Does anyone know precisely what causes phantom scrollbars in <math display=block>?










In my browser, they not only cause an eyesore, but also hijack my mouse scrollwheel/touchpad scoll gesture so that it only scrolls the math container box rather than the whole page. It's incredibly frustrating.

A: Eq 5, colon-indented w/out blank lines


before or after.

B: Eq 5, colon-indented w/ blank line after, close before:


C: Eq 5, colon-indented w/ blank line before...


... and close after.

D: Eq 5, disp=block w/out blank lines

before or after.

E: Eq 5, disp=block w/ blank line after, close before:


F: Eq 5, disp=block w/ blank line before...

... and close after.