Bamhu is a beautiful village in Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh state in India. It is situated about 30 km away from the Nyaydhani Bilaspur. Bilaspur is also a sub-district headquarter of Bamhu Village . Bamhu village is also a Gram panchayat.The nearest town to Bamhu is Ratanpur which is also famous for the divine Mahamaya Temple.Bamhhu is approximately 15 kms from Ratanpur.

The total geographic area of the village is 561.84 hectare. It has the total population of 1595 peoples.There are a lot of means to reach the village.Public and private bus service is most preferable mean of travel, which is available throughout the day.Railways station is situated more then 15 kms from village. The nearby villages of Bamhu are:

  • Beltara
  • Nagpura
  • Gidhauri
  • Tekar
  • Akaltari
  • Madanpur
  • Garhwat
  • Newsa
Bamhu Overview
gram panchayat Bamhu
Block/Telsil Bilaspur
district Bilaspur
State Chhattisgarh
Pin code 495442
Area 561.84 hectare
Population 1595
Household 329
Nearest Town Ratanpur