

my real nickname is Itwongo.



i really like videogames, drawing random characters and watching funny flash cartoons. truthfully, i also like to play pranks on Wikipedia as a hobby =P. i'm a pastafarian. i also like tinkering with apliances and such.

Cartoon Characters


All of these characters are roomates excluding Father Figure, SciGuy, The Peas, and Overlord.

--Sandwich Bob: Bob is a sandwich, reportedly made with white bread, mustard, mayonaise, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and s'mores. he is a fugitive from the law for blowing up Fort Knox. he is also an avid Seattle Seahawks fan

--Rico: a green alien guy with a big yellow afro who is obsessed with weapons of every sort. he has two particular favorites; the minigun and the Atomic Beam Cannon of Death and Destruction, A.B.C.D.D.

--Leonard and Lyle: the first characters i made. they're just simple stick figures. and brothers.

--The Mooing Pigeon: the mooing pigeon is one of my most glamourous characters, supposedly being a prophet of Overlord. he can only say moo, nothing else.

--Father Figure: just a father figure. never seen without a pipe or a hand on his hip, and never heard saying anything besides stories and morals of stories. oh! and he has a moustache.

--Mr. McKill: Rico's best friend. he is short, gray, and usually carries around huge battleaxes, which are HIS favorite weapon.

--SciGuy: i made him one day when i was bored. he has grayish-blue hair and is never seen without a hand in his pocket and a beaker in the other. he taught Lenny, Lyle, Rico, Eggs, Kegs, El Bandido, and Mr. McKill(then Tyke Michael aka Myke) in the first grade. he apparently doesn't age.

--Spunky the Happy Bear: the name says it all, man.

--El Bandido: a short guy with a stache, sombrero, and speaks with a thick "spanish-sidekick" voice. you never see his eyes.

--Eggs and Kegs: one's an egg, the others a keg. they're brothers and love to goof off all the time.

--The Peas: a gigantic supercolony of super-intelegent peas. though they don't bother using their intellegence to make weapons (the have no arms or legs, but they can fly and have fangs), they have giant underground supercities powered solely on geothermal energy. if angered, the peas will burst out of the ground in a massive armada, and will obliterate whatever caused the disturbance. as is quoted by Father Figure, "don't piss off the peas".

--Hobo Joe: a hobo guy who is quite wise. he likes the hobo life and frequently travels all over town. he can play guitar and carries those hobo stick things around. he has many associates, but always travels alone.

--Needsaname: some weird tree guy. he needs a name.

--Fishbox: a box of fish who says fish alot and likes fishy fish who phish. lives in Fishnia.

--Grba The Magical Mirror Whale: a giant talking mirror whale.



that, and i also have a website. it's called [1]