Who Am I edit

My name is Winston Dyer, I am 14 years old, and I was born in Columbia, Missouri. I am a very outgoing and extroverted person who loves to talk (maybe a little to much). I come from North Mexican, and White ethnicity.

Why Did I Join Wikipedia edit

I had always been very interested in learning new things even if they aren't related to me whatsoever. This interest in learning new and random things brought me to Wikipedia where I found fun in using the random article button to see what I could learn next.

Why start editing edit

While mindlessly going though article after article, I realized something. I love learning new things and many others do as well, but others (even I) learn biased, incorrect, and out of date information all the time. I didn't want this problem to befall others or me ever again, so I put myself on a mission, that mission being that I will edit all wrongdoings and misinformation I see on all articles I come across.