Chinese modern food culture




  The contemporary Chinese diet culture is extensive and profound. Chinese diet culture is a wide-ranging, deep-seated, multi-angle, high-taste cultural region.It is the convenient creation of the Chinese people in the practice of production and life, in the development of food sources, the development of food utensils, food conditioning, nutrition and health care, and aesthetic taste of diet and so on.It has four main features.

  Firstly, various flavors. Because of the vast territory, climate, products, customs and habits of our country, there are many differences in the modern diet.For example ,there are many genres of Chinese cuisine in cooking. Among them, the most influential and representative ones are: Lu, Sichuan, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan and Huizhou cuisine, that is, the "eight great dishes" in China.

  secondly,pay attention to beauty. Chinese food, not only exquisite production technology, but also pay attention to the modern beauty of dishes. Pay attention to the color of food, incense, flavor, shape, but also pay attention to the coordination of utensils.For example, the aesthetic performance of dishes is multi-faceted, whether a carrot, or a pumpkin, can be carved out of a variety of shapes.In this way, the harmony and unity of color, incense, taste, shape and beauty are achieved, and the special enjoyment of spiritual and material unity is given.

  Thirdly ,pay attention to interest. We also have certain requirements for the naming of food in modern times. Some are named according to materials, others are named according to myths and legends. Very interesting images, such as family photo, lion head, Dongpo meat.

  Fourthly, the combination of food and medicine, our country's modern food and health care has a close relationship. Use the medicinal value of food raw materials to make various delicacies to achieve the purpose of prevention and treatment of certain diseases diseases. For instance ,simply heat carrots, which contain vitamin A to help the liver remove toxins and reduce fat in the liver.

    All in all ,Chinese modern food culture is an important part of Chinese culture, and Chinese cuisine plays an important role in Chinese culture.



See also

  1. Chinese cuisine
  1. List of Chinese dishes
  1. A Bite of China

Chinese modern food culture