Biographical sketch

Carl Spitzweg's The Bookworm

I have been in the IT business for over 35 years, starting as a mainframe operator to programmer, systems analyst, manager, director and Vice President of Technology. Because of some health issues I now find myself with lots of free time which I'm using to learn more about the online cyberworld. My online experience goes back to the early 1980's when I had one of those first CompuServe accounts (on a Commodore 64), then experience with BBSs (with a 300 baud modem), to AOL, then Netscape Navigator, IE, Firefox, et al. With my new "free time" I'm trying to explore and understand the Internet of the 21st century - Web 2.0, etc.

"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates in Plato's Apology

Ongoing projects

If you would like to collaborate on any of these projects, please leave a message on my talk page.

Future Projects

If you would like to collaborate on any of these projects, please leave a message on my talk page.

Photo of the Day

Heart Nebula

The Heart Nebula is an emission nebula, 7500 light years from Earth, located in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way in the constellation Cassiopeia. It was discovered by William Herschel on 3 November 1787. Spanning almost 2 degrees in the sky, its shape is driven by stellar winds from the hot stars in its core. The nebula displays glowing ionized hydrogen gas and darker dust lanes, and is also made up of ionised oxygen and sulfur gasses, which cause rich blue and orange colours to be seen in narrowband images. This photograph of the Heart Nebula, with the Fish Head Nebula also visible in the top right corner, is a narrowband image captured on a 70mm scope with a capture period of around 44 hours.

Photograph credit: Ram Samudrala

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