Wikipedia:WikiProject Conservatism/Categories

The Conservatism category structure is constructed so as to conveniently capture almost every article related to conservatism.

Article-related edit

Conservatism(22 C, 70 P)
Conservatism by country(81 C, 1 P)
Conservatism templates(5 C, 90 P)
Anti-abortion movements(5 C, 30 P)
Books about conservatism(1 C, 23 P)
Christian democracy(11 C, 21 P)
Conservative parties(12 C, 25 P)
Fiscal conservatism(1 C, 14 P)
LGBT conservatism(1 C, 156 P)
Liberal conservatism(1 C, 22 P)
Conservative media(3 C, 20 P)
National conservatism(3 C, 23 P)
Progressive conservatism(7 C, 24 P)
Reactionary(11 C, 40 P)
Religious fundamentalism(13 C, 4 P)
Sadaejuui(5 P)
Social conservatism(15 C, 34 P)

Portal-related edit

no subcategories

Project-related edit

Subpages edit

Project subpages
Talk subpages