Your recent edits to Wikipedia:Help desk could give editors of Wikipedia the impression that you may consider legal or other "off-wiki" action against them, or against Wikipedia itself. Please note that this is strictly prohibited under Wikipedia's policies on legal threats and civility. Users who make such threats may be blocked. If you have a genuine dispute with the Community or its members, please use dispute resolution. If you chose to take or threaten legal action, you should stop editing wikipedia and communication directly with the Foundation DES (talk) 17:37, 23 April 2007 (UTC)Reply

I have indefinitely blocked this account per our policy on legal threats made on the help desk here. If you are willing to retract them, then I will unblock this account. To indicate your willingness to do so, simply leave a message saying so on this page. Veinor (talk to me) 17:36, 23 April 2007 (UTC) I am willing to retract my legal threat- ArtsOnLineReply