$FileContent = $FileContent | where {$_ -ne ""}
echo "now write content"
set-content "$($FileNameOrig)_Out.txt" $FileContent -Encoding ASCII #UTF8
$FileContent = "null and nothing"
echo "done"

Create test files edit

100..150 | % { New-Item -Path C:\My_test_folder -Name "TestFile$_.txt" -Value "$(Get-Date -format s) This is Test File $($_) from $($env:username) on $($env:COMPUTERNAME)"  -ItemType file}

Get Hash edit

gci *.iso | select FullName | %{get-Filehash -Algorithm md5 -Path $_.FullName ; get-FileHash -Algorithm sha1 -Path $_.FullName ; get-FileHash -Path $_.FullName} | format-table

Azure Runbook edit

##Tilo Runbook quick hack. 

## add to Automation Account under Shared Resources "Default Automation Credential" which has access to start VMs
## Add to VM tag: MyAutoStartPrio with a number 

##Get account
$azureCredential = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name "Default Automation Credential"
if($azureCredential -ne $null)
		    Write-Output "$(Get-Date -format s) :: Attempting to authenticate as: [$($azureCredential.UserName)]"
            throw "$(Get-Date -format s) :: No cred asset with name 'Default Automation Credential' was found. Specify a stored credential asset"

## Connect: 
##Connect-AzureAD -Credential $azureCredential
Login-AzureRmAccount -Credential $azureCredential

##:List all subs which are enabled
#$AllSubID = (Get-AzureRmSubscription | Where {$_.State -eq "enabled"}).SubscriptionId
$AllSubID = (Get-AzureRmSubscription).SubscriptionId
Write-Output "$(Get-Date -format s) :: List of Subscription below"

$AllVMList = @()
Foreach ($SubID in $AllSubID) {
Select-AzureRmSubscription -Subscriptionid "$SubID"

$VMs = Get-AzureRmVM | Where-Object { $_.tags.MyAutoStartPrio -ne $null }
Foreach ($VM in $VMs) {
	$VM = New-Object psobject -Property @{`
		"Subscriptionid" = $SubID;
		"ResourceGroupName" = $VM.ResourceGroupName;
		"MyAutoStartPrio" = $VM.tags.MyAutoStartPrio;
		"VMName" = $VM.Name}
		$AllVMList += $VM | select Subscriptionid,ResourceGroupName,VMName,MyAutoStartPrio

$AllVMListSorted = $AllVMList | Sort-Object -Property MyAutoStartPrio
Write-Output "$(Get-Date -format s) :: Sorted VM start list"

##Start VMs block
Write-Output "$(Get-Date -format s) :: Start VM now"

Foreach ($VM in $AllVMListSorted) {
	Write-Output "$(Get-Date -format s) :: Start VM: $($VM.VMName) :: $($VM.ResourceGroupName) :: $($VM.Subscriptionid)"
	Select-AzureRmSubscription -Subscriptionid $VM.Subscriptionid
	Start-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -Name $VM.VMName
	Start-Sleep -s 120

Write-Output "$(Get-Date -format s) :: Done VM start"

Lastitem edit

python edit

#######Start of script
##redir in cron job 
## 0 2,8,14,20 * * * python /home/osmc/MyScript/DuolingoVacation.py >> /home/osmc/MyScript/log/DuoVac_$(date +\%Y\%m\%d).log

import logging
import sys
import duolingo

ScriptName = 'Duolingo Vacation'
USER='MyUserName here'

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',level=logging.INFO,stream=sys.stdout)
logging.info('=========Start Script: ' + (ScriptName))

#######Login/pick user. 
#lingo = duolingo.Duolingo(USER)
lingo  = duolingo.Duolingo(USER, password='My password here')
logging.info('Logon as: ' + (USER))

#######Simple stuff Lang
Mylanguages = lingo.get_languages(abbreviations=False)
logging.info('Languages: ' + str(Mylanguages))

#######Simple stuff Get streak info
streak_info = lingo.get_streak_info()
logging.info('streak_info: ' + str(streak_info))

#######Buy Freeze
BuyStreak = lingo.buy_streak_freeze()
logging.info('streak_buy: ' + str(BuyStreak))

logging.info('=========End Script: ' + (ScriptName))

Test edit

a sig TiloWiki (talk) 22:31, 8 August 2018 (UTC)