Sam Kessell, born in 1998, in a small village in Cornwall, England. His legal name, Sam Thorn, he claimes "He doesn't like that last name as many bullied him at school about his last name, and he had some issues with his real father, of which aren't resolved." (even though his father has always been willing to enter into whatever dialogue Sam wants to resolve his issues) and then continued on his Twitter page to say "Kessell is a nicer name to be known as and I prefer it to Thorn as many insults can be made about that last name...with Kessell there is only one and I take it as banter!" He rode Off-road bikes as a young child, gained his first bike (Yamaha YZ65) when he was 7 years old, once he started to show he had talents on a bike, his step-father sold the Yamaha YZ65 and bought him a larger bike but of the same manufacturer, Yamaha. Kessell then showed a stronger sense of talent when he rode at Enduro-cross track, St- Marks (Track named after his step-father), he then progressed on to enduro races and participated in his first race at Twin Oaks. He then 'tweeted' "I have lost all my intrest in Enduros and I would rather start motocross", and his step-father sold his Yamaha YZ85 to one pf his friends and bought him a Honda CR125R once he turned 15 he then participated in his first motocross race in Landrake, Cornwall, of which he enjoyed, he is still to this day racing with Honda and still racing in the South West Region. Through-out his racing, he grew a group of friends, he then founded 'THE VIPER CREW' and Kessell added his friends to that list of rider in 'THE VIPER CREW'. They are still together to this day. Kessell, 15, is currently racing under 56 and that number has stayed with him since his Yamaha YZ85 (his second bike) and that number was given to him at his first race. On a GoogleHangout he did in early 2013 he went into more detail of his strong feelings for his real father. However, the truth about his real father is very different to that known by Sam. His real father divorced Sam's Police officer mother after he found out about her numerous affairs with police colleagues. Sam's real father, Matt Thorn tried very hard to tolerate the constant lies and abuse caused by Sam's mother, eventually he was physically assaulted by her new boyfriend to the point of needing hospital treatment. Matt realised that no matter how hard he tried to be a good father Sam and his sister would never view him in a truthful light. Sam's real dad had stated how incredibly proud he is of Sam and how he preys that one day Sam will seek to meet him and talk over Sam's problem. However, Sam must realise that most of what he believes to be true is not. The real truth will be difficult for Sam to deal with and it may take many years before Sam is ready to deal with it.