The duodenorenal ligament is a fold of peritoneum that occasionally crosses from the duodenum at the termination of the hepatoduodenal ligament to the right kidney.[1] The duodenorenal ligament is an anatomic variation of the peritoneum, and is not commonly present.

Duodenorenal ligament
Latinligamentum duodenorenale
Anatomical terminology

It is one of many factors that may hold the kidney in place when standing.[2] It was believed, at least in the 1920s, that tension in this ligament might explain how renal diseases can cause gastrointestinal symptoms.[3]


  1. ^ "Duodenorenal ligament". Retrieved 27 September 2021.
  2. ^ Morris, Harold L. (January 1932). "The Demonstration and Significance of Nephroptosis and Urinary Stasis". Radiology. 18 (1): 56–73. doi:10.1148/18.1.56.
  3. ^ Kellogg, Edward L.; Kellogg, William A. (July 1927). "Chronic Duodenal Stasis". Radiology. 9 (1): 23–38. doi:10.1148/9.1.23.