

Marty McCann

Born 1976 in Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland

Originally from Coalisland now resident in Belfast

Presently employed as an Alcohol and Drugs Education Project Worker.

Background in Peer Education, Mentoring, Youth Work and Community Development Also spent a number of years in Retail and in a factory

Education: MSc Youth and Community Work 2004-2007

2:1 BA (Hons) Media Studies 1995-98

Work related qualifications:

OCN Level 3 Train the Trainer Drugs Education; Certified Strengthening Families Programme Facilitator; Youth Achievement Platinum Award 2002; OCN Peer Education Level 3; ASIST - Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training Trained; Theraputic Crisis Intervention ; Child Protection; Emergency First Aid; OCN Level 1 Men's Health; Health Promotion Agency "R U Right in the Head?"; Raleigh International Millenium Volunteer; OCN Mentoring Skills;

Also qualified to assess participants on OCN Youth Work Course

Interests and activities- Social justice




Travel- including time spent in Namibia and Eastern Europe



Learning and re-learning other languages particularly Spanish, Irish

Voluntary Work