Assignments #1 and #2


Welcome to Wikipedia! It looks like you've successfully completed assignments #1 and #2 for our class. Assignment #3 (handed out last Monday) is to find several articles on electrochemistry or related topics that you think need some improvement, and describe what they need briefly on my talk page. See you in class! -- Sethant (talk) 05:54, 29 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Assignments #3 and #4


Looks like you've completed assignments #3 and #4! -- Sethant (talk) 05:30, 20 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Review for assignment #5


Howdy! For your first review for Wikipedia assignment #5, check out the proposed edits made at User:Clee845/sandbox and leave a comment about something you like and something you think they could improve further! - Sethant (talk) 04:48, 22 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Notes on Revision



Your changes from the old section to the new one are amazing! Two quick notes:

1. Try rereading it, there are a few missing commas and what not. Not that big of a deal, only minor.

2. If possible, try and separate the galvanic cell facts from the electrolysis facts a little better. When they are in the same paragraph, it feels as if there is a little too much information that would seem extremely conflicting for someone who knew little of these cells.

Other than those two, nice job! What an improvement! :)

Kristagoit (talk) 02:53, 8 June 2013 (UTC)Reply