O’Neal Lancy Abel – photographer, art director, graphic designer, dancer, Viet Nam Veteran. August 8, 1941- born 106th St. and Fifth Ave. (what used to be called Flower Fifth Ave.) Parents: Mother, Malvine Sewer from St. John, Virgin Island. Father, Lapole Abel from St. Croix, Virgin Island. Art Director of Crisis Magazine for four years in the early 1980s. Studied graphic design at New York City Community College in Brooklyn, NY. A graphic design freelancer. Photography: Malcom X photos exhibited at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. Collages – displayed at Harlem Hospital Gallery on the second floor. His photographs were featured in Reflections in Black: A History of Black Photographers, 1840 to the Present.[1] Performed with the Eddie Torres Dance Company at the Apollo with Tito Pontes scholarship. Featured as a dancer in the movie in Carlito’s Way starring Al Pacino. Was taught to dance Mambo on Two by his brother, Roger L. Abel. Danced at the Corso on 86th St and Third Ave. Taught dance classes at the Y with Jesse Hamiton who called the group The Mambo Phonetics. Danced on tour in Canada. Photographed mostly musicians and dancers. Took photos at a rally on 125th St., Malcom X, Dick Gregory, Percy Sutton, and the first black Manhattan Borough

President Hulan Jack.
  1. ^ "Reflections in Black: A History of Black Photographers, 1840 to the Present". pp. 172, and 211