Wikipedia:WikiProject Philosophy/Ethics/Popular pages

This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Philosophy/Ethics along with pageviews.

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List edit

Period: 2024-03-01 to 2024-03-31

Total views: 17,417,995

Updated: 08:10, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 Seven deadly sins 558,314 18,010 C High
2 Artificial intelligence 527,599 17,019 B High
3 The Holocaust 283,917 9,158 GA High
4 Ten Commandments 202,404 6,529 B Mid
5 Friedrich Nietzsche 185,760 5,992 B High
6 Stoicism 176,028 5,678 GA High
7 Aristotle 158,928 5,126 GA High
8 Plato 149,196 4,812 B High
9 Capital punishment 143,189 4,619 C Mid
10 Marxism 140,726 4,539 C High
11 In vitro fertilisation 126,778 4,089 C Mid
12 Jainism 126,124 4,068 GA High
13 Love 126,015 4,065 C Mid
14 Judith Butler 122,234 3,943 B Mid
15 Confucius 120,550 3,888 B High
16 Ayn Rand 120,040 3,872 GA Mid
17 Nihilism 117,679 3,796 C High
18 Genocide 117,461 3,789 B High
19 Religion 111,629 3,600 B High
20 Democracy 108,235 3,491 B High
21 Homosexuality 107,405 3,464 B Mid
22 Bisexuality 107,038 3,452 B Mid
23 Immanuel Kant 102,994 3,322 B High
24 Holodomor 102,251 3,298 B High
25 Crucifixion 97,511 3,145 B High
26 Thomas Aquinas 97,029 3,129 C High
27 Seven virtues 95,514 3,081 C Mid
28 Cicero 94,901 3,061 C High
29 Eugenics 89,709 2,893 C Mid
30 Milgram experiment 88,987 2,870 B Mid
31 Hedonism 87,188 2,812 C High
32 List of genocides 85,375 2,754 List Low
33 Misanthropy 83,280 2,686 GA Mid
34 Death 80,022 2,581 B High
35 Laozi 73,722 2,378 B High
36 Ethics 72,062 2,324 GA Top
37 Euthanasia 71,272 2,299 B High
38 Gender 70,552 2,275 B Mid
39 Racism 70,397 2,270 B Mid
40 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 68,879 2,221 GA High
41 Persecution of Uyghurs in China 68,568 2,211 C Low
42 Diogenes 65,968 2,128 C High
43 Kristallnacht 65,820 2,123 B Low
44 Meaning of life 65,719 2,119 C High
45 Human rights 65,517 2,113 B High
46 Søren Kierkegaard 64,701 2,087 B High
47 Asceticism 64,643 2,085 C Mid
48 Confucianism 63,747 2,056 B High
49 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 62,395 2,012 C Low
50 Pogrom 62,141 2,004 B Mid
51 Hippocratic Oath 61,697 1,990 C High
52 Comstock laws 59,911 1,932 C Low
53 Hubris 59,226 1,910 Start Low
54 Law 57,485 1,854 B High
55 Abortion 57,302 1,848 B Mid
56 Philanthropy 57,229 1,846 C Mid
57 Veganism 57,072 1,841 B Low
58 Bohemianism 56,713 1,829 C Low
59 Utilitarianism 56,055 1,808 B High
60 Sloth (deadly sin) 55,768 1,798 C Mid
61 Environmental, social, and governance 54,955 1,772 C Low
62 Avicenna 54,791 1,767 B High
63 Politics 54,631 1,762 C High
64 Palestinian genocide accusation 54,245 1,749 C Low
65 David Hume 53,855 1,737 B High
66 Xenotransplantation 51,831 1,671 B Low
67 Corruption 51,412 1,658 C Mid
68 Terri Schiavo case 51,295 1,654 GA Low
69 Bangladesh genocide 50,933 1,643 B Mid
70 John Stuart Mill 50,592 1,632 C High
71 Holocaust victims 49,884 1,609 C Low
72 Noble Eightfold Path 49,758 1,605 C Mid
73 Golden Rule 48,900 1,577 C High
74 Trolley problem 48,580 1,567 B Mid
75 Speciesism 48,494 1,564 C Low
76 Privacy 48,403 1,561 C Mid
77 Life 48,298 1,558 GA High
78 Adultery 46,137 1,488 B Low
79 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 46,094 1,486 B Mid
80 Alignment (Dungeons & Dragons) 44,818 1,445 C Low
81 Serfdom 44,432 1,433 C High
82 Born again 43,319 1,397 Start Mid
83 The Prince 43,121 1,391 C High
84 Mahavira 42,757 1,379 B High
85 Transhumanism 42,586 1,373 B Mid
86 Assisted suicide 42,406 1,367 C Mid
87 Gluttony 42,365 1,366 Start Low
88 Lust 41,972 1,353 Start Low
89 Dietrich Bonhoeffer 41,493 1,338 C Mid
90 The Bible and homosexuality 41,160 1,327 B Low
91 Torture 41,096 1,325 FA Mid
92 Epicureanism 39,801 1,283 C High
93 Anger 39,451 1,272 B Low
94 Tragedy of the commons 39,193 1,264 B Mid
95 American Dream 39,069 1,260 C Mid
96 Eudaimonia 38,966 1,256 C High
97 Election 38,711 1,248 Start Low
98 Thus Spoke Zarathustra 38,592 1,244 C High
99 Empathy 38,130 1,230 C High
100 Gender equality 37,825 1,220 C Low
101 Corporate social responsibility 37,485 1,209 B Low
102 Critical thinking 37,384 1,205 C High
103 Deontology 37,237 1,201 C High
104 Sexual harassment 37,114 1,197 B Low
105 Bosnian genocide 36,975 1,192 B High
106 Jeremy Bentham 36,502 1,177 B Mid
107 Egalitarianism 35,933 1,159 Start Mid
108 Vegetarianism 35,758 1,153 B Mid
109 Heraclitus 35,736 1,152 B High
110 John Dewey 34,973 1,128 B High
111 Morality 34,174 1,102 C Mid
112 Spirituality 34,152 1,101 B Mid
113 Child labour 33,939 1,094 B Low
114 Social contract 33,891 1,093 C Mid
115 Circassian genocide 33,398 1,077 B Low
116 Effective altruism 33,221 1,071 B High
117 Pragmatism 33,220 1,071 B High
118 Leviathan (Hobbes book) 32,916 1,061 C High
119 Discrimination 32,245 1,040 B High
120 Ubuntu philosophy 32,209 1,039 C Low
121 Crime 32,084 1,034 C High
122 Plagiarism 31,877 1,028 B Mid
123 Duty of care 31,607 1,019 Start Low
124 Crimes against humanity 31,160 1,005 B Mid
125 Natural law 31,113 1,003 C Mid
126 Stoning 31,057 1,001 C Low
127 Flaying 30,787 993 Start Low
128 Cynicism (philosophy) 30,740 991 GA High
129 Chastity 30,698 990 Start Low
130 Usury 30,684 989 B Mid
131 False or misleading statements by Donald Trump 30,465 982 B Low
132 Corporal punishment 30,258 976 Start High
133 Happiness 30,227 975 C High
134 Pacifism 30,100 970 B Mid
135 Abortion law 30,098 970 C Mid
136 Altruism 29,997 967 B Mid
137 Punk subculture 29,597 954 Start Low
138 Free will 29,504 951 C High
139 HeLa 29,477 950 C Low
140 Fraud 29,045 936 C Mid
141 New religious movement 28,817 929 C Mid
142 Virtue 28,794 928 B High
143 Sex-positive movement 28,775 928 C Low
144 Indentured servitude 28,740 927 C Mid
145 Indonesian mass killings of 1965–66 28,467 918 B Low
146 Seven Laws of Noah 28,381 915 B Mid
147 Placebo 28,199 909 B Low
148 Categorical imperative 27,748 895 C High
149 Chivalry 27,352 882 B Low
150 Friendship 27,151 875 C High
151 Romani Holocaust 27,149 875 B High
152 Herero and Nama genocide 26,936 868 B Low
153 Gilles Deleuze 26,776 863 B High
154 Homosexuality in Japan 26,605 858 B Low
155 Generalplan Ost 26,524 855 C Low
156 Self-determination 26,437 852 C Mid
157 Arthashastra 26,413 852 B High
158 Social Darwinism 26,379 850 C Mid
159 Secular humanism 26,340 849 C Mid
160 Persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire 26,283 847 B Low
161 Envy 26,246 846 C Mid
162 Antinatalism 25,638 827 C Low
163 Greed 25,576 825 Start Mid
164 Genocide of Indigenous peoples 25,493 822 C High
165 Censorship 25,181 812 B Low
166 Teleology 25,076 808 C Mid
167 Virtue ethics 24,951 804 C High
168 Rule of thumb 24,922 803 C Low
169 Creativity 24,886 802 B High
170 Power (social and political) 24,867 802 C High
171 Triage 24,772 799 C Low
172 Jurisprudence 24,638 794 C High
173 Solitary confinement 24,172 779 C Unknown
174 Wisdom 23,691 764 C High
175 Peter Singer 23,665 763 B Mid
176 Persecution of Christians 23,653 763 C Low
177 Individualism 22,827 736 C Mid
178 Greek genocide 22,704 732 B Low
179 Peace 22,661 731 C Mid
180 Doping in sport 22,460 724 C Low
181 Discipline 22,377 721 Start Low
182 Jesus and the woman taken in adultery 22,304 719 B Mid
183 Integrity 22,271 718 Start High
184 Social norm 22,210 716 C High
185 Sin 22,110 713 C Mid
186 John Rawls 22,027 710 C High
187 Human cloning 21,885 705 B Mid
188 Old money 21,874 705 C Low
189 Reality 21,849 704 C High
190 Sex assignment 21,829 704 C Low
191 Cardinal virtues 21,823 703 C High
192 Renaissance humanism 21,722 700 B Mid
193 Social justice 21,663 698 B High
194 Quality of life 21,537 694 Start Mid
195 Truth 21,214 684 B High
196 Justice 21,135 681 C High
197 Filial piety 21,086 680 C Low
198 No Exit 20,858 672 Start High
199 Police corruption 20,730 668 C Low
200 Reason 20,619 665 C High
201 Legality of euthanasia 20,616 665 C Low
202 Consumerism 20,540 662 C Mid
203 Awareness 20,360 656 C Mid
204 Distribution of wealth 20,291 654 Start Low
205 Autonomy 20,141 649 C Mid
206 Person 20,102 648 C High
207 Temperance (virtue) 20,056 646 Start Low
208 Just war theory 19,965 644 Start Mid
209 Applications of artificial intelligence 19,961 643 C Low
210 Humour 19,950 643 C Mid
211 Moral panic 19,919 642 C Low
212 Liberty 19,836 639 C High
213 Lavender Scare 19,538 630 C Low
214 Biological warfare 19,468 628 B Low
215 Nicomachean Ethics 19,394 625 C High
216 Ambrose 19,373 624 B Mid
217 Settler colonialism 19,286 622 B Low
218 Genocides in history 19,249 620 B Low
219 Fundamentalism 19,235 620 C Mid
220 Suicide legislation 19,213 619 C Low
221 Risk 18,948 611 C High
222 Planned obsolescence 18,925 610 Start Low
223 Genocide of Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia 18,878 608 C Low
224 Adam Weishaupt 18,837 607 C Low
225 Satyagraha 18,820 607 B Mid
226 Institutional racism 18,799 606 B Mid
227 Patanjali 18,713 603 C High
228 Human condition 18,625 600 Start High
229 Corruption in India 18,516 597 C Mid
230 Humility 18,395 593 C Mid
231 California genocide 18,394 593 C Low
232 Skepticism 18,352 592 C High
233 Ethical dilemma 18,328 591 Start High
234 Gene therapy 18,317 590 B Low
235 Iris Murdoch 18,313 590 B Mid
236 Greek words for love 18,239 588 List Low
237 Belief 18,132 584 C High
238 International Day of Happiness 18,096 583 C Low
239 Etiquette 17,973 579 B Mid
240 Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development 17,926 578 GA Mid
241 A Theory of Justice 17,923 578 C Mid
242 Homeschooling 17,856 576 C Low
243 Kantian ethics 17,488 564 B High
244 Five precepts 17,443 562 GA Low
245 Consequentialism 17,428 562 C High
246 Pogroms in the Russian Empire 17,365 560 Start Mid
247 Lord 17,322 558 Start Mid
248 Islam and abortion 17,008 548 C Low
249 Mozi 16,938 546 C High
250 Beyond Good and Evil 16,862 543 C High
251 Perverse incentive 16,860 543 C Mid
252 Hobson's choice 16,729 539 Start Mid
253 Value (ethics and social sciences) 16,504 532 Start High
254 Heteroflexibility 16,433 530 C Mid
255 Nordicism 16,425 529 B Low
256 Do not resuscitate 16,419 529 Start Low
257 Faith 16,281 525 C Mid
258 Serfdom in Russia 16,244 524 Start High
259 Courage 16,202 522 C High
260 Pride 15,943 514 C High
261 Gross National Happiness 15,754 508 C Low
262 Anencephaly 15,720 507 C Low
263 Conflict of interest 15,378 496 C Mid
264 Ahimsa 15,355 495 B High
265 Evil 15,308 493 C High
266 Thiruvalluvar 15,155 488 B High
267 Don't be evil 15,105 487 Start Low
268 Logical positivism 15,008 484 C High
269 Eugenics in the United States 15,001 483 Start Low
270 Martha Nussbaum 14,919 481 B Mid
271 Abstinence 14,912 481 Start Low
272 Unethical human experimentation 14,714 474 Start Low
273 Vice 14,681 473 Start High
274 Anfal campaign 14,593 470 B Low
275 Involuntary commitment 14,496 467 C Low
276 Free love 14,493 467 C Low
277 Subjectivity and objectivity (philosophy) 14,432 465 List High
278 Prudence 14,197 457 Start Mid
279 Kwame Anthony Appiah 14,108 455 C Mid
280 Environmentalism 14,090 454 B High
281 Prima facie 14,041 452 C Low
282 Essentialism 13,962 450 Start Mid
283 Shame 13,798 445 B Mid
284 Hospitality 13,793 444 Start Mid
285 Deception 13,779 444 C Low
286 Akrasia 13,754 443 C Mid
287 Utility 13,729 442 Start Mid
288 Community service 13,612 439 C Low
289 Lie 13,574 437 B High
290 Ethos 13,519 436 C High
291 Skandha 13,456 434 C Mid
292 Anthropocentrism 13,297 428 C Mid
293 Nick Bostrom 13,282 428 B Mid
294 Safety 13,178 425 C High
295 Rationality 13,082 422 B High
296 Kural 13,002 419 B High
297 Nuremberg Code 12,982 418 C Low
298 Capital punishment for homosexuality 12,974 418 Start Mid
299 Nazi eugenics 12,956 417 C Mid
300 Social stigma 12,738 410 C Low
301 Is–ought problem 12,714 410 C Mid
302 Shill 12,636 407 C Mid
303 Nocebo 12,631 407 C Low
304 Restorative justice 12,590 406 Start Mid
305 Reinhold Niebuhr 12,577 405 C Mid
306 Relationship between religion and science 12,569 405 B High
307 Mere Christianity 12,484 402 C Mid
308 Capital punishment in California 12,464 402 C Mid
309 Feeling 12,458 401 C Mid
310 Moral relativism 12,454 401 C High
311 Right to privacy 12,366 398 C High
312 Obscenity 12,295 396 Start Mid
313 Master–slave morality 12,184 393 Start Mid
314 Right to die 12,178 392 B Low
315 George Santayana 12,174 392 C Mid
316 Arete 12,173 392 Start High
317 Protestant work ethic 12,116 390 Start Low
318 Joie de vivre 12,110 390 Start Low
319 Popular sovereignty 12,021 387 Start Mid
320 Guatemalan genocide 11,994 386 B Low
321 Deep ecology 11,949 385 C Low
322 Day-care sex-abuse hysteria 11,925 384 C Low
323 Outlaw 11,901 383 C High
324 Robert Nozick 11,706 377 B Mid
325 Decadence 11,705 377 C Low
326 Doomsday cult 11,668 376 B Low
327 Imagination 11,590 373 Start Mid
328 Volunteering 11,576 373 B Mid
329 Ethics (Spinoza book) 11,571 373 C High
330 Good and evil 11,557 372 C High
331 Punishment 11,541 372 C High
332 Nonviolence 11,480 370 B Mid
333 Abuse 11,381 367 B Low
334 Abortion in the United Kingdom 11,376 366 C Low
335 Humanists UK 11,332 365 B Low
336 Unintended consequences 11,304 364 Start Mid
337 Animal rights 11,223 362 B Mid
338 Green politics 11,209 361 C Low
339 Paul Tillich 11,204 361 B Mid
340 Journalism ethics and standards 11,188 360 C Mid
341 Guilty pleasure 11,178 360 Stub Low
342 Original position 11,107 358 Start Low
343 Exile 11,091 357 Start High
344 Social justice warrior 11,053 356 C Low
345 Divinity 11,042 356 Start Mid
346 John Gray (philosopher) 11,042 356 C Low
347 Laziness 11,022 355 Start Mid
348 The Phenomenology of Spirit 10,998 354 Start High
349 Dignity 10,988 354 C Low
350 Sacrifice 10,929 352 Start Mid
351 Self 10,893 351 C High
352 Informed consent 10,880 350 C Low
353 Elitism 10,879 350 Start Mid
354 Business ethics 10,873 350 C Mid
355 Common sense 10,775 347 B High
356 Social equality 10,698 345 C Low
357 Lifestyle (social sciences) 10,667 344 Start Mid
358 History of abortion 10,556 340 B Low
359 Peter Boghossian 10,510 339 C Mid
360 Oppression 10,500 338 C Mid
361 Mooning 10,484 338 Start Low
362 Vilfredo Pareto 10,438 336 C Mid
363 Conscience 10,393 335 GA High
364 Anti-psychiatry 10,373 334 C Mid
365 Advance healthcare directive 10,347 333 C Low
366 Piety 10,313 332 Start Mid
367 Creative destruction 10,286 331 C Low
368 Ceteris paribus 10,237 330 Start Mid
369 Lookism 10,215 329 Start Low
370 The Finders (movement) 10,202 329 Start Low
371 Perversion 10,191 328 Start Low
372 Doukhobors 10,184 328 B Low
373 Thou shalt not commit adultery 10,129 326 B Low
374 Charles Taylor (philosopher) 10,106 326 C Mid
375 Isaaq genocide 10,081 325 B High
376 Calls for the destruction of Israel 10,076 325 C Mid
377 Pro-choice and pro-life 10,042 323 C Low
378 Optimism 9,997 322 C Low
379 Moral hazard 9,970 321 C High
380 Native American genocide in the United States 9,956 321 C Low
381 Kindness 9,953 321 Start Mid
382 Savior sibling 9,937 320 Start Low
383 Pessimism 9,917 319 C Low
384 Lviv pogroms (1941) 9,869 318 GA Low
385 Individual 9,852 317 Start Mid
386 Christian views on suicide 9,825 316 C Low
387 Golden mean (philosophy) 9,747 314 Start Mid
388 Marxian class theory 9,740 314 C Mid
389 Work (human activity) 9,688 312 Start Mid
390 Compassion 9,655 311 C Low
391 Normative ethics 9,652 311 Start High
392 Zhuang Zhou 9,635 310 C High
393 Conceptual model 9,631 310 C High
394 Relativism 9,626 310 C High
395 Debt 9,563 308 C Low
396 Catholic Church and homosexuality 9,471 305 C Mid
397 Industrial espionage 9,452 304 C Low
398 Neo-Luddism 9,443 304 C Low
399 The World as Will and Representation 9,417 303 B High
400 Modesty 9,406 303 C Mid
401 Animal consciousness 9,391 302 B Mid
402 Cheating 9,381 302 Start Low
403 Patience 9,359 301 Start Mid
404 Debt bondage 9,348 301 C Mid
405 Johann Gottlieb Fichte 9,345 301 C High
406 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? 9,342 301 Start Low
407 Bioethics 9,327 300 Start High
408 Ownership 9,311 300 C Low
409 Civics 9,293 299 B Mid
410 Respect 9,225 297 Start Mid
411 Existential nihilism 9,217 297 Start Low
412 Pirate Party 9,206 296 Start Unknown
413 Abortion debate 9,151 295 B Mid
414 Metaethics 9,151 295 C High
415 Price discrimination 9,091 293 Start Low
416 Euthyphro dilemma 9,039 291 C Mid
417 Authority 9,010 290 Start Mid
418 Thomas Nagel 8,962 289 Start Mid
419 Forgiveness 8,893 286 B Mid
420 Self-control 8,847 285 C Mid
421 Victorian morality 8,847 285 C Low
422 Philia 8,846 285 C Low
423 Normativity 8,835 285 Start Mid
424 Consent 8,811 284 C Mid
425 On Liberty 8,806 284 Start High
426 Mores 8,755 282 Start Low
427 Late termination of pregnancy 8,695 280 B Low
428 Honesty 8,667 279 Start High
429 Desire 8,641 278 Start Low
430 Christian ethics 8,630 278 GA Mid
431 Risk assessment 8,626 278 C Low
432 On the Genealogy of Morality 8,588 277 Start High
433 Michael Sandel 8,581 276 C Mid
434 Precautionary principle 8,578 276 C Low
435 Heinz dilemma 8,571 276 Start Low
436 Ethics of artificial intelligence 8,567 276 B Low
437 Selk'nam genocide 8,535 275 C Low
438 Work ethic 8,516 274 Start Low
439 Incarceration in Norway 8,494 274 C Low
440 Might makes right 8,465 273 Stub Mid
441 Vanity 8,459 272 Start Low
442 Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality 8,456 272 B Low
443 Knowledge representation and reasoning 8,443 272 C Low
444 Pāramitā 8,439 272 C Low
445 Richard Rorty 8,377 270 B High
446 Female foeticide in India 8,353 269 C Low
447 Adverse effect 8,338 268 C Low
448 Sadaqah 8,303 267 Start Low
449 Axiology 8,262 266 Start Mid
450 Paternalism 8,241 265 Start Mid
451 Apostasy in Islam by country 8,230 265 C Low
452 Hagakure 8,221 265 Start Low
453 Distributive justice 8,184 264 Start Mid
454 Ezekiel Emanuel 8,175 263 B Low
455 Dzungar genocide 8,175 263 B Low
456 Suffering 8,169 263 C Low
457 Honour 8,147 262 Start Mid
458 Theories of humor 8,140 262 Start Mid
459 Adultery law in India 8,108 261 C Low
460 Robert M. Pirsig 8,092 261 C Mid
461 East Timor genocide 8,087 260 B Low
462 Alasdair MacIntyre 8,072 260 Start Mid
463 Aristotelian ethics 8,063 260 C Mid
464 Animal welfare 8,046 259 C High
465 Fear and Trembling 7,992 257 Start High
466 Ivan Illich 7,991 257 C Low
467 Abortion in Europe 7,956 256 C Low
468 Designer baby 7,941 256 B Mid
469 Suppression of the Society of Jesus 7,935 255 B Low
470 Conservation movement 7,904 254 C Low
471 Holmesburg Prison 7,883 254 C Low
472 Sallekhana 7,882 254 GA Low
473 Social responsibility 7,867 253 Start Low
474 Zygmunt Bauman 7,854 253 C Low
475 Betrayal 7,826 252 C Mid
476 Racism against African Americans 7,815 252 C Mid
477 Medical ethics 7,786 251 C High
478 Accountability 7,758 250 C Mid
479 Ethical egoism 7,726 249 C High
480 Sexual misconduct 7,703 248 Start Low
481 Persecution of pagans in the late Roman Empire 7,690 248 B Mid
482 Sociocultural evolution 7,672 247 B Low
483 Retributive justice 7,668 247 C Mid
484 Non-aggression principle 7,646 246 Start Mid
485 Catholic Church and abortion 7,642 246 C Low
486 Alternative dispute resolution 7,616 245 C Low
487 History of human rights 7,569 244 C Mid
488 Equanimity 7,554 243 C Low
489 Discrimination against autistic people 7,545 243 Start Low
490 Good 7,455 240 B Mid
491 Philosophy of suicide 7,399 238 C Mid
492 Ring of Gyges 7,330 236 C Mid
493 Righteousness 7,262 234 C Mid
494 Professional ethics 7,251 233 Start Mid
495 Declaration of Helsinki 7,210 232 C Low
496 LGBT rights in Jamaica 7,150 230 B Low
497 Sex-positive feminism 7,109 229 C Low
498 Family values 7,097 228 Start Low
499 Either/Or 7,087 228 C High
500 LGBT rights in Germany 7,061 227 C Mid
501 Experience machine 6,949 224 Start Low
502 Emmanuel Levinas 6,929 223 C High
503 Primum non nocere 6,924 223 Start Mid
504 Hatred 6,901 222 C Low
505 Christianity and abortion 6,898 222 B Mid
506 Biopolitics 6,840 220 Start Low
507 J. L. Austin 6,833 220 C Mid
508 Misotheism 6,821 220 C Low
509 Voluntary euthanasia 6,821 220 C Mid
510 Right to repair 6,799 219 Start Low
511 Harm reduction 6,797 219 C Low
512 Quality-adjusted life year 6,771 218 C Mid
513 Moral nihilism 6,749 217 Start Mid
514 José Ortega y Gasset 6,725 216 C Low
515 Common good 6,714 216 Start Mid
516 Value of life 6,705 216 Start Mid
517 Corruption in the Philippines 6,687 215 Start Low
518 Corruption in Russia 6,682 215 Start Low
519 Humanitarianism 6,660 214 C Mid
520 Buddhist ethics 6,643 214 C Mid
521 Last man 6,629 213 Stub Low
522 Casuistry 6,602 212 B Low
523 Istanbul pogrom 6,596 212 B Low
524 Brahmavihara 6,595 212 C Low
525 Exploitation of labour 6,575 212 Start Mid
526 Transgender genocide 6,568 211 C Low
527 Convention (norm) 6,550 211 C Mid
528 Organ donation 6,546 211 B Low
529 Phronesis 6,535 210 C Mid
530 Theological virtues 6,512 210 Start Low
531 Ubasute 6,482 209 Start Low
532 Fuck for Forest 6,476 208 C Low
533 Harm principle 6,442 207 Start High
534 Principle 6,428 207 Start High
535 Disgust 6,419 207 Start Low
536 The "Me" Decade and the Third Great Awakening 6,412 206 Start Low
537 Targeted killing 6,395 206 B High
538 Bad faith 6,378 205 C Mid
539 Lawrence Kohlberg 6,355 205 Start Low
540 Philippa Foot 6,346 204 C Mid
541 List of fraudsters 6,322 203 List Low
542 Cowardice 6,310 203 Start Low
543 The Righteous Mind 6,298 203 Stub Low
544 Morality play 6,293 203 Start Low
545 Abraham Joshua Heschel 6,278 202 C Low
546 Persecution 6,250 201 Start Low
547 The Lucifer Effect 6,206 200 Start Mid
548 Charity (practice) 6,190 199 C Mid
549 Media ethics 6,173 199 Start Low
550 Christian pacifism 6,158 198 C Mid
551 First circle of hell 6,156 198 GA Low
552 Enchiridion of Epictetus 6,153 198 B Mid
553 Gillick competence 6,152 198 Start Low
554 Voluntary association 6,109 197 Start Low
555 William MacAskill 6,090 196 B Low
556 Derek Parfit 6,089 196 C Mid
557 G. E. Moore 6,088 196 C Mid
558 Deliberative democracy 6,086 196 C Mid
559 Biopower 6,084 196 Start Mid
560 A Defense of Abortion 6,062 195 C Low
561 Belmont Report 6,045 195 Start Low
562 Late Ottoman genocides 6,020 194 Start Low
563 Ethics of care 6,018 194 C Mid
564 Positive liberty 6,013 193 C Mid
565 Qisas 6,003 193 Start Low
566 Intention 5,994 193 Start High
567 Otto Weininger 5,993 193 C Low
568 Capital punishment for juveniles in the United States 5,945 191 List Low
569 Principle of double effect 5,926 191 C Mid
570 Black genocide in the United States 5,922 191 C Low
571 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 5,885 189 Start Low
572 In Praise of Folly 5,873 189 Start High
573 Chanakyaniti 5,855 188 Stub Low
574 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 5,833 188 C High
575 The Theory of Moral Sentiments 5,757 185 Start Mid
576 Conservation biology 5,742 185 B Mid
577 Agency (philosophy) 5,740 185 Start High
578 Sexual ethics 5,728 184 C Low
579 Form of the Good 5,726 184 C Low
580 Religious tolerance 5,647 182 C Mid
581 Moral responsibility 5,642 182 C Mid
582 Risk matrix 5,636 181 Start Low
583 Paisios of Mount Athos 5,630 181 C Low
584 Naturalistic fallacy 5,599 180 C Mid
585 Mos maiorum 5,595 180 C Low
586 Jonathan Dancy 5,590 180 C Mid
587 Charity (Christian virtue) 5,589 180 Start High
588 Religious views on suicide 5,586 180 Start Low
589 Trust (social science) 5,575 179 C High
590 Censorship of the Bible 5,546 178 B Low
591 Secrecy 5,503 177 C Low
592 Abortion in Texas 5,461 176 B Low
593 Emotional support animal 5,445 175 C Low
594 Stewardship 5,442 175 Start Low
595 Divine command theory 5,423 174 GA Mid
596 Capital punishment in Florida 5,389 173 Start Low
597 An Essay on Man 5,379 173 Start Mid
598 Obligation 5,360 172 Start Mid
599 Wisdom literature 5,357 172 C High
600 Nature conservation 5,350 172 B Mid
601 Capital punishment in the United Arab Emirates 5,338 172 Stub Low
602 Harriet Martineau 5,329 171 B Low
603 Punctuality 5,315 171 Start Low
604 Thumbscrew (torture) 5,294 170 C Low
605 Loyalty 5,285 170 C Mid
606 Jacques Maritain 5,284 170 C Mid
607 Anti-consumerism 5,260 169 Start Mid
608 Human rights abuses in Chile under Augusto Pinochet 5,259 169 C Low
609 Applied ethics 5,245 169 Start High
610 Emotivism 5,207 167 C Mid
611 Organized religion 5,199 167 Start High
612 Conceptual metaphor 5,183 167 C Mid
613 Religious law 5,179 167 B Low
614 History of eugenics 5,158 166 Stub Low
615 The Guide for the Perplexed 5,135 165 C High
616 Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp 5,118 165 B Low
617 Avital Ronell 5,115 165 B Low
618 Dystheism 5,097 164 Start Low
619 Rational egoism 5,079 163 C Low
620 Illicit activities of North Korea 5,078 163 C Low
621 Noble lie 5,054 163 C Mid
622 Ethics of eating meat 5,046 162 B Mid
623 David Benatar 5,039 162 C Low
624 Intrinsic value (ethics) 5,014 161 C Mid
625 Ren (philosophy) 5,008 161 Start Low
626 Philosophy of law 5,008 161 Start High
627 Abortion in Russia 4,972 160 C Low
628 Climate justice 4,964 160 C Low
629 Moralism 4,927 158 Start Low
630 Euthanasia in the Netherlands 4,888 157 Start Low
631 Moral character 4,888 157 Start Mid
632 Consistent life ethic 4,878 157 Start Mid
633 Attorney–client privilege 4,860 156 Start Mid
634 Anti-communist mass killings 4,851 156 C Low
635 Environmental ethics 4,819 155 Start Mid
636 Societal attitudes toward homosexuality 4,816 155 B Low
637 Capital punishment in North Korea 4,812 155 Start Mid
638 Epistemic injustice 4,812 155 Stub Low
639 Creative accounting 4,806 155 Start Low
640 The Case of the Speluncean Explorers 4,803 154 C Mid
641 Lesser of two evils principle 4,781 154 Start Low
642 Judeo-Christian ethics 4,776 154 C Low
643 Best of all possible worlds 4,766 153 Start Mid
644 Von Neumann–Morgenstern utility theorem 4,762 153 C Low
645 Biocentrism (ethics) 4,761 153 Start Mid
646 Review 4,756 153 Start Low
647 Inner peace 4,748 153 Start Mid
648 H. L. A. Hart 4,712 152 C Mid
649 Prisoner 4,702 151 Start Mid
650 Moral absolutism 4,702 151 Start High
651 Kielce pogrom 4,698 151 C Low
652 Catholic Worker Movement 4,678 150 B Low
653 Moral development 4,676 150 C Low
654 LGBT rights in Romania 4,670 150 B Mid
655 Odessa pogroms 4,668 150 Start Low
656 Amorality 4,662 150 Start Mid
657 Maxim (philosophy) 4,643 149 Start Low
658 Decriminalization 4,642 149 Stub Low
659 Instrumental and intrinsic value 4,620 149 C High
660 Second circle of hell 4,603 148 GA Low
661 Islamic ethics 4,588 148 B Mid
662 Capital punishment in the Bible 4,572 147 Start Low
663 Sympathy 4,541 146 Start Mid
664 Homosexuality and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 4,511 145 B Low
665 Dissent 4,495 145 Start Low
666 Self-cultivation 4,491 144 Start Mid
667 Church of Euthanasia 4,489 144 C Low
668 Enthusiasm 4,477 144 Start Low
669 Amy Gutmann 4,471 144 C Low
670 Paideia 4,465 144 Start Low
671 Value theory 4,461 143 Start Mid
672 Circumcision controversies 4,446 143 B Low
673 Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals 4,439 143 B High
674 Arne Næss 4,438 143 C Mid
675 Virtus 4,422 142 C Low
676 Limited hangout 4,410 142 Start Low
677 Dax Cowart 4,392 141 C Low
678 The Subjection of Women 4,387 141 C Mid
679 Mercy 4,378 141 Stub Mid
680 Social degeneration 4,317 139 Start Low
681 Moral realism 4,316 139 Start Mid
682 Moral universalism 4,315 139 C High
683 Mass killing 4,314 139 C Low
684 Comicsgate 4,302 138 Start Low
685 Rule utilitarianism 4,274 137 Start High
686 Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies 4,242 136 B Low
687 Justice as Fairness 4,218 136 C Mid
688 Involuntary euthanasia 4,216 136 Stub Mid
689 Utilitarianism (book) 4,212 135 C High
690 Pontic Greek genocide 4,209 135 C Low
691 Famine, Affluence, and Morality 4,209 135 C Low
692 Paradox of hedonism 4,205 135 C Low
693 Duty 4,197 135 Start High
694 Christian values 4,195 135 Stub Low
695 Self-deception 4,195 135 Start Mid
696 Will (philosophy) 4,193 135 Start High
697 Christina Hoff Sommers 4,184 134 B Mid
698 Fidelity 4,164 134 Start Mid
699 Self-compassion 4,160 134 Start Mid
700 Merit (Buddhism) 4,151 133 GA Low
701 Tzvetan Todorov 4,146 133 C Mid
702 Ethics of technology 4,144 133 Start High
703 Ignorance 4,125 133 Start High
704 Toleration 4,115 132 C Mid
705 Babies switched at birth 4,109 132 Start Low
706 Felicific calculus 4,102 132 Start Low
707 Venus in culture 4,069 131 C Low
708 Intellectualism 4,063 131 Start Low
709 Innocence 4,058 130 Start Mid
710 Humanity (virtue) 4,048 130 C Mid
711 Morality and religion 4,044 130 Start Mid
712 Third circle of hell 4,043 130 GA Low
713 Bernard Williams 4,026 129 B Mid
714 Collective responsibility 4,005 129 Start Low
715 1966 anti-Igbo pogrom 3,993 128 Start Low
716 Wild animal suffering 3,973 128 B Mid
717 Valladolid debate 3,971 128 B Low
718 Kyriarchy 3,956 127 Start Low
719 Blinding (punishment) 3,956 127 Start Low
720 Ethical consumerism 3,954 127 C Low
721 Carol Gilligan 3,953 127 C Low
722 Doctor–patient relationship 3,942 127 Start Low
723 Torture in the United States 3,883 125 C Low
724 Gay literature 3,881 125 C Low
725 Sophrosyne 3,877 125 Start Mid
726 Christian egalitarianism 3,870 124 C Low
727 Crime in Germany 3,843 123 Start Low
728 Magnanimity 3,808 122 C Low
729 Rule of Three (Wicca) 3,793 122 Start Low
730 Proportionality (law) 3,770 121 C Mid
731 Scientific misconduct 3,750 120 C Mid
732 Selfishness 3,732 120 Stub Low
733 Impartiality 3,720 120 Start High
734 Social choice theory 3,715 119 Start Mid
735 Scott Clifton 3,691 119 C Low
736 Sanctity of life 3,686 118 Start Mid
737 Enneads 3,673 118 Start Mid
738 Medical error 3,670 118 C Low
739 Max Scheler 3,637 117 C Mid
740 Civic virtue 3,620 116 C High
741 Subjectivism 3,592 115 Start High
742 Walter Kaufmann (philosopher) 3,570 115 C Mid
743 Result 3,566 115 Start Low
744 Joseph Weizenbaum 3,554 114 C Low
745 Code of law 3,545 114 Start Low
746 Rigour 3,535 114 Start Mid
747 Universal value 3,525 113 C Low
748 Nonattachment (philosophy) 3,517 113 Start Low
749 Ethics in religion 3,486 112 B High
750 Jewish ethics 3,477 112 B Low
751 Gravitas 3,460 111 Start Low
752 Personal life 3,440 110 C Mid
753 Xunzi (philosopher) 3,419 110 B Mid
754 Justice (virtue) 3,406 109 Start Low
755 Pietas 3,405 109 C Low
756 Abortion in Ohio 3,404 109 B Low
757 Moralistic therapeutic deism 3,398 109 Start Low
758 Crimes against humanity under communist regimes 3,393 109 List Low
759 Value judgment 3,382 109 Start Mid
760 Eunoia 3,377 108 Stub Low
761 Temptation 3,361 108 Stub Low
762 Computer ethics 3,356 108 B Low
763 Ethical code 3,323 107 Start High
764 Persecution of Biharis in Bangladesh 3,316 106 Start Low
765 Fact–value distinction 3,312 106 Start High
766 History of ethics 3,298 106 Start High
767 Judaism and abortion 3,298 106 C Low
768 Ascribed status 3,281 105 C Low
769 Genocide denial 3,249 104 Start Mid
770 Preference 3,249 104 Start Low
771 Philosophy of happiness 3,232 104 C Mid
772 Beginning of human personhood 3,229 104 C Low
773 Double genocide theory 3,201 103 C Mid
774 Self-righteousness 3,198 103 Stub Low
775 Animal Liberation (book) 3,190 102 Start Low
776 Great ape personhood 3,188 102 C Low
777 Socially responsible investing 3,185 102 C Mid
778 Animal rights by country or territory 3,175 102 List Low
779 Human–animal marriage 3,172 102 Stub Low
780 Maurice Blanchot 3,167 102 Start Mid
781 Metaphysical naturalism 3,150 101 B Mid
782 Politeness 3,147 101 Start Mid
783 Engineering ethics 3,144 101 Start Mid
784 Bosnian genocide denial 3,128 100 GA Mid
785 Capital punishment in Australia 3,115 100 C Low
786 Race to the bottom 3,111 100 Start Low
787 An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding 3,102 100 B High
788 Happiness economics 3,099 99 B Low
789 Michel Onfray 3,089 99 C Low
790 Richard Price 3,077 99 C Low
791 Auctoritas 3,034 97 Start Low
792 Doctrine of the Mean 3,027 97 C High
793 After Virtue 3,001 96 Start Mid
794 Contentment 2,986 96 Stub Low
795 School of Salamanca 2,984 96 C Mid
796 Political ethics 2,972 95 C Mid
797 Three Fundamental Bonds and Five Constant Virtues 2,970 95 Start Mid
798 Universal law 2,957 95 Start Low
799 Act utilitarianism 2,954 95 Start Mid
800 Capital punishment in Georgia (U.S. state) 2,906 93 Start Low
801 Tanya (Judaism) 2,902 93 C Low
802 Committee on Standards in Public Life 2,897 93 C Low
803 Holocaust trivialization 2,894 93 Start Low
804 Decriminalization of sex work 2,891 93 B Low
805 Desert (philosophy) 2,881 92 Start Mid
806 Sincerity 2,880 92 Start Mid
807 Obedience (human behavior) 2,878 92 Start Mid
808 Dying 2,864 92 Start High
809 Philodemus 2,863 92 C Mid
810 Religion and abortion 2,851 91 B Mid
811 Pharmacological torture 2,850 91 Start Low
812 Descriptive ethics 2,818 90 Start High
813 New eugenics 2,817 90 Start Mid
814 Two wrongs don't make a right 2,787 89 Start Mid
815 Kuzari 2,785 89 C Low
816 Altruism (ethics) 2,767 89 C Low
817 T. M. Scanlon 2,764 89 Stub Low
818 Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam 2,753 88 Start Low
819 José Vasconcelos 2,750 88 C Mid
820 Internalism and externalism 2,742 88 C Mid
821 Corporate crime 2,740 88 Start Low
822 Moral psychology 2,732 88 C Mid
823 Homage (arts) 2,728 88 Stub Low
824 Playing God (ethics) 2,725 87 Stub Low
825 Doubt 2,723 87 Start Mid
826 Ashley Treatment 2,719 87 Start Low
827 Moral agency 2,718 87 C High
828 Interrogational torture 2,709 87 C Low
829 Critique of Practical Reason 2,704 87 B High
830 Hinduism and abortion 2,699 87 Start Low
831 John Finnis 2,685 86 C Mid
832 Self-denial 2,684 86 Start Low
833 False statement 2,661 85 Stub Low
834 1993 ethnic violence in Burundi 2,652 85 C Low
835 Necessary evil 2,651 85 Start Low
836 Ticking time bomb scenario 2,643 85 Start Low
837 Holocaust humor 2,642 85 Start Low
838 Utility monster 2,640 85 Start Low
839 Injustice 2,637 85 Start High
840 Malum prohibitum 2,625 84 Stub Low
841 Situational ethics 2,613 84 Start Mid
842 Malum in se 2,605 84 Stub Low
843 Stanley Hauerwas 2,602 83 B Low
844 Universality (philosophy) 2,593 83 Start Mid
845 Elite capture 2,576 83 C Low
846 Secular morality 2,573 83 Start High
847 Conciliation 2,566 82 Start Low
848 Incontinence (philosophy) 2,562 82 Redirect NA
849 Medical torture 2,557 82 C Low
850 Judith Jarvis Thomson 2,546 82 C Mid
851 Purity of arms 2,545 82 Start Low
852 Rwandan genocide denial 2,527 81 Start Low
853 Beneficence (ethics) 2,525 81 Start Low
854 Supererogation 2,520 81 Start Mid
855 Cardinal utility 2,514 81 C Mid
856 Homosexuality and Lutheranism 2,506 80 B Low
857 Religious humanism 2,505 80 Start Low
858 Bushido: The Soul of Japan 2,503 80 Start Mid
859 Humanists International 2,495 80 C Low
860 Research ethics 2,480 80 C Low
861 Aporophobia 2,475 79 Stub Low
862 Western lifestyle 2,465 79 C Low
863 Biosafety 2,462 79 B Low
864 Ecovillage 2,458 79 Start Low
865 Ethical subjectivism 2,456 79 Start Mid
866 Blame 2,454 79 C Mid
867 Meekness 2,454 79 Start Low
868 Moral reasoning 2,453 79 Start Mid
869 Enlightened self-interest 2,427 78 Start Mid
870 The Alignment Problem 2,409 77 Start Mid
871 Throw-away society 2,405 77 Start Low
872 Three Treasures (Taoism) 2,404 77 Start Low
873 Ideal (ethics) 2,400 77 Stub Mid
874 Non-cognitivism 2,398 77 Start Mid
875 Welfarism 2,387 77 Start Low
876 Christian views on lying 2,382 76 B Low
877 Thomas Reid 2,373 76 C Mid
878 Shaykh Tusi 2,363 76 Start Low
879 Elements of the Philosophy of Right 2,357 76 C High
880 Virtù 2,351 75 Stub Low
881 Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington 2,344 75 C Low
882 Ethics of cloning 2,344 75 Start Mid
883 Lifeboat ethics 2,338 75 Start Mid
884 Henry Sidgwick 2,326 75 B Mid
885 Mary Midgley 2,305 74 B Mid
886 Simon Blackburn 2,296 74 Start Mid
887 J. L. Mackie 2,294 74 Start Mid
888 Fair value 2,294 74 Start Low
889 Harry Frankfurt 2,293 73 C Mid
890 Persecution of Christians in the Eastern Bloc 2,290 73 C Low
891 John Hospers 2,288 73 C Low
892 Organizational justice 2,278 73 B Mid
893 Alvin Plantinga's free-will defense 2,271 73 GA Low
894 Greyhound racing in the United Kingdom 2,267 73 C Mid
895 Inappropriateness 2,266 73 Start Low
896 The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity 2,262 72 C Low
897 David Pearce (philosopher) 2,260 72 Start Low
898 Classicide 2,257 72 Start Low
899 Moral luck 2,253 72 Start Mid
900 Hep-Hep riots 2,235 72 Start Low
901 Humor 2,231 71 Redirect NA
902 Moral imperative 2,229 71 Stub Mid
903 Involuntary treatment 2,229 71 B Low
904 Fraternity (philosophy) 2,216 71 Stub Low
905 Racism in the work of Charles Dickens 2,196 70 B Low
906 Stephen Toulmin 2,194 70 C Mid
907 Open content 2,191 70 Redirect NA
908 Moral economy 2,189 70 Start Low
909 Promise 2,177 70 Start Mid
910 Hans Jonas 2,159 69 C Mid
911 Philosophy of desire 2,158 69 C High
912 Philosophy of technology 2,149 69 Start High
913 David Abram 2,143 69 Start Low
914 Paul Rée 2,125 68 Start Low
915 Genocide justification 2,125 68 C High
916 Musar movement 2,124 68 C Low
917 Environmental philosophy 2,114 68 Start Mid
918 Ulysses pact 2,113 68 Start Low
919 Preference utilitarianism 2,101 67 Stub Mid
920 Contextualism 2,101 67 Start High
921 Deontic logic 2,097 67 C High
922 Reverence (emotion) 2,096 67 Start Low
923 Societal racism 2,093 67 Start Low
924 Positivist school (criminology) 2,090 67 Start Low
925 Corruption in Canada 2,070 66 C Low
926 Pity 2,059 66 Start Mid
927 Nuclear safety and security 2,051 66 C Low
928 Paradox of nihilism 2,046 66 Start Low
929 Little Eichmanns 2,039 65 Start Low
930 Secular ethics 2,032 65 Start High
931 Half-truth 2,030 65 Start Low
932 Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi 2,023 65 C Mid
933 Reverence for Life 2,019 65 Start Mid
934 Argument from morality 2,016 65 GA Low
935 Ethical intuitionism 2,015 65 Start Mid
936 Householder (Buddhism) 2,009 64 C Low
937 Anti-environmentalism 2,008 64 Start Low
938 Buddhist view of marriage 2,000 64 Start Low
939 Ethical naturalism 1,999 64 Start Mid
940 Wrongdoing 1,994 64 Start Mid
941 Ethics in the Bible 1,994 64 B Mid
942 Impact of nanotechnology 1,993 64 C Mid
943 Elizabeth S. Anderson 1,979 63 C Mid
944 Bodhipakkhiyādhammā 1,968 63 C Low
945 Michael Huemer 1,963 63 Start Low
946 Vincible and invincible ignorance 1,963 63 Start Low
947 Objectivity (philosophy) 1,960 63 Redirect High
948 F. H. Bradley 1,953 63 C Mid
949 Toby Ord 1,952 62 C Low
950 Generosity 1,940 62 Start Low
951 Francis Hutcheson (philosopher) 1,940 62 C Mid
952 Moral courage 1,934 62 Start Low
953 Driving while black 1,934 62 C Low
954 Democracy in Iraq 1,927 62 C Low
955 Transvaluation of values 1,925 62 Stub Low
956 Mere addition paradox 1,919 61 Start Mid
957 Moral skepticism 1,907 61 Start Mid
958 Imagination age 1,905 61 C Low
959 Center for Humane Technology 1,899 61 Start Low
960 Academic integrity 1,899 61 Start Low
961 Namus 1,898 61 C Mid
962 Will Kymlicka 1,893 61 Start Mid
963 Racist 1,886 60 Redirect NA
964 Homosexuality and Methodism 1,884 60 Start Low
965 Protest art 1,875 60 Start Low
966 Moore v. Regents of the University of California 1,868 60 C Low
967 Marxist cultural analysis 1,864 60 C Mid
968 Cyberethics 1,860 60 Start Low
969 Person (Catholic canon law) 1,857 59 Start Low
970 Declaration of Geneva 1,854 59 Start Low
971 Science of morality 1,851 59 Start Mid
972 Philosophy of love 1,836 59 Start Mid
973 Bachelor tax 1,833 59 C Low
974 Aversive racism 1,832 59 Start Mid
975 Peter van Inwagen 1,829 59 Start Mid
976 The Sovereignty of Good 1,828 58 B Low
977 Jacob M. Appel 1,827 58 C Low
978 Moral high ground 1,824 58 Start Low
979 Paul Kurtz 1,824 58 Start Low
980 Reasons and Persons 1,815 58 Start Low
981 Criticism of marriage 1,813 58 C Low
982 Second Holocaust 1,802 58 Start Low
983 Faithfulness 1,799 58 Start Low
984 Hope (virtue) 1,796 57 Stub Mid
985 Tardiness 1,790 57 Stub Low
986 Educational perennialism 1,781 57 Start Low
987 Euthenics 1,772 57 C Mid
988 Courtesy call 1,768 57 Start Low
989 National Secular Society 1,760 56 Start Low
990 Jason Brennan 1,752 56 Start Low
991 Transformative justice 1,748 56 Start Low
992 Hryhorii Skovoroda 1,742 56 Start Low
993 Non-voluntary euthanasia 1,736 56 Stub Mid
994 Brotherly love (philosophy) 1,734 55 Stub Low
995 Evasion (ethics) 1,725 55 Stub Low
996 Abortion in New Zealand 1,725 55 C Low
997 Sidney Hook 1,723 55 Start Low
998 Luck egalitarianism 1,716 55 Stub Mid
999 Popular sovereignty in the United States 1,712 55 Start Mid
1000 Ingrid Robeyns 1,712 55 Start Low