A bit about me edit

Where to begin? Born in the early-mid 2000s, I've always been a knowledgeable person, both by how much I know and how much I like to know. Unfortunately, however, I know quite a lot of useless information which will never help in the long run! I was born in   Essex and study there also, but I do technically live in   Hertfordshire, but only by 0.25km from the border, plus I'm much more of an Essexian than a Hertfordshirian.

Interests edit

Flags mainly, I just know loads about national flags and the countries thereof. Its not too hard to puzzle someone after going on about   Bhutan for thirty minutes or so! With that, I'm quite interested in languages, and am learning a few at present; hence the longer-than-usual Babel on the right! Transport, of course, is something else entirely. While I'm not as interested in it as the previous two, I know much more about almost all methods. Indeed, I could probably tell you how to get from one random place in the country to another without a map, seeing as how high my Geoguessr scores are!

Hobbies edit

I do a seven day week, so any hobbies I did have have completely gone now. However, before the five days studying and two days work, I liked hiking and cycling. Its just nice to feel your head with wind through it. Its just relaxing and allows for one to get healthy. Yeah, not much use overanalysing why I enjoy something.

Future edit

I'm currently studying [[A-Levels] in Geography, Business and Politics. One that is completed, if all goes well, I plan on studying Urban Planning, and once that is done, Transport Planning. I hope to make a difference to many people with these qualifications, making where they live much more habitable and an area which all people would look up upon.

That's more or less it!